Friday, May 29, 2009

Flashback Friday

This picture was taken on Austin's 1st birthday. I remember looking at him that night thinking how could he be 1 years old already. Now, I am thinking to myself how can he be almost 10 years old!!!


JenCoen said...

I can *totally relate... Courtney will be ---11--- in September! Where does it all go...

Jen@Scrapingirl said...

My son is nine today. I can't believe this. Where does the time go.

Jennifer said...

My oldest daughter is 10 on Monday and I'm feeling the same way!

Loni's World said...

Cute pic. :)

Phoebe said...

that is a stunning picture, really strange contrasted against pictures of you today

Phoebe said...

Ok i'm not going to be anon on this.

I've looked back on your past posts and you were gravely wrong about the pill. I'm afraid some women may have believed what you wrote.

The pill prevents ovulation itself if taken correctly at the same time each day. It is only if you are late or forget one that there is the 'back up' of the lining of the womb being affected. In which case yes a fertilised egg is lost, but the chance of this happening is slim even if a pill is taken wrongly.

It in no way whatsoever affects your immunity, it has nothing to do with white blood cells whatsoever in the slightest. To say it increases suseptibility to Aids is wrong point blank. Firstly you cannot 'catch' aids, only hiv which may become aids later. If you sleep with someone with hiv, you will get hiv, whether you are on the pill or not.

The only way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases is through using a condom. This is essential until you and your partner have been screened.

Of course this is not a worry unless you are sexually active. Abstinence should be encouraged until one is in a happy stable relationship, but if you are using condoms and the pill then you will be completely protected.

I enjoy having a nosy at your blog quietly and i admire your faith, but some things are fact no matter how you dress them up.

Ice Queen said...

If there is even a "slim" chance of a "fertilized egg" being lost because someone doesn't take the pill correctly, why chance it? I asked my gyn if this was true and she admitted that it actually happens quite frequently.

:corinne: said...

Wow, already 10 years old??? I remember when you used to bring him in the nursery. He was one of my faves and he'd sit on my lap and play. What a cutie he was...and still is :).

Simply Blessed said...

I remember both of you at this age. How quickly time flys by ;)

TurNorBurN said...

Phoebe, please oh please look into things before you post, yeah the picture of her is TEN YEARS AGO, HELLO. Also, read her take 2 on the blog, wake up, especially if you are a christian.

Phoebe said...

TurNorBurN, you wake up!

I was making a nice comment about the picture, I do have a brain and can read cheers.

And I'm educated in Biology, yes the fertilised egg is sometimes lost that is true.

What I'm saying is that it is a)uncommon b)the other comments about health risks that the pill imposes are largely untrue, other than a slight increase in the risk of breast cancer if taken for over six years and that it can lead to blood clots in women who have high blood pressure

I know nothing of Planned Pregnancy and therefore cannot comment. I shall only say that teenagers should be educated on contraception.

GrOwTh SpUrTs said...

Phoebe, with all do respect, I agree with Ice Queen. As a believer I cannot, in good conscience, take the chance of losing a pregnancy no matter how tiny. It may be uncommon, but it definitely happens. As for the other research I have found out the same information and I have been looking into this for years. I encourage you to do some further research on it. I would find an impartial, non government resource for your information. It's a big business and their information is way too clouded by the love of money. And there are definitely other side effects to using the pill and I have been advised not to take it because of them. I get horrendous migraines and I am at a much higher risk for blood clots when on them. I would say, just like with any other medication, people should be fully aware of how they work and what the risks are. Especially if it involves the life of another human being. There are some things, that I feel, that God just did not intend for us to put into our bodies.

GrOwTh SpUrTs said...

I should also mention after seeing your other response that my blood clots are completely unrelated to high blood pressure. I am young and healthy. I took the pill for years until I realized exactly how they work and the history of the contraception/abortion movement in this country. Shortly after that I was told that I shouldn't take it anyway. And I would say that an increased risk in breast cancer, blood clots, missed abortions, etc. are all plenty good reasons to avoid them. Abortions are also linked to breast cancer but you won't here that from abortion providers or the mainstream media either. Sorry if this comes across as pushy in writing. Truly, I am just trying to discuss this and state my beliefs on the topic. We may have to agree to disagree, but sometimes that is what adults have to do.