We've been OTR for 8 weeks....
and only 2 trips to the ER.
(not bad!)
I guess that's what happens when your daddy drives like a mad man your out exploring America.
Road life is a rough life, I'm telling you!
This time it was Farrah...

She hurt her arm, and being that we have "drama queens" in this houseRV, we just thought she was being dramatic. We loved on her and gave her Molly (her Dolly) and told her to go to sleep.
I knew when she woke up crying, it was hurt.
Ended up being what they call, Nurse Maids Elbow. The ligament in her arm was dislodged. So the doctor just put it back in place. We felt bad and gave her some chocolate milk (because chocolate makes everything better)and she was back to dancin' around......
(I thought for a second Dr. Daddy was going to have to remove a cast too.)

The sweetest place on earth!
Hershey PA.

The town that even smells like Chocolate.....

We got to see how Hershey's factory works......

Hershey produces about 1 million pounds of chocolate a day. So about 365 million pounds of chocolate a year!
"pay attention kids there will be a test!"
Two great reasons to go to PA! Amish and Hershey!! And who knew there was a Unit Study for Chocolate!? I love that. Got to love the internet... I have found myself wondering how you make it without a lot of books or if you have bunch packed, but I am sure that much can be done via internet. So, what is the solution to that? I may be doing some travelling this summer and a bit of roadschooling myself. Share some tips if you get a chance, please.
And I am with you on the no more ER visits!! Your kids have been taking turns since Faith's stingray incident. Stay safe!!
Oh yes....chocolate makes EVERYTHING better!!!! I am so sorry to hear about Farrah's arm! Angel got nurse maid's elbow a few years ago! It was not fun! Glad she is feeling better now!!!
And you need to be quiet and eat that chocolate!!! You are beautiful!!!!!!
totally agree that chocolate makes everything better:) My daughter had that happen to her arm a couple of years ago, my husband had the doctor teach him how to pop it back, came in handy, because a year after that it happened again, and he was able to fix it! I was impressed! Love ready about ya'lls adventures. turned 30 a few months ago myself.
My son Andrew had that same thing happen to him while we were living in Maryland. My fabulous pediatrician (oh, how I miss her!) told me that once this has happened to them the first time, it is much more likely to happen again and again if one is not extremely careful. Then she taught me how to put it back in myself. I was totally freaked out, but I am so glad that she taught me, because, dag nabbit, it totally happened again a few months later - and I was able to fix it all by myself!!! Yay! Fortunately, it hasn't happened again. Double yay!
I wish we had visited Hershey before we moved back to California :( Looks like so much fun!
For some reason I have missed a lot of your posts. {sad} Glad your little girl is okay. I love Hershey, PA! While you are there you should be sure to visit Lancaster - so fun and educational!
LOL yes I am now fearing the slower metabolism too! Darn 30's! I am happy that Farrah's arm is better. Chocolate is the key! Your posts are so fun to read. I think even I am learning from them! Be safe out there! I am excited for when you are around Memphis where I had my daughter! I haven't been back there since Elvis week for his 30th "death" anniversary I guess is what you'd call it?
OH MY GOSH!! GIVE MY FARRAH A BIG HUG FROM ME AND BELLE!!! So glad she is better now though.
Love the pictures by the way. You and your family are so photogenic! I still say you should write a book about this adventure and include all your family pictures. You guys would have a best seller in no time! Hey but I get the first book, signed by all of you of coarse!
Happy birthday for the other day :)
I'm so envious of your roadtrip, so want to do that some day :D
I just came back from Paris and you should totally take your kids to see the Notre Dame, it's stunning and a real tribute to God.
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