We taped Ida the missing link and watched it together with the older two kids. Stopping it in between to read what Ken Ham had to say about it. Can I just say, I Love Ken Ham! The fact that I have spent our whole life savings on all his books should prove that I do. haha I am reading this book right now. Wow! He is awesome!!! It was so cool to show the kids how Evolutionist think vs. Creationist. Sad! It was so cool to see the kids say, come on Mom how could they think Ida just fell in the water. Then they would say can you say Flood! ahhhh I love the way they think! And they are right on! It is so sad to think that this fossil will be pictured in textbooks for the next 100 yrs as the "missing link" presented to future generations as evidence of evolution. You want a missing link...check this link out and this link.
My kids clearly know that all this hype is a bunch of bull and that it is nothing other than a small tailed probably tree climbing, now extinct primate from a kind that was created by an awesome creator on day 6 of creation week:)
Our family also enjoys reading Acts and Facts magazine put on by ICR(Institute For Creation Research) that we get monthly for FREE. Sign up and receive your own for monthly mag. for FREE.
Thanks for the information....will check it out right now...
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Ken Ham....he is doing such a great ministry for the Lord. I love it when the kids can reason better than someone who has gone to college for umpteen years with every Abriviation possible tacked onto their name....I mean, come on....that looks nothing like a human...
sorry bout' the typos.....one armed typer....nursing baby in arms ;o)
I tivo'd and watched it too. Brian and I kept saying, "Uhhhh, it looks like a monkey...."
Oh man... just read about this in People! Crazy stuff out there, and crazier people too!
Ok Bridget... seriously.... you NEED to make your blog private. I'm scared lol
I'm just curious as to why you believe that Christianity/the Bible precludes a belief in evolution? Why can't God have created/used the process of evolution itself in order create life?
Wow, I bet Darwin is turning in his grave!
just happened upon your blog and agree completely.....silly humans.."professing to be wise, they became fools"...Ken Ham is great!
With all due respect to those who really do not know what the Bible teaches, let me say, we do not believe in evolution because our Creator has revealed to us exactly how He created the heavens and the earth. He tells us exactly how He created man an woman, and on what day He did so. He did not leave that option open to us. If you believe in the Bible as God's word you cannot get around the fact that God tells us exactly how He created everything. Throughout the Bible He tells us over and over. My question is why do people try to get around the truth that God created the Heavens and the earth the wya He says He did? Why do they try to find some way to push evolution as the process God would use when He clearly states He did not? I can see it is your choice to not believe in creation, but you cannot have it both ways. He created everything just as He has laid it out in the pages of scripture. What you do with that revelation is up to you. God does not try to keep people guessing as to how we can to be. He simply tells us the plain truth in His word. It is people who refuse to take Him at His word and believe in Him that confues this issue. I pray that the light of the truth may be made known to those who seek Him with and honest heart.
oops, sorry for the typing errors, in a hurry
Ok Debbie, then I have another question for you. If, as you say, the Bible is the actual word of God, how do explain all of the inconsistencies within it? Isn't God supposed to be infallible?
Also, if you believe that the words of the Bible are the words of truth, then I assume you must believe & teach your children:
(1) Anyone who works on the Sabbath should be put to death (Exodus 35:2)
(2) Anyone who plays football is sinning--after all they are touching the skin of a dead pig, as precluded by Leviticus 11:8
(3) Anyone who curses, commits adultery, marries but is not a virgin, or disobeys their parents should be stoned to death
(4) Any uncircumsised boy should be abandoned by his parents (Genesis 17:14)
(5) God is hateful, veangeful, and all sinners should be killed (Psalms 5:5-6). Oh, yeah, and if you anger God, he'll burn your children to death (Psalms 21:9-10)
(6) It's totally fine to beat your kids. God says so, after all (Proverbs 19:18)
Do I need to go on? I have to assume that you believe this to e the truth since it's the "word of God." Please tell me you're able to use your own brain & common sense to realize that following the Bible word for word is ignorant & illogical.
