We all know I love kids......
I've received some emails asking if we would consider adoption.
Adoption is something we are definitely praying about.
God is opening up our hearts to adoption now more than ever before.
I really love this quote:
I know God won't give me anything I can't handle.
I just wish he didn't trust me so much
Mother Teresa
I can't wait to see what God has in store for our family!
Someone also sent me these verses:)
And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.
--- Matthew 18:5
God sets the lonely in families.
--- Psalm 68:6
I would love to hear a little bit about your adoption story. How did you go about the process etc. If you have a link to your blog please leave it so I can read your adoption story. You can also email me at carlsbadryan@aol.com
Since this picture has Aven in it does this mean you are offering to adopt him for whenever I want to drop him off? ha jk
Hi Bridget, I was a foster parent for years, had the opportunity to adopt a boy whom I had from 3 weeks to 3 years. Because of the demise of my marriage I couldn't. I understand throughly both sides, that love for a child that you did not give birth to and the heart ache giving him up. As I am typing it brings tears to my eyes. He was adopted by a childless couple and is doing great. My heart goes out to the mothers who give them up, who have lost them due to the same situation as your friend (it was her gain for sure~my Eric was a drug baby too)to the parents adopting them and loving them as if they gave birth to them. No price tag for love. I enjoyed every moment of those three years. It's funny I was 6 months pregnant with my Rebecca when I got him, people would ask if they were twins.... I laughed (he was black/asian) and my Rebecca very similar to your Farrah...I would say of course (and then whisper "but they do not have the same father" they would gasp!)...I crack up just thinking about it! Keep praying, it will always be God's will!
I don;t have an adoption story... but am starting to love to hear about the experience more and more. Seems that it takes a pretty special family to want to reach out so intiamtely. Someday I hope I can do it!
God bless-
We are foster parents, awaiting the final paperwork to adopt our son, Aaron. Hopefully, the Lord will bless us by allowing us to adopt our daughter, "Baby Girl" soon.
It's been a wild (and emotional) ride, but one where we've seen God clearly through every step.
Hi Bridget. I would be happy to share my story with you. I have 4 bio boys ages 18,21,24 and 26. I have always known that adoption was in my future. I was not sure how and where but it was going to happen.
When my youngest son was about 9 he was playing on a football team with a little boy who had two sisters adopted from Korea. I became very good friends with the mom. The more we talked about adoption and Korea the more interested I became.
We attended an adoption meeting at the agency that my friend adopted from years before. My husband cut the agency a check that night. We were put on the list and 15 months later we met our daughter Olivia (Korea)at the airport. She was 5 months old.
We knew we wanted to adopt one more time giving Livi a sister and someone to share her adoption story with. We chose China. 13 months after signing on to China I flew with my youngest son to bring our 8 month old daughter Addison home.
If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them : ) feel free to link my blog www.crazy-eight.blogspot.com
i would love to share a little about our 2 adoption stories...both very different. what is it that you are looking for specifically...and, well, it's kinda exciting! and always, link up to me for any questions from anyone.
b...she's a private adoption. jk is a foster care adoption, with a whole story behind all that. adoption has been soooo awesome and i love our kiddos fam's and bmoms. we are better peeps for having all of them in our lives too.
wanna know more? i'll answer! and thanks!
Love that quote!
Well...I don't really have an adoption story except for the fact that we were going to adopt a 13 year old about 6 years ago. Neil & I went to an orphanage on a missions trip to Guatemala and fell in love with Sonia. We wanted her, but she was so loved that another family claimed her 2 weeks before we did. I was on the bus leaving the orphange..hanging over my friend Mike as I was sobbing with my waves and goodbyes as I left her. She wanted me to be her mom...but God had another plan. She lives in North Carolina now and we communicate through e-mail. She has a lot of hurt..and sometimes we talk about that. But ever since then, the seed of adoption has been in my heart. Hmmm...who knows what's next???
