Just something other than the normal stay at home mom. I had big dreams and always would worry about what I was going to be when I grew up. I would always stress about what I was going to be when I grew up. I would tell my mom," I don't know what I want to be or what to do in life." She would always tell me that God has a purpose and a plan for my life and that I just needed to trust in him and he would give me the desires of my heart.
When ABC didn't call and my skating days were over I often doubted that God had big plans or even significant plans for me. How could He use me? I often struggled with this. I became pregnant at a young age and thought my "big dream days" were over. I was just a SAHM, I could be doing so much more with my life. I tend to think big. Please don't get me wrong I love my kids and I love being a mommy to them but sometimes I wondered if I could be doing other things in my life besides changing diapers all day and doing dishes etc. I have a lot of questions like. . .What am I doing day in and day out? What is my purpose here on earth? Am I making a difference? Does what I do matter? What kind of legacy will I leave?
God is finally showing me that he has a specific plan for me. I am right where he wants me to be. It says in the Ephesians 2:10, that He “created us to do good things. He planned for us long ago.”
A quote from George Barna: "Our children will define the future, which makes them our most significant and enduring legacy. After all, God never told his followers to take over the world through force or intelligence. He simply told us to have children and then raise them to honor God in all they do."
Now, that I am a mommy x5 I am overwhelmed with these precious children that God has placed in my life and in my care. They are the closest tangible thing to God. These little people are made in God’s image, in the Creator of the Universe’s image! Imagine that! He knows them better than I will ever know them, He loves them more than I will ever love them, and He has a greater plan for them than I could ever even fathom. They are His creation. He knew them before creation. He had them in mind when He created the earth.
I am so glad that God is in control of my life. I am so thankful that he has given me the desires of my heart to have a big family even when I didn't know that's what I wanted. I would want nothing more than to be home with my kids. I don't care if I am "just a stay at home mommy" a nobody in the worlds eye's. I am big to God. He has big plans for me.
God is already using me! I am already making a difference for eternity. I am fulfilling my purpose by being a mommy and taking care of one of God’s most prized creations!
I take my job serious and I am happy and wouldn't have my life any other way. I love that God chose me to lead these little ones to him:)

(that is a pic of Faith on her 1st bday learning to walk. She is holding my hand and daddy's hand. I love that pic!)
ok, now that I rambled on....
I wanted to do a book giveaway. I am going on my 3rd year of homeschooling now and I must confess I have an addiction to books! We have read some of the most amazing books this last year. I thought I would do a giveaway of some of the books we are reading. I know your family will enjoy and learn from them as much as we have. I am going to start out with a book that I use for bible (for the little ones) I read it mostly to Landen (age 3) and Farrah (age 2) I find it appropriate for ages 3-9. Although my older children 7yrs and 9 yrs "already know this stuff" I still like to review such important principles during these formative years. It explains some pretty heavy duty theological concepts in an easy way.
Leading Little Ones to God by Marian M. Schoolland has caused the kids and I to get into some great discussions.
I highly recommend it to all parents who want to lead their little ones to know Christ.
So, here is your chance to win yourself a copy of this great book. Just leave a comment and tell me what you wanted to be growing up? I will choose the winner via random.org on Monday. Have a great Weekend:)

p.s. Simple Wonders was nice enough to send me diffent types of cloth diapers to try out:)I got them in the mail today and I plan to use them this next week and do a review for you all. Then I will pick which one I liked best and we will do a cloth diaper giveaway here on this blog next Friday!!!!!!
I have always wanted to be a mom! I actually wrote about this on my mother's day post on my own blog. Thanks for sharing your heart with us! :o)
I found your blog through my sister's blog (show some lovin') and I'm so glad I did :)
Ever since I was eight years old I wanted to "grow up, get married, have babies, and live happily ever after." That's what I've always wanted and always told people. Now I have my husband (whom I've had a crush on since I was 8. Talk about God knowing what He's doing) of almost five years and two beautiful little girls (ages 3 and 7 months). There's no better job out there than mine :)
I really wanted to be a paramedic or a crime scene investigator. Then I realized that I would never spend time with my future family. I always knew I wanted to be a Mom.
