Today Austin received a special award at park day. He was called up and given the Ephesians 6:7 award. Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people. His award was for displaying a servant's heart. Way to go Austin!
He is always asking what he can do to help others. He thinks of others before himself. I'm sure they watch him every park day be a little servant to me. He is always watching one kid for me while I run the other to the bathroom, or feeding this one, putting that one in the car seat etc. I don't know what I would do without him. He is my little slave child. He always helps and rarely complains. I thank God for him!
Then the water wars broke out just before we left. The kids were soaked!
What Mom? I'm just trying to have a little fun.
1 comment: get 2 scoops of ice cream for that award! Great job Buddy!
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