My husband has been to more proms than anyone I know. In high school we attended four proms together and now this is his third prom with Faith. I'm sure he will be taking Farrah and the new baby too. He's such a good sport about it :) It's so cute to see him teach Faith how ladies are to be treated. When they left he opened the door for her (she got to sit in the front) and she reached across and opened his door. They had a fun night together with dinner, dancing and horse carriage rides. Faith looks forward to prom all year. She loves a special date with her daddy and of course getting all dressed up!
Getting her hair done.
gotta have glitter
calling daddy at work to see if he's as excited as she is
great grandpa helping put her "heels" on
They got home a little after 10pm. Faith was wide awake and had to show me how her and her daddy danced before she went to bed. She said, "Mommy you weren't kidding when you said daddy was a good dancer"
I think that's the cutest thing I've ever heard or seen! You have such a neat family :)
What a beautiful princess you have. Faith is just so elegant in her gown. Love her hair and nail. I hope you ordered a picture from the prom for us to put up on our wall!
I love it! Where is this prom? I want Ricky to take Maia Belle when she gets older.
Your husband is such a great Daddy!! Love the pictures. There is nothing like seeing a Daddy with his princess :)
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