I know I have been "re-posting" a lot lately. I'm just recycling blog posts:) My part in celebrating Earth Day. Not really, we are going to a beach clean up today. Learning about storm drains and eating at Subway for lunch. Enjoying their new
Sun Chips in bags that are the world's first 100% compostable chip bag. According to the packaging, the bag breaks down completely when placed in a hot, active home or industrial compost pile.
Since the kids don't have a big pregnant belly to paint this year we will be doing another craft made from recycled material. I'm not sure what yet, maybe something with shells and recycled juice boxes? I'll google something.
I know I've shared this every Earth Day since ...but I love this picture.
This was Crazy Farrah in my belly. I remember her moving all around as Justin took this picture:)
The kids did a great job in painting Mama's big belly that year.

But this post came to mind and I thought I'd share it again. This was one of my Earth Day posts last year.
The kids are taking their SAT tests at a school in Claremont (which is a hippie type city) If you live anywhere near this city you know what I'm talking about. (The city I used to get the look of death as I drove my Hummer through it) I love Claremont though. If I could afford to live in this city I might. I love the old town charm and the shopping (especially the downtown shopping) but it seems like it's where all the liberals unite. As I was driving I couldn't help but notice the car in front of me with all the bumper stickers. Austin was sitting in the front and we started reading them. I have to admit some were funny. Let's see if I can remember them:
Make Coffee Not War
Squeeze Me I'm Organic
Be nice to your mother
Keep The Planet Clean it's not Uranus
We all live downstream
Meat is Murder
Save The Whales
Save The Rainforest
some peace signs and then one in bright red said" Keep Abortion Legal"
What the heck!!!!!!
Our laughing stopped! Was she serious? Meat is murder. Save the rainforest, save the whales, save this, save that but kill the babies????
I was tempted to pull alongside the car and get a good look at this crazy lady. What kind of person, I wondered, could seriously maintain that "meat is murder" but abortion isn't? Or that wearing fur is a "crime", and killing an unborn child is a "choice"?
What was she seriously protesting? How could this crazy driver possibly defend scalding a child to death in a saline solution, or tearing it to pieces with a vacuum pump, or cutting it up alive?
Or maybe the crazy tree hugger was objecting to waste? It is a favorite argument of environmentalists that the destruction of the rainforests is going to mean the extinction of a wide variety of plant and animal life that could one day be of value to humankind. But if that argument is valid for trees, or for endangered species, it is even more true of human beings. Who knows but that a child who was aborted today might have found the cure for cancer. We are killing off a whole generation of people.
Or was this mother nature freak taking a stand for choice? Did she believe that a woman has an absolute right to choose whether to carry a child to term or not, and society had no right to interfere with that choice? I guess that would explain her sticker that read, "keep your laws out of my uterus." Well, if society has no right to condemn a woman's choice to extinguish the life of her unborn child, then what right could society possibly have to condemn that woman or anyone else for that matter from eating meat or wearing fur? Aren't these "choices" as well? And isn't human life of greater value than animal!!!!!!
I've argued this with many college students. This whole "vegan" "going green" trend, ok cool, but then their for abortion???? Makes NO SENSE TO ME!
Don't get me wrong I believe we need to take care of our Earth that God made not "some mother" I reuse, I recycle, I am know to pick up litter but I also take a stand for saving innocent babies too!
We are so concerned with protecting our rights, preserving endangered species, saving the environment and economy, we forget about those who don’t yet have a voice to speak out. We need to stand up for this. Many say they are Pro-Life but your not unless you are Pro-active!
And the money that is involved!!!!!!
Abortion is a big business.
So how much are these abortion mills making? Actually abortions really aren't that expensive. You can kill your baby for a couple hundred dollars. The older the baby is the more it costs (harder to murder) This money factor is usually kept quiet. The financial aspect is even more interesting when you see what Planned Parenthood get's payed per abortion by tax payer money. About $8,ooo!!! More than I payed for prenatal care for my pregnancy! The abortionist made more than my doctor in less than 10 minutes than my doctor made in 9 months! Planned Parenthood received $272.2 million dollars in taxpayer money under Title X (heathcare) and an additional report for the year earnings of more than $882 million. That money sure could help save some whales don't you think?.....
ABORTION IS GREEN????????? WHAT???????????????
Wanna hear what the government's green guru had to say???????
(I would love to have lunch with Jonathon!!! and ALL my kids!!!! What a conversation we would have!)
COUPLES who have more than two children are being “irresponsible” by creating an unbearable burden on the environment, the government’s green adviser has warned.
Jonathon Porritt, who chairs the government’s Sustainable Development Commission, says curbing population growth through contraception and abortion must be at the heart of policies to fight global warming. He says political leaders and green campaigners should stop dodging the issue of environmental harm caused by an expanding population.
“I am unapologetic about asking people to connect up their own responsibility for their total environmental footprint and how they decide to procreate and how many children they think are appropriate,” Porritt said.
Porritt, a former chairman of the Green party, says the government must improve family planning, even if it means shifting money from curing illness to increasing contraception and abortion.
Times Online
If I still had my Hummer, I'd load the whole thing up with all kinds of Pro-Life stickers and parade it through Claremont with all my kids hanging out the windows! I'd love to see the looks:)