Our trip to the Upland carnival made me realize I need to get out more. Really my husband couldn't believe how excited I was to go on a carnival ride being operated by a prison parole. I just wanted to scream as loud as I could and wave my hands in the air to relieve all the stress that was built up from the day. After being cooped up in the house all day with the kids and trying to get all our school work and chores done I was ready to let loose. My sister and Aven joined us which made for an even better time. Anything with Brianna (my sis)is always more fun! We quickly handed the strollers off to the big kids and sprinted as fast as we could to get in line for Kettle corn and all the other fatty food carnivals serve. Then we ran in line to spend tons of money on tickets so WE could go on the rides. (oh, and we bought some for the kids too)

Brianna and I squeezed into one cart on the spin ride after finishing our large bag of kettle corn (bad idea!) We sure got our money's worth this ride lasted forever! I think we embarrassed my husband and all the kids with our screams and hand waving. We both were laughing so hard we were crying.
Faith (little miss mommy) I don't know what's with the glove. She says it's her style. I guess she's bringing back the Michael Jackson look?

Mine! Don't mess with my kettle Corn.

Poor children...doing all the work so their mom's can have fun!

Am I tall enough? We should of put Farrah in her princess heels and a big tall bow...might of helped.
I think she's bringing back the gangster look with one pant leg up and one down??? Maybe that's her style?

After the mom's had their fun we thought me might let the kids go on a few rides too...

No, my son can't just ride the ride like a normal kid he has to throw in his own dare devil thrill stunt.
He's gonna give me a heart attack!

Don't you know girls are better drivers! Farrah was not happy as you can tell...

spent money on games that are totally rigged! I think the basketball wouldn't even fit in the rim if you tried. Oh, well they had fun trying.

And Finley was just thinking to herself...my mom and auntie are crazzzzzzzy, and can this flower my mom stuck on my head be any bigger?"

This is Aven saying, "yep,I agree Finley they are crazy, especially when they are together, and I'm glad my mom doesn't put those satellites on my head."

Yeah, that flower was quite large. :) Looks like you had lots of fun. I can't wait til summer so we can go to the fairs.
I love carnivals! Their so much fun.
Looks like great STRESS RELIEF for a wild week! I need to find a carnival!! LOL!!
I am so glad that you had some fun...our kids need to see us doing somethin' besides work, school, chores...I think that they need to see that fun lovin' side of us too. I am sure they didn't mind gettin' to see you enjoying yourself.
oh, looks like fun!!! we went to disney world and i felt this way!!!! glad you had bunches of fun!!!!! i love the picture of finley with the flower on her head!!!!
p.s go to my blog, you may be pleasantly surprised!!!
Jeff and I went to the Upland Lemon festival saturday afternoon without Hannah and we felt like little kids. It was so much fun. Glad you guys had a great time.
So cute. And by the way I LOVE the big flower :)
I always say...the bigger the better (I'm talking about the flower!. So cute!
Just tell Finley the bigger the better! :) It looks like you guys had soo much fun! I think i might need a good ol' carnival ride to scream and shout on! :)
Sounds like a great time!
Oh how fun:)
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