Thursday, September 18, 2008


I never thought my little life of being a stay at home mommy, doing hair out of my kitchen and changing diapers all day could inspire someone???
In fact, a lot of young girls come to my house to get their hair done. I always think they leave here going, "I am never having kids!" Or I think they feel sorry for me. I mean I don't work in some fancy salon somewhere. I work in my kitchen (dirty dishes and all.) They always come over wearing cute clothes carrying designer purses. I'm usually wearing sweats with a shirt that smells like spit up and my hair thrown in a ponytail. I have kids running around making one mess after another. How could this be inspiring? After reading my friend Krystyn's blog I can now blame her for my big head.

She posted this on her blog...
I met Bridget when I was about 16 years old. She was a cosmetology student and was pregnant with Austin at the time. She was my hairdresser for many years until I myself went to cosmetology school. She is actually who made me want to do hair in the first place. I looked at her ability of being able to make people look beautiful and make money from home, and at the same time being able to stay home with her babies.... and it was over. I wanted the same thing. And look where I am now? A stay at home Mommy who does hair from home :) Right where I wanted to be 10 years ago! LOL
So thanks Bridget. For being such a great example in my life of a great christian, wife, mother, sister, teacher and friend. You really are inspiring :)

~Thank you Krystyn, I never saw it that way...


Simply Blessed said...

You really are inspiring. Even if you don't think you are. You set a great example for all of the young girls in your life!! I'm a proud promoter of your 'big head' LOL You should be proud :) xoxo

Melissa said...

That was awesome!! I wish we had more women like you that could model for young ladies... an inspiration, indeed!

Your little light sure does shine!
