Saturday the day started with having to be at the baseball fields by 8am. Austin and Faith both had games. Then we jumped in the car and headed an hour away to Cylis's 1st birthday party.(my nephew) I quickly changed the kids out of uniform into swimsuits. They swam for a couple hours and partied with their cousin before it was time to change again into something nice and head to Laguna for grandpa's 80th birthday party. (which was another hour away.) I started getting some contractions on the drive over to grandpa's party. Daddy drove as I did the kids hair and tried to make them look half way decent before we showed up at the restaurant. We ate dinner, went back to grandpa's visited with family and sang happy birthday. We got home late and unloaded baseball team banners, gloves, bats, ice chests, sand buckets, life jackets, towels, and the list goes on. Got the kids bathed and off to bed, put everything away and finally laid my head to rest on my pillow at 11:45pm. My bed never felt so good.......then the phone rang at 1:30 am it's my sister telling me her water broke. (was this a dream?) Doesn't she know I had a long day, can this wait? LOL...I waddled to my closet and quickly changed and headed out to Orange County to meet Brianna at the hospital. 12 hours later we are still at the hospital and Brianna is only dilated to 1cm! 18 hours later she is dilated to "almost" 3cm. I am now a zombie and have become delirious and wishing they would just hook me up to the pitocin as well. Sunday evening arrives and my husband is calling thinking I took off for a mini vacation and left him home with all the kids. "What do you mean she hasn't had the baby yet?" It is now late Sunday evening and she is finally at 5cm! They think they will do a c-section because the baby isn't coming down. The doctor decided to wait 3 more hours to see what her body does. I try to rest but can't. At midnight she is 9 1/2 cm with epidural failing to work. The anesthesiologist removed the epidural and tried to put it in again in a different spot. She is in alot of pain and very tired. At almost 2a.m. 25 hours of labor baby Aven Jace is born. 7lbs 9oz 20 in long. It was amazing I was in for the delivery. Nothing more beautiful than seeing a baby be born. Being pregnant with very little sleep caused for one emotional auntie. He's perfect! I'm in love with my new nephew. Mommy and baby are doing very well. I drove home shaking my head and rolling down the windows to stay awake. I got home by 3:30am and Landen woke me up at 6:30a.m. full of energy. I put on cartoons and beg him just to lay down with mommy. I doze back off and hear Farrah start to cry. (I think daddy put them to bed too early the night before and now I'm paying for it) I go get her and pray she will sit and watch cartoons. I realize it's time to get up and feed the kids breakfast. Cartoon's only work for a minute with over active hyper kids (my two younger ones) After breakfast I doze off again on the couch not even realizing it. I woke up (I won't tell you how long I slept leaving my kids un-supervised) to a pizza and tampon party. GREAT! The kids were having left over pizza and Landen and Farrah were in the bathroom drawers playing with nail polish and tampons. Hey at least they were fed and entertained!
baseball fields

Cylis party

Grandpa's party

baby Aven seconds old

Tampon party (whoo hoo mom's sleeping party on!)

Baby Aven and proud Uncle Justin
Preach on sista, preach on! It seems like I will never be allowed to sleep again and I only have two!
At least you got to wake up to a good laugh. That picture of Farrah is great!
Congratulations on the nephew. Your poor sister, 25 hours of labor, yuck!
Congratulations to your sister! I'd been waiting for this post...I can't wait to see the post with your new baby!!
Hello? My kids always want a play day with your Munchkins! We could have taken them for a few hours!When #5 comes send them over here, even just for a few hours a day to let your body recouperate. I know you can handle them but so can I.
You are such a good mommy! Congrats Auntie Bridget!
Ahhh... it's nice to know you're normal. I was starting to wonder where your super mom cape was hiding!! Haha... I only have two and I am having a heck of a time figuring it out. You are such a great mom Bridget! And an inspiration!!
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