Happy Father's Day and sorry I didn't get you a card:( but posting about you on my blog is way better than a card..jk!
I don't think I take enough time to really brag on my husband. This blog is always about the kids... I just want to say that I love my husband and the daddy that he is to our kids....
I love watching my husband with our kids. I love hearing him from a distance say proudly, "yes, they are all mine." I will be eternally greatful for all the time he pours into them. I love that he has grown into a man of God and sets a good example for our kids. I love that he has his priorities in order and I love the legacy he is building...this may sound cheesy, and I know were still young but I often think of grandchildren. Because we started young I hope that I will be like my grandma and get to see great grandchildren or even great great grandchildren:) I love that my husband doesn't pour his time into earthly things or riches but into our kids. He is diligently training them with truth and using the rod (with love). We together are remembering God's warnings and blessings promised, so that our children will not be in the ways of the world but know good from evil and I pray they will influence the world for Christ. The way we train our children will effect the way they train their children and so on.. With God's help we hope to raise Godly children so that one day we will see the fruits:) and have a ton of godly offspring:) haha! I love my husband and the daddy that he is.
I am so thankful for all his hard work and help and for putting up with me:) I'm a tuff girl to live with just ask my parents and siblings:)
After church we made our rounds and got to see all the father's in our family yesterday... Happy Father's day everyone:)
We were invited to a friends church for a Father's day Event. They had all kinds of things for the kids and dads to do. Laser Tag, Paint ball, Dirt bikes, Toyota off road track, knife throw, bull riding, classic cars etc....you know man stuff! haha We all had a fun time.
The girls wore their dresses made by Michelle:) a blogger friend from Texas
These use to be my husbands shirts and now the girls wear them proudly:)
The dress that Faith is wearing use to be my husbands grandpa's shirt. Grandpa Bill past away a couple years ago so this dress is special:)

love the face....

after a fun day of swimming and singing Happy Birthday to Cylis who turned 2 we got all the dads together for a picture.

Happy Father's Day Dad..I love you! ~your favorite daughter:)
Looks like a fun Father's Day. I love your girls' dresses. I will have to remember that next year.
I am blessed to have a "hands-on" daddy for my kids. Other guys that spend all their time devoted to "their hobbies" just do not know what they are missing. Thank God for daddies that enjoy their kids! How blessed we are!
LOVE those dresses!! What a great idea! Looks like you all had a fun Father's Day!
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