The boys were gone camping over the weekend so it gave us girls some time to hang out and do girly stuff...
What's a girls night without Chocolate!!!
Finley's first taste of chocolate...

Look at her suck that....
From the look on her face I'm guessing she likes it???? What do ya think??

Some other pictures I took over the weekend. I love these outfits. I love the shabby chic print. Actually they were handed down to me when Faith was a baby from my friend Kadi. They use to both be her daughter Marlies. They are from Gymboree and Kadi bought them 10 years ago. She must of liked the print so much she bought them in size 3-6months and 24months. Faith wore both outfits and now I can have both my girls wear them matching....and they have held up so good! Gotta love Gymboree!!!and cute "hand me downs!"
I just realized their shoes and sweaters are "hand me downs" from Michelle
Gotta love friends who know how to shop and then pass it down:)
Who wants dibbs on my girls clothes and shoes next???

I DOO!! but your youngest is younger than my youngest so that wouldn't work! LOL Cute clothes though :)
I DO! LOL oh wait I dont have kids yet! SAUL!!! Hurry UP!!! LOL
Wow that first pic of Faith you can really tell that she is turing into a young lady, she isnt a kid anymore.
OMG...The picture of Finley with the chocolate...a girl after my own heart:) Thank you for your comment on my blog. It really touched me. It's good for me to hear how sick my friends have been during their pregnancies...I just wasn't as sick with the others..so I was chalkin it up to ....I MUST BE TOO OLD! Yesterday my kids diveded up their Littlest petshops into catagories..like dessert animals and so on. I thought...cool..there's science:) I'll have to blog that one...lol
Oh my...not dessert animals (That would be road kill..GROSS) I meant DESERT animals...LOL! I'm sure you figured that out...but I just had to clarify my typo:)
I'll take dibs for Zack's baby girl, but Teresa might be fighting me for them!! You're kids are always dressed so cute!
I do I do:) I'll jump in line, that's hoping this one's a girl:)
I do I do.......... Girl in 2 months..... I have a feeling she is going to be spoiled but you can never have too many clothes :)
Bridget, your girls are absolutely adorable! I love that Farrah is always hugging or holding Finley like her baby doll. It makes me want a baby girl so bad next time, but then I need a sister for her...oh no...you better stop me...I'm starting to sound like you! I only want 3, but just watch, I will be the one in my family to have the twins! Love ya!
Chocolate? Of course she will like it. Just like her mom and sisters. I am so glad you were the first one to indulge her in that way. Ha Ha. The pictures are so cute of all the girls. Love you all.
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