Hello friends/prayer warriors!
My sweet friend Marsha called me yesterday asking for prayer and asking if you would all pray for her family and little baby Sage Hope.
From Marsha:
We learned on Friday that the court overruled the county's recommendation to refuse any reunification rights to the parents. The parents and grandmother were all granted visitation rights.
Mom and Dad did not show up in court, and quite frankly, it is unlikely that they will inititate any effort to visit with our little Sage. Grandma was in court and is "relieved she gets to see the baby." Although this is troubling to me, we have been told it is actually standard procedure and ultimately will protect us, because the parents will never be able to come back on the eve of our adoption and protest that they were never given any rights. I've been told it's better that they have them now because it's so unlikely that they will do anything about it and therefore, the rights can expire. (I don't know the timetable for that.)
Grandma is in her early 60s and obviously not in a position to take on an infant, but she wants her "friend" to have her. (???) Although that is also a longshot, I cannot deny what I know is a spiritual (and legal) battle for this little girl that I feel so sure God has chosen for us. I'm am hoping Grandma is acting out in fear and once her fears are put to rest, maybe she'll agree we are the best place for her little granddaughter and will stop the struggle for her custody. We have instructed our social worker (who will be at the meeting on Monday) to tell grandma that we are willing to incorporate her as an extended family member and allow her to build a relationship with little Sage. We are hoping this dispels her fears and she'll back off her pursuit. (This, of course, is contingent on the fact that she's not a fruitcake like the parents!) I'm reflecting on the possibility that this Grandma is thinking about her little granddaughter who has been swept away by strangers and she fears she'll never see her again. We don't intend to isolate Sage from her if Grandma is stable. We'd welcome more love for little Sage and maybe it will fill any holes in Sage's heart as she grows and may question from where or from whom she came.
I am terrified but also determined. I am asking each of you prayer warriors to rally on behalf of our family and our little daughter. Several of us will be fasting and if you feel so led, please join us. If that's a commitment you can't make, PLEASE join us in FERVENT prayer, CONSTANT prayer, INTERCESSORY prayer over the coming weeks/months as these court wranglings play out. We are madly in love, and I crumble at the thought of losing her. I have been so sure this week that God has told me she is staying with us, but in the midst of these uncertain proceedings and knowing that the enemy is mad that another child will be raised in a Christian home as one of God's soldiers, I have begun to doubt what I once felt God assured me. I know you understand how emotions can cloud messages. At moments, I feel so secure and at moments, I feel like I'm caving emotionally.
So specifically, we ask you to pray that we will not lose little Sage, and that in fact, she is in our family and home to stay. We ask you to pray that reunification rights for mom and dad will be terminated on a shorter timetable. Pray that if they show up to Monday's meeting (which the social workers are trying to arrange) that they will confirm their original intentions to give her up for adoption. Please pray for Grandma's heart to be softened to us and that she will agree, in time, that Sage is exactly where she should be: with us. Pray that Grandma will be a healthy relationship in Sage's life and that she will welcome the opportunity to be a part of our family. Pray that the visitation that Grandma gets isn't too burdensome on our family. Pray that Grandma will set aside her efforts to get her "friend" to have custody of Sage. Pray that the attorney assigned to Sage will get in contact with us and we will find favor in his/her eyes since he is a loud voice in the court with regards to advising the court what's best for Sage. Pray that that attorney will find US to be the best situation for Sage. Pray that the county continues to push for adoption and not reunification. (The more people we have on our side, the better.) Pray that Grandma will see the bond that's already developed when she does have visitation. Pray that Grandma does not fear our situation but will find benefit in her being raised with us and Grandma joining us as an extended family member.
Oh my gosh...honestly, I'm just crying out to you all as vulnerably as I can for you to band together on our behalf. We covet each and every prayer. We cannot let up because the enemy is ticked and he's already hitting.....Please help us in protecting our newest little addition! And feel free to pass this along to anyone who has a steadfast prayer life. We need Christ's army to go into battle for us.
This mommy is so in love with her little baby Sage. (I took this picture of her at Faith's bday party) She is so precious! Pray! Pray! Pray! ...if you wouldn't mind leaving a comment saying your praying...Let's show our support on behalf of this family!!!!!!

FYI: The birth mom NEVER fed her for a day in the hospital. And this whole time the nurses had NO CLUE what was going on! Day two they gave her a choice to name her and the mom said NO! She wanted nothing to do with the baby and never held her never took one picture nothing she was not wanting to participate. The mom was on meth but baby Sage is healthy and beautiful and is with a family who loves her and proudly named her!!!! Let's pray baby Sage is kept safe with this sweet family!
I will be praying!
My family will pray that this gift from heaven stay where it should with its "family" that was chosen by God to love it with all their hearts, my sister went through a similar ordeal with natural born sisters and has finally got an adoption date. So please keep the faith God is Good....
I am praying for baby Sage and her new family!
We will be praying hard for baby Sage. This is tragic and we're hoping that the people who make the decisions will KNOW she IS already where she belongs!
This is idiocy, obviously Baby Sage should be with Marsha!
She is such a sweet baby and I don't think she would be better in any other family. You can tell Marsha loves that baby as it were her own and those kids love her too! We will be praying that she stays where she belongs.
I'll definitely be praying for baby Sage - this breaks my heart.
Praying for baby sage and the paticks!
We are praying for baby Sage! I have always thought that it is tragic how babies can be taken from their LOVING adoptive parents.
I am certainly praying for baby Sage, and spreading the word. :-)
As one who has prayed this prayer for my own little ones, I understand and will be praying for this blessing of a forever family.
We will be praying! Having adopted three already I can relate to the process. I don't know exactly what route they are taking to adopt, but if it is a CPS case she needs to be very careful sharing Sage's information. I say that with a helpful spirit in hopes that everything goes extremely smooth on her road to adoption.
My Family and I are praying for this sweet baby and her family!!! God is Faithful! May Gods greatness shine through this whole ordeal!!!
Sage and her family are in my prayers. I will pray that God speaks to the hearts of all so that everything is done in the best interest of sage according to his will.
Our prayers are with baby sage & family!
PRAYING IN PITTSBURGH PA!!!!!! Keep us posted.
Praying, been through this too....it's good to keep Grandma involved to a degree....I agree with one of the writers please be careful of how much you devulge and also try to keep your residence address from the grandma...meet at public places....you never know and I went through the mom threatning to show up at my home (grandma let it slip)....We will keep praying.
Been there done it, know JUST how she feels! Praying for Sage and Marsha!
Was the adoption finalized already? The story takes me back to 2002. My daughter is now 8, born in 2001, she was also born to a drug addicted mother. Although the birth mother signed away her parental rights, we had to fight for 2 years against the imprisoned birth father and mother (Paternal Grandmother). It now brings tears to my eyes remembering how our hearts hurt. We finally agreed to a post adoption contact if the father gave up his rights and the right to appeal, which he did. God had his plans for us all lined up, as I thought how horrible it was going to be for our daughter to have visitation with a grandma she hardly knew. It only went on for 6 months and now it has been 3 years since any contact has been made...So I can definately feel your pain..it's there 24/7 that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach..I know...you are in my prayers! Faby cilsmygirl@yahoo.com
I'm definitely praying for GOD's will here in Sage's life.
I am praying for Sage!
I am just now reading this and I am praying, praying, praying!
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