This is referring to the Q&A about if my kids will homeschool through high school. I said that if it's the Lords will we plan on homeschooling them all the way through. I got an email about that comment and it read:
Are you afraid your kids will be missing out on things like prom?
Prom? No, I am more worried about teaching things like calculus(which I won't attempt to even try) thank God we have co-ops for stuff like this.
Please don't feel sorry for my kids they will in no way miss out on fun stuff like proms.
Prom...seriously do you even remember prom? No, I didn't think so...I rest my case ha!
I can't believe some parents reasons for sending their kids to school. They think so much about having their kids go to school to be popular. To be a cheerleader or star of the football team etc. Those just aren't on my priority list for my kids. Making sure my kids are loving God with all their heart is 1st on the list and if they happen to be "cool" then that's just a bonus.
God has bigger plans than prom I'm sure:)
Yeah I think I'd rather not have my kids go to prom based on my experiences. ha Your daughters will have more of a memory going to the father daughter prom like we did than some loser boyfriend. Well you married your prom date, thank God I didn't ha
Um....yeah. About Prom....well, nevermind. This is a G rated blog and I don't think such a rating applies to my Prom night.
But I LOVE Brianna's father-daughter Prom idea. We are so gonna do that.
Well said girl. Based on my own memories, I'd rather my children did NOT attend Prom! Nothing good seemed to really happen at mine, and things are way wilder now from what I hear/see.
We had a homeschool prom up here in MI and it was great!! We had a great group of kids. My hubby and I were chaperones. So, if people are worried about them missing prom, I'm sure someone can plan one and they can go to it. But, there's more important things than prom anyways. Good grief.
They have homeschool proms here!
And yeah, proms aren't all they are cracked up to be anyway.:)
So, I was homeschooled until I went to college, and I got asked this question ALL the time! I hated it - LOL. I sure didn't miss it!
I remember all the dances I went to. Not everyone gets wasted and has sex on their prom night! I didn't and none of my friends did either. We all had so much fun dressing up, dancing, going out to eat, and riding in a limo. You have to give your children the tools they need now to make the right choices when they are teenagers (and it sure sounds like you do!) But you also have to let them have the opportunity to make those choices for themselves. That's how we all figure things out and navigate through life. If you continue they way you are, your children are going to be more than capable to make it through high school with their faith and morals entact and they may even be an example for others at their school. How cool would that be?
You are right, Prom was lame and overrated in my opinion.
I didn't go to either of my proms and in no way do I feel like I missed out :)
Yeah, I say who needs prom.... although I do like the idea of a small group of Christians teens getting all dressed up and going out for a proper dining experience. I want my kids to know how to handle fine dining experiences and an elegant innocent dance ... maybe with Daddy! Of course, we already take ours out to nice restaraunts... and they can dance with Daddy anytime... so, done! ;) We will probably implement a Formal Graduation Dinner for each of our kids and do that as a family. Maybe invite other close families with a graduate.
Who cares if they are "cool". "Cool" seems to draw trouble! I want to find a "happy medium" for my kids where they are not followers of trying to be "cool", yet they are not total outcasts, either. Besides the "real" cool just happens when you are comfortable with who you are.. that is what I hope my kids can achieve.
Yeah, even when you have good morals your prom can still turn out crappy. My prom date got drunk in the parking lot & left me to dance w/my friends the entire evening. Then when I refused to have sex with him, he stormed out & broke up w/me the next day! Memories I'm not wanting for my daughter...
It's amazing what people of this world consider "important" - fortunately we are not of this world and have higher standards we are held to as parents.
kristina, i had nearly the same experience! my prom was lovely, me and my boyfriend had out picture together etc, but then when i said no to sex he said bye bye!
I'm going to prom again this year, but I almost wish i wasn't, seems like a waste of money to sit in a room with a whole bunch of people at school that i don't like!
When my DH had his prom, we decided to go watch The Matrix instead.
I did go with a friend to her prom, it was pretty dull. We left and went to Sonic.
My prom night was awful. I was recovering from a horrible stomach bug. DH was so sweet though. Still got all dressed up and tried to take to dinner (obviously I had no appetite, but he paid for me to look at it). We danced one dance before he took me home to get back in bed.
