But for now I will start with our pictures from our Good Friday field trip. LOTS more pictures to come...
We spent last week talking about the last week of Jesus life here on earth. What things happened leading up to his death. Then on Good Friday we invited Nana and Great Grandma and Great Grandpa to join us and some friends to walk in Jesus steps.....
This creative live drama made things more real to my kids. This church did an awesome job on acting and playing out Jesus as he went through the events of the last week of his life. It was raining, but with the dark clouds in the sky it made Good Friday even better.
On that day in history, the sins of the world were paid for! This was the day that "it pleased the Lord to . . . make his soul an offering for sin" (Isaiah 53:10). That day, "the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all" (Isaiah 53:6).
Yes, there was great sorrow and travail that day. During the awful physical darkness from noon to 3:00 p.m. (Matthew 27:45), Jesus had cried out in utter anguish: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46). The earth itself shook and rumbled as the creation was torn asunder in reaction to the horrific judgment of the Creator for sin (Matthew 27:51).
But then came the victory cry, "It is finished" (John 19:30), and, "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit" (Luke 23:46). His suffering ended, the payment completed, eternal propitiation accomplished, Jesus laid down His human life to await the great resurrection that God might give "assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead" (Acts 17:31).

I have a confession to make: I often(not always) read from a Children's Bible.Either the International Children's Bible or the Children's Discoverer's Bible. Why? Because it is easier for me to understand. Show's you how smart I am huh? When I read to the kids it makes so much sense to me when it's put in simple ways.
Angie from Bring The Rain showed how simple but powerful the message in the Childrens Bible is put:
They nailed Jesus to the cross.
"Father, forgive them, " Jesus gasped. "They don't understand what they are doing."
"You say you have come to rescue us!" people shouted. "But you can't even rescue yourself!"
But they were wrong. Jesus could have rescued himself. A legion of angels would have flown to his side-if he'd called.
"If you were really the Son of God, you could just climb down off that cross!" they said.
And of course they were right. Jesus could have just climbed down. Actually, he could have just said a word and made it all stop. Like when he healed the little girl. And stilled the storm. And fed 5000 people.
But Jesus stayed.
You see, they didn't understand. It wasn't the nails that kept Jesus there.
It was love.
that's awsome! :) I love u for sharing this stuff! :)
I want to know the exciting news...u prego? buying a house? what? I can only go that far with you because...well, basically that's been the exciting news every time there was news since i've met u! lol--that's a good thing!
k.. now this week is re-coup & then PICTURE TIME! ;)
misshu! :)
This is the greatest message the world has ever heard! Thanks for inviting me to go. It was awesome. I am so proud that you are teaching your children the truth about God's love for them and the world. Love you so much, Mom
You're totally right. The children's Bible communicates the crucifixion's true message beautifully! Don't be ashamed of reading that! It's beautiful!
How awesome is that! You always find the best field trips for your kids.
Thanks for confessing that you read from the kids bible... so do I.
Beautiful. I can't believe how many sins Jesus chose to bear upon himself. He is my life. I'm glad we all got to go together...it was so wonderful for all of our kids to be there together witnessing the greatest news they'll ever hear:) You're a great woman! PS, I was thinking about getting the NIRV myself so me and the kids could read from the same bible. I like the version too...lol
I read from the kids Bibles all the time. Straight to the point and simple to understand. If I could get one bound in leather so it doesn't look like a kids bible, I would.
I just got home from this year's presentation. It just gets better each year. Or maybe, as I (try) to walk closer to the Lord each day, it hits closer to home just how corrupt I am and how holy He is.
We missed seeing you and your beautiful family today!
I have had the recent revelation that we all should have a good children's Bible. I bought the Discover's Bible NIrV version for my oldest daughter and it is amazing. I seriously think that is what all new Christians no matter your age should start with! I actually started with an NIV version, but now I used my KJV.... of course, I don't get a lot of it sometimes and when that happens I look at other versions to help me out.
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