and you shall hear
of the midnight ride
of Paul Revere
of the midnight ride
of Paul Revere
our trip to Boston
(where everybody knows your name)
Daddy was the teacher in Boston. Here he is listening to the audio tape before he teaches the kids. Yes, it was that interesting! Either that or he has some music turned up for some peace and quiet for once ha!

The kids working on their Jr. Ranger programs.
At the Boston Massacre site.
I loved Boston. Such a neat city. The history there is amazing! You can just feel the history as you walk through it. So cool!
Finley taking a nap (she is such a good baby)

Samuel Adams grave.

Paul Revere's house
Walkin' the freedom trail....

Playing in the snow....
marching in line on the freedom trail...

Samuel Adams grave.

2 by sea 1 by land.
Paul Revere lit the lantern.
(I love the way some of my pictures turned out)
George Washington ate there and so did many other famous people in history.
It's where the first toothpick was used.
So, we just had to eat there too!

Playing in the snow....
We didn't go for the lazy lobster. We went all out and pulled it apart.
We also enjoyed clam chowder and corn bread (same recipe they used in the 1800's)

in the cemetery!
"our own room"

Where Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech....
More freedom trail......
She's going to make a good mommy one day.
Bunker Hill
getting around the city.....

We had a wonderful time in Boston. Walked a lot! I wish we could of stayed longer to meet up with some of you. Sorry it didn't work out!
Thank you to all my friends who gave us a heads up on Boston and tips and where to go. It's so nice to have blog friends everywhere!
(I guess living in a Hotel for 6wks did pay off)

Thank you to all my friends who gave us a heads up on Boston and tips and where to go. It's so nice to have blog friends everywhere!
And thank you to Hilton for our free room:)
(I guess living in a Hotel for 6wks did pay off)
i am slightly jealous of your time in Boston... and since my mom will read this i will go ahead and shout out to her:
"hey mom? why didn't we go to Boston on our road trip?"
i LOVE reading the stories and seeing all the pictures! Keep it up!!!
I love how concentrated Justin looks! And I love all the History! Esp. since this is what we are studying in school right now!
Hope you are staying warm!
I never really noticed how much Faith looks like your hubs until that first pic of him.
So jealous of the time you are getting to spend together and the places you are getting to see. But the good kind of jealous. Not that nasty kind where I start rumors about you in chat rooms. ;)
I think this is the neatest thing you are doing. You know you will have to go again when your two little ones are old enough to participate. :)
Thank you for taking me on this lovely seaonal road trip :) I am enjoying it all lol
Keep up the fun! :)
Looks like you had a great time in Boston! What a great experience and education your whole family is experiencing!!!
I'd love for our family to be able to do that! I guess I can not complain, we do live in Germany and get to travel to various countries....homeschooling just allows so many blessings!!!
Looks like so much fun Bridge! Glad y'all are enjoying it! Can you tell us about this Jr. Ranger business? What is it and how do the kids do it in each city you visit?
Boston is one of my favorite places I ever visited. I went there when I was 12 & never forgot it. Friends told me they take me anywhere I wanted to go in the city & all I wanted to do was ride on a subway (don't ask why). I'm going to get Andy to take me back there some day.
Stay warm! :)
We just went to Boston in Oct and loved it!! We actually stayed in an old Mariners boarding house 2 doors down from Paul Reveres house. It was so cool to be right there on the freedom trail and we also ate at the Oyster House. My husband said the lobster ravioli was the best he has ever had!! Too bad I dont like seafood!
I LOVE reading about all the places you have traveled to. We've been to 35 states already, but haven't been up to New England. We're planning our 4th cross country road trip for this summer (our first child's wedding will be held in Atlanta on the 4th of July). I'm definitely thinking that we'll be heading up to the NE this time. (So far, we've only been as far north as Pennsylvania and NYC.)
Dear daughter Cassie (the first commenter) will just have to take this road trip with us, instead of flying to her brother's wedding. :)
The kids are already planning a route which will hit ALL of the "missing 15", the states we haven't been to yet. Should be an adventure. Keep exploring for us, so we know where to go.
Oh yea ... PLEASE give us all the details about the Jr. Ranger Program. Why haven't we ever heard of it ... with all of our educational "Road Schooling" we've done over the years?
mama of many
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