Today Finley had her 10 month check up. She will be 11 months on the 30th. She is my smallest baby so far. She is weighing in at only 17lbs 4oz she has tons of rolls but is very petite. I think Farrah weighed 17lbs at 3 months haha.

yes, I am wearing my bathing suit at the doctors...that's what happens when you lose track of time while swimming in the backyard with the kids!
I just had to throw up my hair and load up the kids wet suits and all. It's summer right?
Then look what I found at Target!
It's called "my little seat"
I love it and so does Finely!
(taken with phone)

She just doesn't like the 5 point harness... so I leave her unbuckled and she can't go anywhere. The harness is good for smaller babies that need help holding themselves up. The seat is good for 6mo-35lbs

she sat in it for a good hour eating cheerios and playing. It fits in a really cute little bag so it's good for on the go and restaurants. Very easy to set up and machine washable.
I think it's well worth it for only $19.99.
But I'm going to be giving one away!!!!!!!!
For you!
All you have to do is leave a comment saying if you want one for a boy or girl. Then
tell me what are some of your, "My child will never..." and then broke them????
Read on.....
The kids and I have been enjoying some summer fun so I thought I'd post some old posts
because I'm lazy and don't have time just for fun:) I wrote this last year......
Never say never! As the saying goes, if I had a dollar... well let's just say For every "(My child will never)......." comment I have made and then broken I'd be rich!
I am starting to realize that every child is different and you never know what you will result to just to survive the day. For example my two older children were easy going and well behaved. Now my third well let's just say I often wonder what God has in store for such a strong willed child.
I sometimes think Landen is a payback... an excruciating, unforgiving and perhaps deserved payback for my mothering judgments. HA..I love him but ahhhh! I pray all the time, " God I learned my lesson, I will not judge again. Now please let Landen behave!" A lot of my self-righteous opinions began well before my first child was born. I was a young naive mom who didn't have a clue. I was the mom who's child was going to wear name brand clothes eat homemade organic food, always be neat and clean and use their manners. After having Austin and Faith I waited 4yrs before having Landen. I always thought motherhood was easy and how could mom's let their kids act like that or go out of the house looking like that. Well, that was until my sweet Landen was born. I will try to NEVER judge a mom for how they raise they kids again!
Here are some of My child will never.....
My child will never be seen in public in just a diaper........ until of course they pooped up their back and I had no more change of clothes in my diaper bag.
My child will never have a crusty nose... died after Faith had such a bad cold and runny nose that it just kept running and running. Who can further torture their child and their raw red nose with the constant wiping?
My child will never be the kid who bites other kids in Sunday I get paged out of church almost every Sunday and have to carry hot sauce in my diaper bag to squirt in Landen's mouth.
My child will never eat pizza, french fries, sweets etc...... HA! what was I thinking??? My 11 month old eats just about all of that.
My child will never eat in the car..........Well anyone who has seen the inside of my car knows this rule was broken. In order to keep my sanity while driving they do eat in the car!
My CAR will never smell......Until I realized how easy it is to forget about the bottle left under the seat or opps mommy I spilled my vanilla steamer.
My child will never wear cartoon shirts, shoes etc....... after number three, you don't care as long as they are dressed.
My child will never be homeschooled... Look at me know, I love it so much I blog about it:)
My child will never watch t.v. for hours a, it's go ahead honey watch animal planet for the 3rd hour in a row! Your learning right?? Somedays mom needs a break with free babysitting.
My child will never wear a leash........ Now I love my leash it has saved my two year old from getting hit by cars many times. Try chasing him pregnant with a 10 month old in your arms.
My child will never get yelled at by me in I just scream, "Knock it off now or I will pull down your pants right here and spank you and I don't care who's watching!"
My child will never scream in public like he not only screams but is on the floor screaming and kicking.
My child will never use a pacifier.... now I use the pacifier after it fell on the floor.
My child will never have a messy long as the rest of the house looks somewhat in order who cares what their rooms look like. Let them have fun and play.
This are just a couple of the one's I can think of. Now that my sister is about to have her first baby I strongly warn her not to be judgmental of me or other mom's because she just might have a sweet baby boy just like Landen:)
Call me crazy, but I'd rather raise my kids in a happy, loving household with Dora on the tv and Cheerios on the dinner table than to have them grow up in the presence of an uptight, judgmental mom with her constant eye rolling and shoulders up to her ears.
I am doing the best I can as a mom and I love my children everyday!
Now,what are some of your, "My child will never..." and then broke them???? I'd like to hear.
I would never wear my bathing suit to take my baby to see her pediatrician and bring 5 kids wearing wet bathing suits. No, I would have my kids all well dressed in dry clothes at least. Ha! Being a mom, I've learned you will NEVER know what the day holds just go with the flow and have fun with it!!!!!!
Now what were your "My child will never..." ???? and then broke them????? I'll pick a winner on Monday night.