Happy 30th Bridget! This morning the boys and I turned to our devotion book and I saw the date and thought of you:) I know you will have a wonderful day with your family wherever you are! I can't wait to see you too! I pray that this year for you would be full of the Lord's blessings and His joy. I love you friend! Love, Megan
Happy Birthday Bridget......Justin you and Bridget are so lucky to have each other and your children are just precious...God Bless you all! Have a wonderful weeeknd!
Just thought I'd point out that you're a little behind ... I had 6 kids when I turned 30. But, you still have time to have 10 kids by the time you're 40. (My 10th was born the day before my 40th.)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Wow, are you guys having fun! Your trip is awsome. Miss all of you; especially at Christmas. I'll try to keep in better contact with you.
What a SWEET husband and a darling, heartfelt post! You are blessed indeed. May the next 30 be even happier than the first 30! Love you! Safe travels! xoxox
30?!?!! My goodness you look great. You are such a good sister, wife, friend but most of all mom. Hope you had an amazing 30th! You deserve it. Happy Birthday!
DISCLAIMER: Don't expect to get perfect spelling, sentence structure, or even be able to follow my train of thought.
Meet our family, we call ourselves the "Road Schooling Ryan's." We know how fast kids grow up and we want to make the most of these precious years with them. We gave up living in a traditional house to travel the US with them. We are making memories that we will remember for a lifetime. We are so excited to "roadschool" and know that we will all learn so much on this adventure. We are excited to see what God has planned for our family. We have been to 38 states and have helped out in organizations like, Save Our National Parks, Safe Haven Family Shelter, Sower Ministries, Habitat for Humanity, and Passport in time, which helps preserve history around the US and much more. We started our trip on Nov. 23rd 2009..... With 5 kids and a dog living in an RV traveling to many places...Let's just say, I could write a book but I'll blog for now. Enjoy!
We made it home safe after traveling to 38 states and over 20,000 miles in 1o months. We are enjoying this new season in life. Here's to a new adventure!
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.~Mark Twain
"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." - Erma Bombeck
Happy birthday Bridget!!
How lucky you are to have such a wonderful husband to post a birthday love note for your birthday! Enjoy your day! Huggs from all of us back home!!
Miss you guys :)
Happy 30th Bridget! This morning the boys and I turned to our devotion book and I saw the date and thought of you:) I know you will have a wonderful day with your family wherever you are! I can't wait to see you too! I pray that this year for you would be full of the Lord's blessings and His joy. I love you friend!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIDGET!!!!!!! You are A BEAUTIFUL woman! So blessed to call you my friend!
Happy Birthday, Bridget!!! Hope it's a good one.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIDGET!!! Hope you have a most wonderful day!
Happy Birthday Bridget......Justin you and Bridget are so lucky to have each other and your children are just precious...God Bless you all! Have a wonderful weeeknd!
Oh how sweet! Someone hacked your blog! Happy Birthday!
30 is not that bad my dear! Look at all you have achieved so far! Congrats and I hope you have a very blessed birthday!
Happy Birthday Bridget!!!!! We love you. You are such a blessing to our family.
Happy Birthday Bridget! Hope it is a great one!
Awww, how sweet! :) Have a blessed birthday, Bridget!! Enjoy your special day!
Happy Birthday Bridget!
I hope that you have a wonderful day!
dana :)
Happy 30th! I pray the Lord continues to bless you and your family! Enjoy this adventure you're on!! 30 will be amazing....
Feliz Cumpleaños!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend, Bridget!
What a sweet husband you have! I hope you have a great birthday! Which state will you be celebrating in?
Happy Birthday Bridget!
Just thought I'd point out that you're a little behind ... I had 6 kids when I turned 30. But, you still have time to have 10 kids by the time you're 40. (My 10th was born the day before my 40th.)
:) :) :)
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday! I hope your day is full joy, peace, and laughter!
What a sweet hubby:) Happy happy Birthday:) Hope you have a wonderful day.
awww, justin is so sweet! happy birthday girl! miss you!
So sweet!!! Happy Birthday Bridget!!!!
Oh sure write in all caps to try and make us think your husband is so nice to write a personal message on your blog. hahahaha jk
Happy Birthday! Can't believe your 30 already :) JK Love you. We hope you had a great day. Wish we could have shared the day with you.
Happy Birthday! We miss all of you but your trip sounds awsome!
Love to you all! and can't wait to see you!
Aunt Lori, Uncle Al and Chase
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Wow, are you guys having fun! Your trip is awsome. Miss all of you; especially at Christmas. I'll try to keep in better contact with you.
We love you guys,
Lori, Al and Chase
Happy birthday!!!!!
Justin is too cute! Happy birthday girly! xoxo
What a SWEET husband and a darling, heartfelt post! You are blessed indeed. May the next 30 be even happier than the first 30! Love you! Safe travels! xoxox
My goodness you look great. You are such a good sister, wife, friend but most of all mom. Hope you had an amazing 30th! You deserve it. Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday! What adorable kids you've got!!
Libby x
Happy LATE Birthday Bridget! :)
Better late than never. God Bless you and your family and Happy Birthday!!!!
Better late than never:) God Bless you and your wonderful family and Happy Birthday from Santa & the N.Y./Vegas gang
ahhhh...so cute! :) Happy belated Birthday! Looks like you guys are having such a fun time! You are both such awesome parents! Jen Prescott
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