Farrah thought she would go up to him and ask him for a ride.

So she jumped on his shell.....

and then yelled at him to go faster!

these are just a few of the many pictures I took over the long 3day weekend (which I will post later when all these rug rats are in bed)....but I had to stop in to announce the winner of the book so I thought I'd share these pictures of Farrah yelling at J.D. while I was at it. haha...
Congrats to Kallie on winning the book and also congratulations on baby #2 being on the way!!! How exciting!
Please email me your address so I can get that book right out to you.
I will be doing another book giveaway very soon:)
COOL Tortoise!!! We had one just like him.....Fred, may his sweet soul rest in peace! :o( He had such a personality....does your's? We miss Fred terribly.....One day, while we were letting Fred stretch his legs in his pen outside, our German Shepherd Minka thought that he looked like he would be a ton of fun to play with,....he was much smaller than yours. She really didn't mean to hurt him....but by the time we could get him away from her, he was badly hurt. She had damaged his shell and ruptured his lung. The vet said that they could use fiberglass to restore his protective shell that was damaged....but the ruptured lung was fatal. We all cried so hard. I have NEVER gotten over the loss. Seriously. Anytime anyone mentions him, we all tear up. I know it might seem crazy....but he was a member of our family.
That is too cute. Love J.D.
Just found your blog! LOVE it!! I'm a first year homeschooling mom, and I'm shocked by what a wonderful experience it has been.
I've met such amazing, Godly women through this process.
Hope you don't mind if I come back again really soon! :)
me too Sascha! I've met so many nice families...it's a whole new world and lifestyle....and we all don't wear prairie skirts:)
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