I never counted to 5 so many times in my life.
I was so afraid I was going to lose one in the crowd.

We bought cheap umbrella strollers so we could get in and out of the subways fast.

The kids couldn't stop looking around at everything and all the tall buildings.

Lots of stairs but we got it down. All about team work:)

Imagine trying to fit in with strollers.

Watching them set up for New Years Eve.

This is how we roll on the streets of NYC. ha!

My cousin Rocco (we call him Rocky)just so happened to be in NYC too. Haven't seen him since I was 18.

We met at Rockefeller center and he surprised us with my other cousin Harry and his wife Maria and son Harrison.

Landen and Harrison are so much alike. Cute WILD boys:)

Enjoyed some greasy New York pizza!

Had Christmas Eve dinner in the city.

Went to Federal Hall and museum.

Enjoying the city at Christmas time.

Federal Hall where George Washington was sworn into office.

Finley's 1st cab ride. (I think she looks scared!) Crazy cab drivers!

Catching a cab with all the kids was fun NOT ha!
But the kids are now pros at catching cabs:)

This was my 3rd time to NYC but first time with the kids. Whew! New York with babies is A LOT of work! But TONS of fun and TONS of looks ha!

We did NYC 5 years ago with 8 kids (and 2 cheap umbrella strollers). Crazy ... but fun!
Laurel & the gang :)
Loved the pics! My daughter said after watching New Year Eve things on TV that she wanted to go there sooo bad! I will have to show her your pics!
Hats off to you! I was in NYC last year with my mom and that was hard enough...such a neat story you guys have! :)
I am still SO ENVIOUS OF YOUR TRIP!!! You are all having so much fun and you got to fulfill your dream of NYC on CHRISTmas!! So happy for you and your whole family!! We all love and miss you guys! Be safe :)
isn't NY pizza sooo good?!
i def don't miss the subways or the cabs! or for that matter, the smell! am i right?
but the sights of NYC are amazing! i loved seeing the pics you took. you are making great memories with your fam, Bridget! (also, on a weird side note, I have to stop myself from calling you Bridgey. I almost just typed it in that last sentence. haha!)
Yeah 5 kids in new york when it's that cold is alot of work. I'm sure you burned off the extra weight you said you gained. ha
great pics! what a fun way to spend Christmas eve!
Wow.. I can imagine how crazy.. It looks beautiful though. I love the picture of you and Justin too.
WOW! Just my husband and I did NYC last year and we said we couldn't imagine taking our kids until they were older. You guys are super parents! (we already knew that!) Love the updates!
You guys look like you had a great time! We went to D.C last year in the winter with 4 kids and it was Fun Craziness! I'm sure NY was a blast and a lot crazier. Our goal is to get there one day, although I think me and my hubby will go alone first and then venture out with the kids!
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