God is not just supposed to be infallible, He is INFALLIBLE! I do believe that the words of the Bible are truth and I do so as I am compelled to by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To believe in the Bible you do have to have a measure of faith but that does not mean that God has asked us to put our brain on a shelf. I mean He created my brain and He gave me common sense as well. He has given plenty of facts to support His Word. In 2 Tim. 3:16 it says " all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." The Bible is 66 books written over 1,500 years, by over 40 different authors,3 different continents, and 3 different languages. It does address lifes most controversial topics from beginning to end. It miraculously remains consistent and internally harmonious from beginning to end. The evidence of fulfilled prophecy, archaeological discoveries and its amazing unity, build a compelling case that it is divine in origin and is historicaly reliable. The Bible was meant to be read from Genesis to Revelation. It is not to be taken out of context to fit our agenda. The Old Testament scriptures that you took out of context were some of the laws that God gave to the children of Israel after He delivered them from Egypt. He called them to be separate from all the nations around them. He gave to them very strict laws that we to be obeyed in order that He might bless them. Those laws were for them. They are not the laws for the Gentile Chhuch today. Again, in context it is understood. So yes, I can play football because I am free in Christ to not only touch a pig but I can eat ham or bacon if I choose. All talk of pig aside, I encourage you to read the Bible in whole without taking a verse here and there. You asked if you needed to go on, and I would say no. That would be because you will not change my belief in Jesus as being the One ,True God and His Word being absolute TRUTH. I think however it is rude to say I am ignorant or illogical because I do not share your belief. I would not disrespect you that way. I have been given a measure of faith by God, and because He has been gracious enough to reveal His truth to me, you call me ignorant? It is okay though, Jesus said we would be called worse. He was not well recieved either. So I stand in great company. I pray that the Lord will bless you and that you will one day open your eyes to the greatest message the world will ever hear. It is written in the pages of the Bible and proven by His death and resurrection. He has shown us His love and nothing else needs to be said. I think my Lord said it well in John 19:30 " It is FINISHED"
Finally, Debbie speaks the TRUTH: "The Bible is 66 books written over 1,500 years, by over 40 different authors,3 different continents, and 3 different languages." Indeed, it was. And thus, while it may be INSPIRED by God, it is the work of MAN. Therefore, it can be fallible. It can be outdated. It can be inconsistent. And it FORCES us to use common sense to interpret it.
Why are some people SO hypocritical? I love how the Bible verses I quoted are, to you, taken out of context and irrelevent in today's world. But it's all well & good for YOU to quote the Bible (out of context) when you want to denounce women's rights, gay rights, stem cell research, and evolution.
So ONLY when it suits YOUR purposes, the Bible is the word of God? We can all pick & choose sections of the Bible to fit our beliefs. Why don't you try teaching your children to use the Bible as a guideline, but to keep an open mind & heart to the world around them. Maybe it's time to use the Bible to support ideas that move our world forward, not hold us back!
Flynn, I guess you will do not get it. You even take my words out of context. The Bible is not a work of man. It is either inspired by God and His absolute truth or it is not. I choose to believe it to be just that. I can see it angers you that others don't hold your belief. You think we are we are foolish but that is not the case. Why don't you use your common sense and ask Jesus to come into your life and then He will reveal His truth to you as well. Why attack something that you obviously have no heart to follow? Why attack others faith and not really know anything about us? Have you consided that you just might be decieved? Search for yourself the truth. We could go back and forth all day and I will still choose to use my brain and common sense, and a heart of faith to follow Jesus and what He says concerning Himself and His Word. I am sorry to tell you His Word is all God breathed. The truth will be revealed in the end and the Lord will make all things clear until then I will respectfully disagree with you and continue to pray you come to know the Lord and the knowledege of His truth. We need to leave it at that.
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