This years prom was a luau theme. The ones in the past have been formal but this one was more casual. After Faith's paint party I started on Faith's prom dress and got a little out of hand with the glue gun:)
I kept gluing gems and flowers all over Faith's dress (which I found at the Goodwill for $1.99) along with Daddy's shirt for $2.99 :)
Please don't get me wrong I have been known to drop a few Benjamin's at stores like Gymboree and some baby boutiques or a pair of jeans that I just had to have. I'm not proud of that but I do try to shop smart for my family and I am not "too good" to shop at the Goodwill.
I am proud to say I dressed both of them for this years prom for less than $15.00
(including all the glue sticks ha)and accessories(all flowers, shoes, purse etc)
Faith with her new bike daddy bought her right before they left..I guess we save on some things and splurge on others!

Even the purse she is carrying I found at the Dollar tree and just glued the flower on.
Her flip flops were also from the Dollar tree again gluing flowers to them as well.
The proms they have attended are through a local church. They hold the prom every year at the La Verne Country Club. I heard there were over 200 people at this years prom.
She is a STUNNER! Love the daddy kiss-priceless!
Wow... when did she get so grown up!? She is beautiful these pictures are so great. There is NOTHING like a Daddy and his daughter. Nothing at all. It's priceless :) Love the bike!
I love this idea. Maybe if we move closer Rylee can start going to them with her daddy. When will you start Farrah? When she is 4? Then will it be Faith, Farrah and Justin or would they be on different days. That bike is too cute for words. Makes me want to hop on the boardwalk and go for a stroll :)
She is so beautiful!! That prom is such a great idea. You are a very crafty lady to make her dress. I'm super jealous.
What great pictures. Lots of precious memories to cherish. She is such a treasure. I am proud to be her grandma. Pretty proud of my son-in-law too!
oh man, dave and i were just talking about this-- he'll have to take kiah when justin is taking finley, farrah & faith. lol
she's adorable and he's doing an amazing job-- see, buying his daughter a cute beach cruiser before a date-- no man will EVER compare! GO DAD!!
so so cute...Hey, do they open that prom to just anybody? Or do you have to belong to the church. I've been looking for something like that for Daddy and Kelsie for a while! Let me know:)
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