They got a very unexpected call yesterday morning and a couple hours later were on their way to pick up a newborn baby!
They are just the sweetest family. They have have 2 little girls and a little boy so this is baby #4. They named her Sage Hope:)
She was born on 6/3/09. The mother and baby both tested positive for meth. But Praise the Lord little Baby Sage is showing no symptoms of withdraw and her apgar scores were high. She's healthy!
I am so happy for them:)
It's so exciting to know this baby will be loved and grow up learning about Jesus. She has two big sisters and a big brother and a Mommy and Daddy who already adore her and love her very much!

Isn't she beautiful!
Wow she is really beautiful. Thank the Lord for His wonderful gift. What a blessing for all of them.
She is definitely a gorgeous baby! I'm so happy for your friends, and so happy for Sage, that she gets a loving family to take good care of her.
She is very beautiful. Thank God she is gonna be taken care of by wonderful people.
God's plan is amazing. This baby is gorgeous and imagine the possibilities that could have been. I am always amazed that a mother can poison her baby and herself and the baby come out so perfect in spite of it! I am sure God has a special plan for this baby.
Shhh... makes me want to go adopt some little ones myself! Yikes! Who could ever tire of holding a baby!!
Just beautiful! Actually she reminds of my Rebecca that tiny ...funny..God is so GOOD!
She is sooo gorgeous! What an awesome thing.
so happy for them! i didnt know u knew marsha what a small world!
absolutely beautiful bridget. God is good.
what a true miracle!!!!! can you imagine the excitment of getting a call, hopping in the car, and getting to hold your newborn baby? WOW!!!!!
She is precious! What a doll, so glad she was saved from that life and given to a loving family. Congrats to them :)
she is soo beautiful~ I want to adopt when kiahs about 1 :) guess I have to start looking into it right?
She is perfect and so beautiful! Congrats to your friend on her beautiful new baby girl. Sage is such a pretty name!
I just love things like this... adoption is such a precious expression of Christ's love isn't it?
Hey, I just added your blog to my blogroll because I don't want to miss your posts! Hope that's okay! :)
She IS beautiful!! How wonderful!
God bless-
When you see such a beautiful miracle like this and to hear a small bit about the life that she came from and didn't ask for, you know God is at work to make sure her grace was put into loving hands. What a stunning little bundle of love!
I've had 6 of the same miracles! She is GORGEOUS HUH? What a blessing!
She's beautiful!
I know it takes a long time to get a newborn baby, so they must have had a long adoption journey. Thank goodness little Sage will have a loving family!
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