was 10 years ago today! At just 18 years old I had to tell my family I was pregnant. I can still remember how ashamed I was. I cried and cried and couldn't even get the words out.
I remember praying the night before and asking God for forgiveness. I knew God still loved me even though I had failed and he would help me through this. I re-dedicated my life to the Lord that night and new everything was going to be ok. I now was more worried about what everyone was going to say? I just couldn't imagine telling my dad! I kept thinking of his parents and what they would say? What would everyone think of me?
I also was scared about becoming a mom.
I had never changed a diaper before ever! I remember hearing about an episiotomy for the first time and freaking out and knowing that this baby had to come out. I was scared.
I had a healthy pregnancy and gave birth to a healthy baby boy. We got married 3 months later.
God is good!
Justin and I have been happily married for 9 years now and just had our 5th baby. We proved a lot of people wrong. We are so thankful to God for turning a bad situation into the best situation.
Every time I look at my son Austin it is a reminder of God's mercy. He is the most amazing boy and I thank God for him everyday! I thank God for my husband and the man and father he has become.
I thank God for the life and children he has blessed me with even though I don't deserve it.
Happy New Years everyone...... may God continue to bless you in the new year!!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy Birthday Grandma!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas Day
Every year I have made it a tradition to take a picture of each of my kids while they are sleeping on Christmas eve. (Yes, I have always been picture crazy!) I started it on Austin's first Christmas. It's also a good way to see if they are sound asleep as I flash the camera right in their face. If they all pass the test I know we can start setting up.

Being Mrs. Clause is a tuff job. After making sure everyone is sound asleep you have to answer curious questions...

I love every bit of it though!
Now, here's some pictures of our Christmas morning....
Look Santa came to the Ryan house....

Here's proof!
The cookies and milk are almost gone...

The kids woke us up (it was still dark out)jumping and screaming...Santa came! I think I had maybe 2 hours of sleep before we had to get up again.
All the kids opening up presents...

I had to snap a shot from the top of the stairs:)

Austin asked for a motorcycle...

Faith got her piano she wanted...

and we will have to talk to Santa about this one...

and Farrah loves phones!

Finley sat in her bumbo watching all the kids tear open presents. It was enough craziness to wear her out! Next thing I knew she was sleeping...look at my baby sleeping like that ahhhh...

Yes, those are braclets around her ankles from Farrah trying to dress her up.
We had fun playing all morning...

then enjoyed breakfast and the reading the Christmas story while snuggling by the fire and listening to the rain outside. Of course I had to set up the camera to capture that moment...

Off to Justin's cousin's house to spend Christmas with his side of the family.

Crazy cousins

Then back to my mom's house for more fun with cousins (minus Aven)

Being Mrs. Clause is a tuff job. After making sure everyone is sound asleep you have to answer curious questions...

I love every bit of it though!
Now, here's some pictures of our Christmas morning....
Look Santa came to the Ryan house....

Here's proof!
The cookies and milk are almost gone...

The kids woke us up (it was still dark out)jumping and screaming...Santa came! I think I had maybe 2 hours of sleep before we had to get up again.
All the kids opening up presents...

I had to snap a shot from the top of the stairs:)

Austin asked for a motorcycle...

Faith got her piano she wanted...

and we will have to talk to Santa about this one...

and Farrah loves phones!

Finley sat in her bumbo watching all the kids tear open presents. It was enough craziness to wear her out! Next thing I knew she was sleeping...look at my baby sleeping like that ahhhh...

Yes, those are braclets around her ankles from Farrah trying to dress her up.
We had fun playing all morning...

then enjoyed breakfast and the reading the Christmas story while snuggling by the fire and listening to the rain outside. Of course I had to set up the camera to capture that moment...

Off to Justin's cousin's house to spend Christmas with his side of the family.

Crazy cousins

Then back to my mom's house for more fun with cousins (minus Aven)

Christmas Eve
Christmas eve was spent at my sisters house. It was nice to relax for a change. I've held Christmas eve at my house a couple times and am happy to pass it along to my sister. It was nice to see her stressed for once.

I'm kidding! She did an awesome job and since she is a WAY better cook than I am, I'm sure my family was happy she hosted it too.
She had it all organized with each kids name posted on the wall so we could have all the presents for each kid put in their own pile. This made things a little less hectic. She also had a fun idea. Last year we did Christmas sweaters. Everyone had to show up wearing an ugly Christmas sweater. If you know my family we are the biggest nerds but have alot of fun! This year it was crazy Christmas hats. The kids thought it was fun and were very creative in making their own hats. My sister has all the hats posted on her blog here
Here's a group shot of us

Austin was very creative with his,he made it out of a tree stand. He won!

We opened presents, enjoyed singing Christmas carols and then Santa (aka my dad)even showed up at the end of the night!

Landen was so excited and trying to convince him that he has been a good boy all year. Then he was asking for a dirt bike. Austin and Faith were laughing hysterically because they knew it was grandpa.
Farrah was waving to Santa as he walked through the door but the minute I sat her on his lap she freaked!

