What mother would leave her kid shoeless drinking a large coke (ok it wasn't a coke just water to keep her quiet) and forget to strap the carseat in while driving. Then make a sharp turn and have her baby flip over....Me that's right Me the one you call Supermom! This is just one of the many things that happens in the life of the person you call supermom.

Ah poor girl, but I have to admit the look on your sons face made me laugh hysterically! I have done that too...put one kid in the go to the other side and get the other in and buckled then forgot to go back and buckle the first...YIKES! We're NOT perfect ;)
This is so funny. Landen is totally cracking up.
You captured such a great shot! Hilarious! I love how she isn't allowing the water to spill but she is scared out of her mind! And your son's face is absolutely pricesless as well! =)
Oh my gosh, that is hilarious, especially the look on your sons face!!!
You're still supermom in my book though!!
haha! That's hilarious. Especially your sons grin.:)
Okay this is pretty funny. And that you were able to snap a picture. Haha... I guess we all have our moments. Even super mom :)
Faith took the picture with my phone. lol the look on both their faces makes me crack up!
Hehe... the cup says "bottoms up"
This may be the funnest picture ever. I was upset today & then saw this. I'm still laughing.
Oh poor Farrah, but I have to admit, I'm laughing:)
You are a bad mom! I'm going to report you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
babahahahahaha. THAT is hysterical. I can tell I'm gonna love your blog. Humm....let's see, who on my blog roll can you replace???....;)
Oh me.
That is HILARIOUS!! Glad to see I'm not the only one who's done that. What I really love is that we take the time to snap a pic before fixing the problem! I still consider you a "SuperMom" :)
what I think is hillarious is that you took a p[icture! Oh u.... lol-- Love u B!
I am still laughing! I read your comment below about Faith taking the photo, I was going to say you took the time for a photo that is what makes you SUPERMOM!!! LOL
Landen totally getting a kick at her expense! ha-ha
Both faces are great!
OMGoodness. This reminds me of the other day at the stop light. I just picked my son up from the babysitter. He says "Hi Mom" he's 2 BTW. I turn to say hello back and he's in my face standing up...I freaked out. He was so excited that mom was letting him roam around while I drove. UGH...scary..haha
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