I guess it's a good thing I wasn't a crime scene investigator since I saw your neighbors house get robbed right in front of my eyes and didn't notice or remember even what time it happened. :)
I always wanted to be a mom first, marine biologist second--until I realized how much math and science I'd have to take (not my strong subjects). Instead, I teach Language Arts at the middle school level part time, and am the mom I always wanted to be to almost three!
I always wanted to be a veterinarian. It NEVER occurred to me that I would ever be "just a mom." But, I have found that it is the most rewarding, life-changing and relationship growing job I've ever had.
I always thought I wanted to be a teacher. I remember pretending I was grading and filing papers in the garage while my dad worked on the boat or the car.
I met a boy when I was 8 who ended up being my first crush, then my highschool sweet heart, then my husband (the man of my dreams!)
I knew after I met him, fell in love with him, and then married him that all I ever wanted was to be was the mother of his children! We tried for 6 1/2 years to have a baby. We went through infertility and all. By the grace of God we finally have had our 2 miracle babies (conceived naturally).
I now know that there is NOTHING I'd rather do or feel more privledged to do than to be the stay at home mommy of our 2 precious gems that God has entrusted us with.
I AM a very blessed SAHM!!!
Wow I could have written that post myself! I always wanted to be a teacher when I grew up but much like you became a mom at a young age ;) After having Ryder I think it really hit me how amazing our children really are and that we are picked by God to tend to and care for these little ones and that each one truly is a miracle. People think I'm crazy for wanting more but I can't imagine a better "bigger" job than taking care of God's little sheep. That book sounds great, I think I'll go buy it....if I don't win the giveaway! ;)
I always wanted to be a nurse or in the medical field, but marriage came first....four children later I am pleased to say my eldest is at UCI in the biology program, working at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach as an intern and living my dream.....we raise them right we get to live our dreams through them and I feel more fulfilled guiding her in that direction.....she grew up to be a compassionate, loving, respectful lady who loves God and it shines through, people graviate to her... and am so proud of her.....now three left.....can't wait to see what they do!
Heather you can homeschool and be a teacher and a mommy at the same time:)...haha
Hi Bridget, You are doing the best and most important job! First I always had the desire to be a mom. But I also wanted to be a famous female drummer, like Sheila E. I've decided I'm not going to give up on that dream quite yet! I can be mommy and a rockin' drummer too! LOL Love, Jen
Wow...great post! I feel the same way...so glad that God knows me better than I know myself :) This SAHM thing really is where it's at! I did once have a dream to be a high school band director :) I even went to school for it. But now that I'm a mommy of a 14 month old with another on the way, I really couldn't be happier. This is the best job ever!
Thank you, Bridget, for sharing your heart!
I always wanted to be a mom and a teacher, thankfully both of which I am! God is good....
Hi Bridget!
I always wanted to grow up and be a teacher! It runs in my family, haha :) I'm in my last year of college right now and am leaning on God right now as I inch my way towards my own classroom!
Thanks so much for the give-a-way!
I wanted to be a CIA officer...even went to grad school for it. But for some reason, I always had this little tiny feeling in the back of my heart that it (and I) belonged at home. I questioned some of my decisions until my first little one came along...then I realized (most days) that I wouldn't trade dirty diapers and kissing ouchies for all the adrenaline rushes in the world.
Thanks for the post...it was wonderful
I always wanted to be a mom! My dream came true a little over nine months now. Man it's going fast. Thank you God.
When i was growing up, all I wanted to be was a momma!!! This desire was always so strong in me. Even at a young age. I guess it was the Lord preparing me because he knew he would later call me to be a momma to many
I love your post! I always wanted to be a teacher. I went to college, then to get a masters and even pursued two other degrees. Even the title of my blog shows that I wanted to take over the world.
So I put off having a family for the degrees. So I was suppose to be happy with a career. It's a nice job, but it doesn't come close to job of being a Mom.
So FINALLY I am going to be a Mom after all of these years! And I hope I do a good job at teaching my own children to know Jesus.