I'm kidding! She did an awesome job and since she is a WAY better cook than I am, I'm sure my family was happy she hosted it too.
She had it all organized with each kids name posted on the wall so we could have all the presents for each kid put in their own pile. This made things a little less hectic. She also had a fun idea. Last year we did Christmas sweaters. Everyone had to show up wearing an ugly Christmas sweater. If you know my family we are the biggest nerds but have alot of fun! This year it was crazy Christmas hats. The kids thought it was fun and were very creative in making their own hats. My sister has all the hats posted on her blog here
Here's a group shot of us

Austin was very creative with his,he made it out of a tree stand. He won!

We opened presents, enjoyed singing Christmas carols and then Santa (aka my dad)even showed up at the end of the night!

Landen was so excited and trying to convince him that he has been a good boy all year. Then he was asking for a dirt bike. Austin and Faith were laughing hysterically because they knew it was grandpa.
Farrah was waving to Santa as he walked through the door but the minute I sat her on his lap she freaked!


I was asked to be one of the new Classperts over The Classy Closet. I am honored to be a part of the Classy Closet team.
I will be posting once a month on ALL THINGS CLASSY!
go check it out and become a classy girl yourself.
1.What makes me a Classpert:
If you say so???
People often tell me I make everything look so easy. I often get asked, "What's your secret?" Believe it or not there is none.(Just lots of prayer!) Nothing fancy or complicated, just lessons that I've learned over the years that help me "look" like I have it all together. I guess some lessons I've learned can help qualify me to be a classpert???
I believe it's about putting priorities in place. Being a mom and wife and all the roles we have to play in life can get exhausting. I try to remember to set aside time for me. Whether that be just locking myself in the bathroom with some ear plugs or sneaking out for a cup of coffee and a pedicure.
Hope to see you in the closet!
Please Pray...
for little baby Kiah. My friend Rochelle the one who does all my kids pictures:) had her little baby girl this week. Rochelle has asked for lots of prayer. Kiah was born early due to complications mommy was having. She is in NICU having trouble breathing and she keeps losing weight. Rochelle also has a 3 year old and a 1 year old to take care of, so prayers for grandma and daddy too.
When Rochelle first found out she was having trouble with her pregnancy(on bed rest) and might have to have the baby early (around Christmas time.) I joked with her and told her that if she could keep the baby cooking until Christmas I would bring her a Christmas tree to the hospital for her room.
Sure enough she was in the hospital for Christmas.
Faith and I had fun decorating the very pink and girly tree for Ro and Kiah.
Every girl needs a pink tree right?

Were all praying for you!
When I pray, you answer me, you encourage me by giving me the strength I need. Psalm 138:3
Depend on the Lord and his strength, always go to him for help. Remember the miracles he has done, remember his wonders and his decisions.
Psalm 105:4-5
When Rochelle first found out she was having trouble with her pregnancy(on bed rest) and might have to have the baby early (around Christmas time.) I joked with her and told her that if she could keep the baby cooking until Christmas I would bring her a Christmas tree to the hospital for her room.
Sure enough she was in the hospital for Christmas.
Faith and I had fun decorating the very pink and girly tree for Ro and Kiah.
Every girl needs a pink tree right?

Were all praying for you!
When I pray, you answer me, you encourage me by giving me the strength I need. Psalm 138:3
Depend on the Lord and his strength, always go to him for help. Remember the miracles he has done, remember his wonders and his decisions.
Psalm 105:4-5
Friday, December 26, 2008
Don't Worry!
I captured lots of pictures and some really good footage of Christmas! I will post as soon as husband leaves!
(excuse the dork with the camera always around her neck and food in her teeth!)

My house looks like it's been picked up turned upside down then shaken a few times. My husband won't let me blog (errr!)he say's we have to clean. Why? were on vacation right! But, he will be gone for a few days so I will be back to regular scheduled blogging.
(excuse the dork with the camera always around her neck and food in her teeth!)

