Landen just wanted to know where the "gun show" was....
This was a great day to relive history. They had a real live battle with hundreds of men. The kids were so excited to see how the Civil War would of looked like. We have been studying this time period in history so it was nice to see it come alive. Not only did we see the battle right before our eyes we got to see what it was like for the soldiers during this time. The kids also got to walk through and see re-enactors living in the time period. From blacksmiths to shoemakers etc. How they did their jobs and why they were important. It was very interesting to hear some of the "true stories" of what happened back then. We learned how a shoemaker would smuggle in bibles to the soldiers in the camps because they needed bibles more than anything else. (true story.) These type of events just help my children enjoy learning about history. I too am enjoying re-learning history!
How cool!
Where was this?
this was at prado park in chino. If anyone is interested in field trips I can email you a list of field trips we have coming up. Just let me know:)
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