Sunday, October 19, 2008

Orange Hands and Lips!

Friday night the kids and I made crafts (mess) it was fun though. We tried to copy t-shirts from the Family Fun magazine. Let's just say the kids went a little crazy on the puffy paint! I on the other hand didn't wear gloves while dying the t-shirts so I had orange hands all weekend. It looked like I got into too much self tanner.

Then Saturday we finished our t-shirts and more crafts...

painting pumpkins (and everything else)

I guess Farrah thought she needed some orange lipstick

Then we finished with trick or treat bags

Some of our finished pumpkins

1 comment:

Jen said...

I saw that idea in the Family Fun magazine too but haven't tried it yet. They have a lot of good ideas in there. Love the Target aprons! :)Great idea!