Being a mom is what I always longed for and God has certainly blessed me with 2 fun, loving little boys! Second on my list was to be an elementary teacher and through His grace, I fulfill that dream everyday as well! I not only look to lead my own little ones to God, but also the children that I teach everday! Religion in a public school is so touchy, however I feel it is so important especially for those children that never get to experience His love! I would love to read this book to gain insightful ways to lead all the children in my life to God!
P.S. Being a stay at home mom is NOT a worthless job! You are one lucky woman that has been blessed to have such a job!
I always wanted to be a teacher... I was never gonna have children and if I did, I was never gonna be a SAHM.
Now I have four little ones and we homeschool! LOL!
I wanted to be an x- ray tecn. When I was in the 9th grade I was on a little leage softball team. I played left feild catcher. I caught every single ball that came to me. But one night a really big girl hit a line drive and I caught it with my eye. So I was rushed in an ambulance to Riverside county hospital. The lady who took x-rays of my eye (which was a size of a baseball). Told me that her job was easy and that I should consider it as a trade. She was so nice that I kept her advice all the way up until my senior year. But because of a broken home, I didnt pursue it. Yet I would not trade my job as a mom for the world. I agree 100% with ya. I to am raising disiples for Jesus.
I wish I could share my testimony, but I guess another time.
BTW, r u still going to do the Bible Bee. I dropped my Son because we just didn't have the time.
I always knew, when I got my degree, even my Masters degree, that I wasn't going to get a lot of use out of it:) I loved teaching, but I couldn't wait to be a stay at home mom:)
Well...when I was a little girl, I wanted to be a checker at K-Mart! I think I just wanted to push the buttons on the cash register. For some reason, I've always loved real cash registers-yes I know that sounds strange and I digress.
Then after a family trip to Laughlin, I told my parents I wanted to be a blackjack dealer. They were less than pleased, I'm sure. Again, I just wanted to play with cards & those casino chips!
In high school I wanted to be a nurse, but deep down I knew I really wanted to be a SAHM. It's truly been my dream since my mom brought my baby sisters home from the hospital and I tried to carry them around like my own baby dolls.
I'm so blessed that my dream came true and I hope to follow in your footsteps & homeschool them too!
I'm so glad you are my sweet sister in Christ!
I wanted to be a famous iceskater too! But, I always knew ever since I was little that I wanted to be a mom to a large family. When I was in middle school I even "planned" out their names, and my wedding and everything!lol
Haha, this is gonna be long! I wanted to be a mom (always, since I was little) and a doctor. I kept this dream going until I realized in high school that I would probably make a pretty crappy mom if I was a doctor bc I would never be able to see them and I would most certainly have to work to pay off the giant med school loans. I decided then that I wanted to still be a mom of course, but also be either a nurse or a teacher. I don't know how (probably flipped a coin) but I ended up picking the teacher thing, went through all the training, did the student teaching, and a little work in the school system, only to find out that maybe that actually wasn't my dream job in life. At that time in my life though, I BECAME a mom (again and again and again) and I haven't looked back since!!! Its most definately the most amazing job I have ever had. I feel like I didn't start really living life until my babies were born! And I get to be their mom AND their teacher (way better then the public school thing). I do eventually plan on doing the nurse thing after I have done my "raising the kids" thing though, just might take a LONG while. :)
I wanted to be a teacher and a mom, just like my mom. She is a exceptional example of someone who devotes her life to God and her family.
Okay so when I was 5 I wanted to be a vet because I loved animals SO much. Then I realized they die LOL And couldn't 'handle' that factor. Then at 16 I met you and well... I wanted to be a hairstylist and Mommy. And look! I'm doing exactly that! Thanks Bridget :)
I wanted to be a pediatrician...
Great giveaway!!
When I was young I wanted to be a radio disc jockey!! I became a flight attendant instead, ha ha! And of course I always wanted to be a mama too, and now that I am, nothing else matters much!
Still love your blog!!
I had this book when my children were young and absolutely loved it!
What a blessing!
Glad it has blessed you as well!
Deborah xo
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