Giveaway ended...I will have more giveaways coming soon...
Simple Wonder Diapers were nice enough to send me different cloth diapers to try. So here I am doing a review on what I found out about cloth diapers and which brand I liked best. Remember, I have NEVER tried cloth diapers before so this was all new to me. My husband still thought cloth diapers came with safety pins so he was just thinking I have lost my mind in even wanting to try cloth. (like I needed to make my days harder.)
So, what was a week of cloth diapering like for mom and dad and two babies???
Easy Pee-sy!
Even my husband could do it! ha
And the fact that they were cute and hello...PINK!

You can get them in all kinds of cute colors. It beats just plain white with Minnie and Mickey or Elmo on it right? haha...
I found my fav to be the all in one Bumgenius 3.0 one size.
These have the distinct advantage of being literally just like disposable diapers except instead of tossing them in the garbage, you toss them in the wash! No biggy! They come with a waterproof cover built right into the absorbent cotton making them the easiest diaper to use. Parents like us who are often reluctant to use cloth end up really loving these because they really are so similar to disposables. As you know our family is always on the go so I was afraid of going cloth for the fact that I would have stinky cloth diapers with me until we got home. I just carried a cute PINK wetbag and put the diapers in there.
I also liked the fact that these diapers are one size. So I can buy them to fit a newborn or a 3yr old. Saves money!
Washing was easy too. I washed them every other day which is recommend.
No folding, no stuffing, no cover required!
This diaper also has a soft leg elastic that helps keep even the messiest messes in the diaper where they belong!
And if you kids pee like race horses (as my sister would say) and you need super absorbent then I would recommend the hemp inserts or loopy-do inserts for daytime and super-do inserts for night time.
I only used the hemp insert at night and the diaper lasted from about 10pm to 8am on both girls!
They have very streeeeetchy Velcro tabs that fit Farrah's big belly as well as Finley's.
It is not only super absorbent, but also dries very quickly. What more could you want from a diaper?? And did I mention they are cute!
Simple Wonder Diapers is sponsoring a giveaway here on this blog just for you! All you have to do is leave a comment on why you would like to try cloth or if you already are a fan of cloth why you love it. Also you can pick between Bumgenius (my fav) or Drybees. (you can pick the color and brand after you win.) Winner will be picked by this Thursday.
For all of you who would like to order cloth diapers they are offering FREE shipping on all orders of $75 or more and you can email Simple Wonder Diapers at
and just mention Don't Blink and they will give you a coupon code for 5% off your total order.
Have fun cleaning those bums:)
I would like to try cloth diapers because I need to do anything to save money! :)
I would love to try cloth diapers.
I am eager to try cloth diapers to help the environment and save money. It seems they've come such a long ways over the years, and I'd love the opportunity to try them on my newest addition due this Fall.
I love cloth because they are great for my baby's skin and they're adorable!
I have tried a few different kinds of cloth diapers, and I have to agree that Bumgenius is hard to beat!!
hey bridget! i'd be so interested in trying these out!! i'll have 3 under 3 (my 3rd due in 12 weeks) and would love to help the environment as well as my pocket book!!! One quick question for you: how many do you think you need per baby??
LOL! So glad you like them! I told you it was easy although I use the Bum Genius 3.0 One Size Pockets cuz I was told by many mommy friends that they take a lot longer to dry when the are AIO (All In Ones) But I just love these diapers they are so darn cute! Don't cha wish you'd have started earlier?? I sure do! Good luck with it!
Heather~ On the Homefront
Hope I am not too late:) I would love to try these rather than huggies. Love them but we use regular huggies and overnights so it gets expensive!
We love cloth diapering! Even my husband comments on how easy it is. We use a variety of brands, but primarily Bumgenius. However, after about 5 months of use they started repelling moisture and started leaking at night and naptime :( I'm in the process of "stripping" them so hopefully we can start using them again.
My favorite thing about CDs is that it saves a ton of $$!
I would love to try cloth diapers for my second little one. My first born had horrible diaper rash and I think this may help with the problem for the second!
