Go Black Widows!

Faith and I attended a princess tea party at our good friends house. Six girls with their mom's enjoyed tea and goodies. My sweet friend Sarah (who I just love) put this all together for us.

This tea party was planned with the intention to teach our girls about living for God and staying pure. Sarah read the girls, The Princess Kiss By Jennie Bishop.

This story is written in such a way as to really touch you! It is a great book to use to teach daughters about purity and its importance. (They do have a boy version which I plan on buying too)This book presents this issue in a way that young girls can understand and it builds a foundation that will be very easy for Justin and I later to expand upon as Faith matures.
Justin talks about having a "special date" with each of his girls when they are older to present to them a purity ring. But for now this is just a foundation.
All the moms are doing a bible study with our girls then we will meet back for a ceremony where we will each give our girls a special necklace. The reason we are doing this in a group is because it offers them accountability and lets girls know that others are interested in pursuing godly integrity and purity as well. This bonding and memorable event will offer encouragement for the moms and the girls as they grow up together.
Each girl decorated a mommy and me journal. Sarah took our picture and put it on the front. Faith and I will write to eachother in this special book.

I just love my princess:)

Sunday after church we attended the midway Rally for the 40 Days of Life. It was so awesome!!!
It was a great success! There were about 300 people that lined both sides of Arlington Avenue, between Magnolia Avenue and Brockton Street. We got both negative and positive responses, but the positive ones far outweighed the negative ones. I'm sure all those people made a big impact and who knows how many lives were touched today.
I was also very blessed to meet David Bereit, the National Director of the 40 Days for Life campaign.
40 Days for Life at the Students for Life conference from David on Vimeo.
After the rally he spoke to some of us about the campaign. Now I'm even more pumped up:)
I ran into one of my good friends at the rally (who is also pumped) She is another mommy who choose life for her baby at a young age. Her testimony is awesome and I can't wait to see how God is going to use her too.

When we were eating dinner (which I didn't burn) we were talking to the kids about what David Bereit said and talking to them about fasting. We have all decided to give something up and really take up prayer this week for the 40 Day of Life. We all voted and decided No: TV, Playstation, or Computer for a week! I wanted to give up laundry but my husband said I already do:( I don't watch tv and I hate playstation but the computer that's going to be tuff! (Only emails for work and billing) We have taken this on as a family and will pray together to help save babies. As of Today, Day 19-133 babies saved! 20 more days left get out there and take a stand! There is a city near you! See you next Sunday!
I'll leave you with some random pictures from the weekend...enjoy!
Here's Farrah lookin cool in mommy's sunglasses

Ok, Farrah that's NOT cool!

Sunday evening time to relax!

What a busy weekend!

I'm tired just thinking about it!

It was a blessing being in Riverside at the awesome midway rally, and a real joy to meet you. Your family is in my prayers as you begin your great fast!
David Bereit
National Director
40 Days for Life
That is so awesome!!! Your girls are way too cute. I can't believe how big Faith is ;( Where does the time go?? I still can see her as the cutest chubby baby in her highchair happy as can be while you did my hair. Man I'm gettin' old!
Way to go! I even see you and the kids are on the front of the 40 days for life website. I will be going with you next Sunday.
BTW. Farrah looks so cute in those glasses ha.
What a cute idea, that tea party sounded awesome! Love the pics. Finger in the nose haha love it!
Your family is too cute. I love the tea party idea.
Just wanted to let you know that after reading your sweet blog post, I made sure to include a short clip of Faith out at the Riverside 40 Days for Life event in the video that we just posted online at:
God bless your family!
I miss you and your blogging!!
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