I can't run long distances but I can swim forever!
While I was swimming laps yesterday trying to melt away all my baby weight before summer and covering my kids little bodies in sunscreen it took me back to the best days of my youth. Summer days! Swimming pools,water volleyball,water gun fights, sunscreen,the beach,the river,jumping off the houseboat,water skiing, tubing (NEVER AGAIN)watermelons,mom's tuna sandwiches,otter pops, summer skirts, flip flops, corn on the cob, BBQ,lemonade stands, I could go on and on.... I love the squeals and giggles and happiness that comes from our backyard!
Our own paradise:)
Here's some pictures I took of my kids.... I can't wait till Summer!!!!
Geared up for the water gun fight!

Nothing like a chunky naked baby in a bucket:)

Miss hot stuff....

Lovin the hollyhocks!

And to get the cutest summer pictures ever... just give your kids watermelon and snap away!!!

Who can eat their watermelon the fastest?


Love his long lashes!

Landen picked these off our blueberry bush for a quick snack:)

Another thing I will love this summer is our garden! We are growing so many things. So, when the kids are constantly saying,"were hungry" I will just say.... Go pick something!(just not your nose)
After a full day of swimming the kids and I made carrot cake....out of baby food! It was actually really good.

I love making memories with my kids... As summer draws near what stands out as your favorite memories? What are your plans this summer?
And I know my girls always wear BIG bows and flowers in their hair but today they are sporting BIG PINK bows for April Rose! In honor of "Hoping in Pink" Day

p.s. I sure got my work cut out for me with all this diaper talk. I am looking a both sides. (thank you everyone for taking your time to talk about poop and diapers on my blog) I never thought diapers could be so interesting LOL
Have a good day!
I'm off to do some laps:)
Your kids are just the cutest. SO excited for summer too! (Minus being pregnant again during it haha)
beautiful kids, beautiful home, beautiful pictures, beautiful memories, Thank You for sharing. You are such an inspiring Mommy!!!
Adorable pics!
A blueberry bush too?! What fruit and veggie don't you get? Looks like a fun pre-summer day. I can't wait for summer either. We go on lots of last minute getaways. At least we did last year. haha. There is this beach house in oceanside that isn't that expensive at all. Right on the ocean! Hawaii would be a nice vacation. Maybe one of these days :)
Those are great! Picture number four is about the cutest thing I have ever seen!!
You have the cutest kids! We are very excited for summer too.
Where do you get all of your adorable bows/headbands? Love your blog, glad I found you.
Ahh yes... High school swim theam memories. Swimming toward the Baker's sign for motivation to finish our laps :o)
Swimming is one of the only exercises that I can do right now - and definately the most enjoyable. Now that the water is a little warmer, I have been getting out there more often. I am lucky that our condo complex is all old people who don't use the pool. It is almost like having our own private pool - I think my big 'ol maternity bathing suit would scare them off anyways.
That adorable child, in that white
enamel tub, is off the hook!!!
These children are soooooooo
cute !
Simply love these pictures !!
Alyssa's aunt helen
That fat naked baby with exposed asshole wears a silly hat but you feel urged to show her naked. Why don´t you show her vagina as well? I think naked babies are disgusting and if they must be naked why put on that awful hat? Ha ha ha?
Anonymous: You are lame! Get a life.
Brianna, do you really think that someone from the other side wrote the comment? I mean all living creatures have a life haven´t they or do you argue as many stupid people do when they don´t like someone opinion? I think parents who post pictures of their naked children on the web deserves comments like these. You can read here and there about posting pictures and hopefully this betrayal of a child´s right to privacy ends up in court.
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