I've been thinking about trying to cloth diaper. Maybe this will be the motivation I need. I'd like to save money. :)
I would like to try them because they are better for the environment and I need to save money! :)
I'd like to give it a try since my son does pee like a race horse. ha
I'd like to try cloth because I have twins 15 month olds who "pee like a race horse". I swear I am ALWAYS changing diapers. This is a super cool giveaway....
I would love to try cloth diapers because soon I will have two small ones in diapers (yet again) and I can't even imagine all of the disposable ones I've sent to the landfills that are just sitting there. Pretty gross!
I love my BumGenius 2.0 cloth diapers. I couldn't afford the 3.0 versions, so I hope I win so I can try the new & improved ones!!
Because I've been using disposable for 5 kids and at some point I need to stop wasting money on them and take the plunge and buy some cloth diapers, for Pete's sake
okay, that's it!!! I am trying cloth - on my 4th who is 2 months old - my hubby doesn't want cloth for the same reason yours did - so maybe if I win some free I can convince him!
I have two in diapers and as you know from your previous post I am very skeptical of cloth being worth all the effort. I would love for you to prove to me that it is great and then I could humbling admit I was so very wrong and spread the word. Actually, as I was tossing one of my sons "toxic stink bombs" today (double wrapped in a plastic bag) I was thinking even if that disposable would break down that plastic bag around it is gonna protect it for years.... so, I do worry about that and it really bothers me. Thanks for the onderful information!!!
... the WONDERFUL information!
I NEED to start using cloth diapers! I'm now down to 2 in diapers (it was 3 for a while) and I'll be having another baby in Dec. I hate the thought of every diaper going into a landfill...and costing me so much!
I would LOVE to try - anything to cut down the grocery bill:)
thanks for the info!! i really learned a lot! like your husband, i was thinkin old school pin diapers!! this might be something i'm interested in!!
This is great. I have been contemplating and researching cloth for a couple months. My husband is sceptical. I would love to win:)
I have been researching cloth diapers for a few months now. I was so excited when I heard you were interested in them too and that you were going to try them and publish your findings! Even if I don't win the contest I am going to be placing an order soon and at least getting the 5% discount!!! Thanks for doing this!
I would like to win the cloth diapers to donate to my friend who is currently a missionary to Kenya. Disposable are SO expensive there, as you could imagine.
Hook me up, Bridg!
My husband and I are expecting our first, so I'm entering because we'd love to start out with cloth =)
I am a huge bumGenius 3.0 AIO fan! I think that sometimes I should be their spokesperson! ha! And I totally agree with you...they are super cute! I use them to save money, but truthfully, I think I would no matter what because they are so adorable! :)
I'm getting ready to order the next size up so thanks for the free shipping info!
I have always said NO WAY to CD'ing I hate laundry, and the thought of adding more to my already crazy amount seems insane, however I know it would save us so much money so I really should give it a try!
I have two in diapers and I've thought about trying cloth... but thought there were still pins involved! I have also been afraid of being out and about with stinky leaky diapers-yuck! You have inspired me to try them out. If I win, I would love to try the bumgenius. My e-mail is
Me Me Me! Pick Me! heheh...
First, I would like to stop sending both my kids diapers to sit in landfills, and second, saving money is always good! I was just thinking about using the G Diapers, but seeing how far cloth diapers have come along, I'm leaning towards cloth! Thanks!
I have used cd's in the past and loved them, it was an addiction, too many cute covers! I have not used them nearly as often I should have with Emma who's now 22 months, but it's never too late (well unless she was potty trained) and since she is already telling me when she does go potty, no better time than to get some more, especially ones I can use on our next baby (no doubt I'll get pregnant once my hubby is home from Iraq!!).
I would love to try these!!
God bless-
I love cloth diapering because it is best for baby, best for the earth and best for my wallet!
I love cloth diapering because its great for the environment and cloth diapers have certainly come a loooong way at making things much easier!
I have found cloth to be far better thatn disposables! My little one blows out of every disposable out there, but his bumGenius hold it all in! I would love to add to my collection, tho! Thanks for the giveaway! And I am SO glad to see more and more people who are interested in cloth... MUCH better for the environment!
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