Well said! My brother's step daughter recently went to prom....he siad they spent in excess of $800 on the ordeal...and she was the invited. GEEZE! She had 2 dresses, one for dinner, one for dancing, hair done, nails, 2 pair of shoes....I can't really say how I feel about this. :o) They spent 3 days getting ready for it. I didn't spend that much time getting ready for my VERY HUMBLE wedding, where dress,food and all, we spent under $1000. I was so proud of that. Even more so now, after hearing him tell me of this craziness. I loved parties and dancing as a young person. I dance almost every day with my kids, to much more appropriate music. I will not make it a priority for Prom to be on our to do list, among other things. We love to dress up, don't need an excuse We do school in our princess dresses sometimes. :o)
Hmmmmmmm. I remember all of my high school dances. I had a great time and if my kids behaved as I did at those dances then I would be fine with them going to Prom. But I also went to a very reserved high school, and as such the dance was very calm. I went to another school's Prom as well and it was a madhouse, I didn't enjoy that one nearly as much as mine.
THAT SAID, Prom is not some sort of be-all-end-all. My husband went to public school his whole life and never went to Prom and he seems to have turned out fine. It's not like EVERY individual in America goes to Prom, and as it isn't a universal experience, I don't really worry about my kids missing it one day. I personally think that educational standards are far more important than cultural ones when you are raised in the culture (this can change, sometimes, in my opinion, if you live in a foreign culture that you were not raised in, as experiencing cultural norms can be as educational as hitting the books). Besides, if your kids were worried about it, I know that homeschoolers around here host a homeschool Prom, so that's always an option =)
So well-said, Bridget!
In light of eternity, what does it matter if they miss a prom?
Prom, Cheer, "boyfriends", teen drama, and wrong information about everything...such as who is and is not having sex, or what is considered sex...I'm good with my kids staying home. I think I would rather them miss out on all that :)
There are homeschool dances available...and if I really wanted to I could put one together for the kids as they hit that age if I couldn't find one for them, but I would rather not.
School should about learning. Learning about the world, learning about other people in an appropriate way, learning about oneself, learning to be responsible, learning about God.
Not learning about having sex, drinking, drugs, or any combination of the above.
Ok, I actually really enjoyed my prom. It was fun, and clean. No hanky panky. Mind you, I was raised to avoid those things.
That being said, prom and dances are not a great reason to decide to stop homeschooling.
My youngest sister was homeschooled and they had so many homeschooling group activites that she ended up with more of a social calander than I ever had! (and I was in public school).
I have to say though, those father daughter proms/ virginity balls...I'm not sure why but they've always given me the creeps.
I really never wanted to have any sex talk or virginity talk with my father. He never tried to either. That was more of a mother daughter thing.
Geez louise. Everyone here is all about sheltering their teenagers. GIVE THEM SOME CREDIT! AND GIVE YOURSELVES CREDIT FOR RAISING GOOD KIDS! Prom is neither here nor there, the point I'm making is that high school isn't THAT scary people! We all made it! And YES father/daughter virginity balls are super creepy.
Prom isn't the biggest stepping stone in life. I'm sure your children could still attend some type of prom if they wanted to when the time comes. I liked prom, but I had a boyfriend and went with him all 3 times. We happen to still be together, so I cherish looking at those pictures and thinking of the memories years and years later. Had it been different, I might think otherwise.
Will you allow your children to date? (as teenagers?)
I find it very sad to think that going to a dance with your father would be considered creepy. The love between a father and his daughter is supposed to be a very special bond. Little girls look up to their daddy's and they should. I know not every father daughter relationship is a good one, but it was meant to be special. Going to a dance with your dad should be a fun and something to remember. I bet you cannot find one daughter who has gone to one that would feel that way. If more dads took the time for their daughters maybe they would not be looking for love in all the wrong places.
I agree with Debbie. The Father/Daughter song I danced at my wedding was so special and I wished they had father/daughter dances when I was little.
And to anonymous - if you knew Bridget's kids you'd know that they are in NO WAY sheltered! They are the busiest, most social kids I know! Extremely well adjusted and I can only pray that my children resemble hers in any small way. (We are referring only to Austin & Faith right? hahaha!)
PS - Regarding my awful prom date, I should also mention that he contacted me several years after (out of the blue) to apologize and then he sent me 2 dozen roses to try and make up for being such a jerk. I'm glad his consience finally got to him!
I think father daughter dances are very sweet with children, a delightful idea, but when it comes to 'purity dances' with fathers swearing to protect their daughters virginity, they're wrong.
Debbie you're very correct, more fathers should take an interest in their daughters lives. I think we must have all come across a woman who goes from doomed relationship to doomed relationship, and the correlation between them is usually that they have rubbish fathers!
My neighbor who is 6 goes to father/daughter dances with her dad. I'm a grown adult and I'm JEALOUS! There was never anything like that when I was growing up and I wish there had been. It's not creepy. It's cute and I think any little girl who shares something special like that with her father will never forget it!
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