We've adopted 6 children. 4 through foster care and 2 privately. All our children were born drug exposed. Mostly-METH. We have become advocates for drug endangered children. We have 2 sets of siblings and 1 all on her own. A sibling set of 3 now ages 3, 8 & 10 and a sib set now age 4 & 2. We are open with all birth mothers and feel God wants us to treat them the way he treats us. We had 4 babies at once at one point and it has just turned out PHENOMENAL! Check out our blog for our story :) HUGS! Link to me ANY time-no permission needed!
I would be humbly blessed if you added my blog link on your blog! If you email me with specific adoption questions I would be happy to answer them for you too--mccourtney3@yahoo.com
Wow! It's really weird that I came across your blog today, since I just posted about adoption too!
I don't really have an adoption story but my mom is adopted and so is my sister-in-law.
Brian & I offered to adopt the unborn baby of a friend who's girlfriend wanted to abort at 20wks. We prayed about it and were at peace with the decision to try to save that precious life. Unfortunately she either carried out her plan or miscarried (the truth is unclear) and it was not meant to be. But we are still open to the idea if the opportunity presented itself again.
Thank you everyone for sharing your stories! Very touching! I look forward to hearing more as I have been emailed about more of you sharing. Thank you for being so open. Blessings:)
WoW!!! that is soo exciting....My husband and I have always wanted to adopt we actually started looking into it before we got pregnant. I talked to alot of moms from our church and got alot of information, our church actually has sooo many resources for adoption I think its the best way to go....they help you alot and sooo many families from the church are their to help. Im not sure if you know the big family of 8 (cant think of their last name right now) but they have three of their own and have adopted 5. ages 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6. I talk to the oldest daughter alot cause she is in HS and absolutely loves the kids her family has adopted and tells me soo many great stories. they are such an inspiration to me. I will keep you and your fam in my prayers.
We went through San Diego County Adoptions and now have two children. Our daughter arrived three years ago yesterday. She was 5 and had been in foster care for three years with 10 different placements. The road for her has been hard emotionally (if you'd like, I'll email specific details but desire not to post everything online). Life is so drastically different for her now (for the better). Then eight months later, the birthmother had a son. She was in jail at the time and the boy immediately went into foster care (via our home). We got to pick him up from the hospital and he has been with us ever since. Going through the county it took 20-25 months for the entire process since parental rights were not yet terminated. The county has offered us great support for both children and have acted as a mediator with their native tribe (the children are Alaskan Native and my husband and I are not native). Again, I am available to share more personally. My blog is http://sdpastorshome.blogspot.com/ and I can be reached at cora_sykes@yahoo.com
My thoughts and prayers are with you as you make your decision.
You are really inspiring! I found your blog a few months ago and have been in awe of what a wonderful family you have and what a great person you seem. I apologize that my first comment isn't a happy one - I was wondering if you knew any details about April Rose? I found the blog through the button on your site, and today just went to the following: http://audreycaroline.blogspot.com/2009/06/april-rose.html -- I am horrified and saddened! :(
Hello, I was 7 years old when I told my parents that I was not having chilren "the normal way". Not sure if I knew what the normal way was. LOL But I went on to tell them that my children woud be born in othere countries and God would lead me to them. I even gave them the age I would be would I would became a parent. Believe it or not years later at the exact age I was indeed led to Vietnam and adopted a beautiful baby girl. I was her referral when she was 3 weeks old and met her when she was 5 weeks old and adopted her about 40 dyas later. She is an amazing blessing that I could not imagine life without. Vietnam closed a few months after we returned home in 2002. In 2005 I decided to adopt again and decided prepared a dossier for China. Although my dossier was done in February 2005 it sat and wait at my agency (for a large enough group) and was DTC May 25, 2005 and LIS June 13, 2005 and I received my referral May 25, 2006. My second daughter was 11 months when she came home. I adopted both times as a single mom.
I love to share more just ask.
sure whats another mouth to feed
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