we hit a little snow storm...

and decided to stop at a campsite in St. Paul, Indiana.
Out in the middle of nowhere!
We parked and watched the snowflakes fall...

Have you ever seen a snowflake up close?
Us Californians haven't!
Each one is unique and different. Isn't God amazing, even in the little things.
(zoomed in)

Then I did what any homeschool mom would do....
a lesson on snowflakes.
Then we finished our lesson making paper snowflakes.
We decorated the inside of the RV. It looked like a winter wonderland inside and outside.
(perfect for these two who insisted we have a wedding for them)
Then we shortly welcomed their baby.
(this "love" only lasted for a very short time. ha!)

We stayed 5 days at this little campsite.
Out in the middle of nowhere.
We were the only ones there!
In the middle of nowhere!

We played....

and played...

and played....

got sick.... (look at Farrah's face ha!)

and played some more.
The kids ran silly after a long drive.....

This was our backyard for 5 days. The kids loved the playground.

We did a little exploring.......(in our car)
I love to just drive and see what there is to see...
No plans..just time on our hands:)

We followed the sign that said buffalo and soon came to a farm full of buffalo.

Lots of Colts fans!
It's fun being in a state that is in the Superbowl! Everyone and everything is decorated in Colts!
even the barns...

A small blind school in the middle of "nowhere."

But it's not always fun and smooth sailing....
Late one night Finley was having trouble breathing. Remember we are in the middle of nowhere and it's snowing! It's a good 40minutes into town. Her chest was caving in with every breath. I called the 24hour nurse from our insurance and explained what was going on...she told me to call 911.
So we did......
The fire department and ambulance came out. They came in their normal clothes. They were really nice and professional, but looked like they just stepped out of a rodeo. They all knew eachother well. No uniforms. Just jeans and sweatshirts with colt caps on.
Finley's oxygen levels were low so they took her to the hospital. Justin rode with her and I waited behind with the other sleeping kids.
It was hard to watch my baby drive off not knowing where they were taking her......
Where was the nearest hospital in nowhere land?

One thing good about a small town, Finley was the only one in the ER. So they did an xray, gave her breathing treatments and she was discharged in 3 hours!
3:00AM I got the call from Justin to come pick them up. He gave me the address to the hospital.
It's snowing and all the kids are asleep.
The roads are snowed over and I have no satellite reception on my navigation.
I woke up all the kids...
bundled them up...
Austin (sweet boy) scrapped the snow off my windshield and side windows, while I got the other ones dressed in layers. I didn't even ask him.(such a cool kid)
Then we prayed...
No street lights, snow falling, and no paved roads.
I had no idea where we were going.
I started to tear up when I realized not even my phone worked.
I had no reception.
We are in the middle of nowhere! On the back roads of Indiana.
We see lights from a far and follow it....
this leads us to the main road and now we have satellite reception.
20min later we are picking up Daddy and Finley.
Finley is on an antibiotic and needs an inhaler. She has no RSV or phenomena.
Thank God!
We are back to smooth sailing......
Still in Indiana.
Headed to Nashville, TN.
YeeHaw! Get back out the boots and cowboy hats!
sending up prayers for finley to recover soon!
Isn't it a comfort to know that even when you are seemingly in the middle of nowhere....GOD is always there? I am so thankful your little girl is okay.
Love reading your updates!
OH MY!!! How scary!! You have a great boy there. I think I would've fallen apart trying to find my way. Thank The Lord she was OK. I will say a prayer that she stays that way. :) No more visits to the ER please. :)
Oy, how scary! But God is good all the time! I am glad that Finley was okay and that you found your way to the hospital. You are one brave chick! Looks like you guys are having the time of your lives.
I better not show Johnny this post he might try and paint our garage like that barn. haha I love that Farrah and Landen had a baby and that she's carrying it in her sling. haha
I better send a wedding gift!
Praise God that Finley is on the mend!
We have one child that still, at 8, gets croup very badly once or twice a winter. That is such a scary feeling to see your child not being able to breathe, and as a mom, not being able to fix it! If Finley had croup, one of the best things to do is give her Lots of Ice water. Knowing that Daniel will probably have croup attacks while we are away from our dr., was one of the few things that made us second guess our trip! (we LOVE to be out in the middle of nowhere!!!)
Love the pics, glad you had fun in the snow! :)
Love, dana
how scary and awesome all at the same time. Sometimes God shows us His best in those times. Sometimes He just stretches our faith. Be encouraged, He goes with us WHEREVER we go! Awesome. Thanks AGAIN for sharing :) lol
Oh, how scary about Finley, but so thankful she's okay and you made it into town safely. My husband was just in Nashville last night! :)
Praise Him He protected you guys!!!!!!
Hi, I just stumbled upon your blog and I just love it. Your family is living my dream right now. I think what you are doing(traveling) is so awesome. What great memories you are giving your kids. You are so right about how fast they grow. I'm struggling with that right now. I can't believe how fast mine our growing. I will definately be following your family on this wonderful adventure. Thanks for sharing!!!! I'm curious how this trip came about for your family. Would you mind sharing? Thanks so much. Andie
OH MY !!!! I am so sorry! I hope she is better now. Wow! You all are sure getting a tour of the ER's in the US. Praying that you will have no more visits! What a sweet boy you have there!
oh how scary I'm so glad she's okay
What a blessing! Even we are afraid God is our Strength. Fear not and step out on faith! I am glad that your sweet baby girl is okay! Maybe we can meet up with you guys when you hit Nashville!
Oh my gosh!!! I was crying that was so sad and scary!! So glad she is better now. Belle says "God bless Finie (that's how she says it) my fren."
Still praying for you all and sending huggs your way you brave momma you!!
Praise God she's okay.
I haven't been commenting as much b/c I'm LOVING Google reader. BUT, I'm following y'all still.
Can't wait to see how you respond to the Q & A post.
I love how you pulled the comment about the snowflake photo belonging to someone else. How convenient!
dear anonymous, how convenient your anonymous. I'm sorry but I don't publish mean comments. All comments are now monitored. I did let your last comment sneak in just so I could clear it up that I did NOT copy any pictures. The snowflake picture was taken with my camera. It's not even a clear good picture so chill:)
yes, that is zoomed in on my husbands sweatshirt.
to the other anonymous, you are pretty dense not to see the picture of her husband catching the snowflakes on his sweatshirt, why do you think she did not zoom in on the snowflakes he is catching. why are you so rude?
and anonymous, this is not Bridget disguising herself, it's her husband, THE ONE CATCHING THE SNOWFLAKES
I'm not pulling my own photo. Thank you!
You claim to be a Christian yet you tell lies and deceive your readers. You stole that photo from another blog and you know it. I think I'll send a link to that blog to some of your readers and let them decide.
A, I'm sorry you think that. I really don't understand what you are talking about but I did not steal any pictures and I won't remove it because it is My picture! that I took! I zoomed in on my photoshop and of my husbands sweatshirt. I would love to have the URL to what you are talking about.
Bridget: I can't believe you are a snowflake theif. When your readers find out that information they are gonna be so dissapointed. haha
I think it's funny how someone has nothing better in their life then to argue about a snowflake. Really?!?!? A SNOWFLAKE??
Some people can be so brave when hiding behind their computer screen.
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