I only have a couple weeks left and this heat is torture! The last couple of days I just spent floating in a pool like a big bouncing buoy. I have a couple of things to check off my to do list before I am ready for my little baby girl to arrive. Finding her a name is at the top of my list. I am so afraid she will not have a name when it is time to leave the hospital. My husband says we should just wait until we see what she looks like then decide on a name. If I do that she will end up with a name like Guadalupe. All my babies come out with lots of black hair and look Hispanic. My husband also wants to give her an "F" name like her sisters. I can't think of any more cute "F" names and his choices for an "F" name are let's just say not pretty. We have a couple names in mind but can't seem to agree on any of them. HELP! (any suggestions please put in the comment section)
My sister Brianna who is 40 weeks pregnant with her first baby is also about to die in this heat. We call each other several times a day just to cry and complain. I love having a sister who is pregnant with me this time around :) Yesterday she called me to let me know how her doctor's appointment went.
Need I say more....

Hang in there Brianna...enjoy the quiet, try to get some sleep and soon you will have your little baby in your arms:)
You poor things!
Have you thought about "Felicity"? Its the only F name I could think of and it means "good fortune". I wonder if it would be a big hit with Faith because of the American Girl series.
Oh my gosh that picture is too funny! That's exactly how I feel. At least you can go swimming! At my Dr. appointment last thursday the Dr. said I was 2 cm and to stay out of the pool! So my days are spent in the heat with my feet in while watching my kids swim:(
I have a few names for you of girls I know with the letter F
Falynn (fal like Cal in California)
hey bridget. my first baby was born on august 31st and i was dying in the heat. i think that when the heat rises in socal we too often forget that this part of california is a dessert that we have tried to transform into a tropical oasis.
anyway. are you completely against the name fiona? it means something like "the fair one". that's the prettiest f name i could think of that you haven't already used! farrah is my favorite.
you are in my prayers. may your labor be short, uneventful, and result in yet another healthy and gorgeous (and "mexican") baby :O)
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