My house looks like it's been picked up turned upside down then shaken a few times. My husband won't let me blog (errr!)he say's we have to clean. Why? were on vacation right! But, he will be gone for a few days so I will be back to regular scheduled blogging.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Wishing You A Merry Christmas!
I'm back from the ER...Thank God for surgical glue! Landen split his head open and would of needed a few staples but the glue worked wonders. Anyone know where I can order that stuff? I could use that alot around this house and it would save me trips to the ER. LOL!
On a side note I signed in to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a loving family time.
I also wanted to share a little note my mom wrote:
I feel the Lord would like us to remember about why we celebrate this season. Over 2,000 years ago there was an announcement made to mankind. That announcement was one of "Good News" The angels split the sky and proclaimed that "Behold!" they were bringing tidings of great joy. I don't know about you, but I am sure we all could use some good news about now. This year has been one unlike any we've experienced in a long time. One trouble upon another is the norm these days. We have heard of wars, rumors of wars, starvation, earthquakes, violence in the streets, world wide economic failures. These are just to name a few. Personal trials in many lives have been heartbreaking. Many have lost a job, lost a home, or maybe the worst loss of all, the loss of a loved one. Through it all one thing that has and will never change is God's love for us. He is still announcing to us the greatest message the world has ever heard that God so loved the world(or as I like to do, insert your own name)that He sent His only Son to earth to be our Savior. He is what Christmas is all about whether the world gets it or not.
God does bring us great joy and gives us many things to be thankful for. Randy and I are thankful for 3 new grand babies born this year. We now have 5 grandsons ages 9,3,18mo,6mo,and 5 days. 4 granddaughters ages 7,6,20mo and 5mo. We cannot be more blessed. In many ways life can be overwhelming, but one thing is for sure, there is a God who loves us and cares very much about all that we are going through. In this day and age we are all aware of the term "Bail Out", and everyone is looking for one.
Remember one thing that the Creator of the Universe stepped out of the Heaven and came to earth and provided the most costly "Bail Out" of all time. All the money in the world could not have bailed us out of our mess. We were lost and without hope. The price of our salvation was costly to Jesus. He longs for us to accept the greatest gift one could ever receive, His love! We pray you have a blessed Christmas as you reflect on all He has done for you and all that He longs to.
See you after Christmas and knowing me be prepared for picture overload! :)
On a side note I signed in to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a loving family time.
I also wanted to share a little note my mom wrote:
I feel the Lord would like us to remember about why we celebrate this season. Over 2,000 years ago there was an announcement made to mankind. That announcement was one of "Good News" The angels split the sky and proclaimed that "Behold!" they were bringing tidings of great joy. I don't know about you, but I am sure we all could use some good news about now. This year has been one unlike any we've experienced in a long time. One trouble upon another is the norm these days. We have heard of wars, rumors of wars, starvation, earthquakes, violence in the streets, world wide economic failures. These are just to name a few. Personal trials in many lives have been heartbreaking. Many have lost a job, lost a home, or maybe the worst loss of all, the loss of a loved one. Through it all one thing that has and will never change is God's love for us. He is still announcing to us the greatest message the world has ever heard that God so loved the world(or as I like to do, insert your own name)that He sent His only Son to earth to be our Savior. He is what Christmas is all about whether the world gets it or not.
God does bring us great joy and gives us many things to be thankful for. Randy and I are thankful for 3 new grand babies born this year. We now have 5 grandsons ages 9,3,18mo,6mo,and 5 days. 4 granddaughters ages 7,6,20mo and 5mo. We cannot be more blessed. In many ways life can be overwhelming, but one thing is for sure, there is a God who loves us and cares very much about all that we are going through. In this day and age we are all aware of the term "Bail Out", and everyone is looking for one.
Remember one thing that the Creator of the Universe stepped out of the Heaven and came to earth and provided the most costly "Bail Out" of all time. All the money in the world could not have bailed us out of our mess. We were lost and without hope. The price of our salvation was costly to Jesus. He longs for us to accept the greatest gift one could ever receive, His love! We pray you have a blessed Christmas as you reflect on all He has done for you and all that He longs to.
See you after Christmas and knowing me be prepared for picture overload! :)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tis The Season
For cookies!
If I eat one more Christmas cookie I will look like I'm about to deliver baby #6.
We baked and decorated Christmas cookies 4x last week! I am cookied out!
The Cookie Monster!

How to get your baking done the right way:
Make your husband stay home from work and watch all the kids. Keep them busy and don't let them bug mommy until it's sugar cookie time.

Go to your sister's house so you don't have the big mess to clean up when your done:)

assign a man to do all the dishes

and don't forget to wear cute aprons!

How to eat a sugar cookie:
First lick both thumbs

lick all around the cookie make sure to get all the frosting off around the edges

devour the whole thing in less than 5 seconds...then run wild through the house screaming for more cookies!

I think this cookie needs just a lil bit more sugar...

Christmas lights...

Heely's and hot chocolate the best way to see the lights!
If I eat one more Christmas cookie I will look like I'm about to deliver baby #6.
We baked and decorated Christmas cookies 4x last week! I am cookied out!
The Cookie Monster!

How to get your baking done the right way:
Make your husband stay home from work and watch all the kids. Keep them busy and don't let them bug mommy until it's sugar cookie time.
Go to your sister's house so you don't have the big mess to clean up when your done:)
assign a man to do all the dishes
and don't forget to wear cute aprons!
How to eat a sugar cookie:
First lick both thumbs

lick all around the cookie make sure to get all the frosting off around the edges

devour the whole thing in less than 5 seconds...then run wild through the house screaming for more cookies!

I think this cookie needs just a lil bit more sugar...

Christmas lights...

Heely's and hot chocolate the best way to see the lights!

Monday, December 22, 2008
Gotta Love A Big Flower and A Ruffle Butt!
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