I do have quite the party right here don't I???
I didn't get fancy gifts but I did get a handmade necklace and handmade cards...
The best gifts of all!
We spent the night out on the town.....(where I proudly showed off my necklace)
In Philly...
Where it was 24 degrees!

And to just prove to kids that I'm not that old I raced them up the famous Rocky stairs...

and didn't even get out of breath!
Thank you! Thank you!
I even had people singing the Rocky theme for me as I ran up...
And yes, I did the whole jumping up and punching when I reached the top:)

Landen and I finishing the last few steps:)
A birthday I will never forget...
I'll have to go back when I'm 60 and run them again! (maybe race the grand-kids and show them I'm not that old)LOL

We finished my birthday off with some loud singing from my favorite party guests and some yummy
And if I hear my husband say, "Yo, Bridget" (in his wanna be Philly accent) I think I'm gonna run...
run far away!
so cute! we just watched the first three rocky videos with our sons. they loved it.
happy 30th birthday, bridget! i just turned 30 years old, too - and i'm loving it!
hugs, susan
you make me giggle!
"Yo Bridget!" hahaha! Too funny! Awesome birthday!
Glad you had such a special day
You aren't still in Philly are you? If you are shoot me an email!
you look sooo cute!!
the necklace is so adorable and so sweet!
looks like you had a wonderful and blessed bday!
What a beautiful necklace! Handmade anything is my favorite. Glad you had a great birthday :)
I LOVED Philly! Hope you are having a great time :)
Have fun at the Creation Museum :)
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