I was way over due for a change. My husband likes me with short hair. So, I was about to go chop off all my hair, but chickened out. Then I saw a picture of Heidi Klum and thought maybe I'd go for the bang look. It's a change but not too much of a drastic thing. I've learned not to do anything drastic when pregnant or pms-ing. I'm not preg!!!! Just pms-ing...Although after that one post everyone keeps asking if I am.
I've been known to grab my scissors and cut off more than 10 inches before. Then cried the whole night wondering what I just did. haha...Plus I figured the bangs could hide some unwanted forehead wrinkles at the same time. Bangs or Botox? I'll go for the bangs. We know how I hate needles.
This is the look I was going for...

When I looked in the mirrow I could just hear that song in my head from an old sitcom....
Come and knock on our door............We've been waiting for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I look more like Crissy from Three's Company than Hiedi Klum.....but that's ok my husband likes it and so does Faith. (Gotta love my honest daughter)

So cute and so you!! Looks great :)
Super cute! I love it!
Hey your lucky I didn't talk you into chopping it off and told you not to. I think it looks cute. You look like your in high school again.
It looks great! I look awful in bangs, you're lucky.
Love the new hair! Looks good. Very Heidi!
You're adorable! :) GOOD JOB!! It's time for me again-- when we come out of hiding i'm coming to get it done! hehe...
Kiah's not allowed to be around people for a month! :P I have to get the final note from dr.warren on monday so we'll see! ;)
Bridget, your hair looks beautiful as always. I'd say it's unfair but you work so hard at everything you do so it probably is fair...
To answer your question - YES! I am back in California. La Jolla, to be exact :O) And I am loving it. How I missed the beach!
Are you still cutting hair for everyone now that you are "Bridget, the amazing mommy of five"? I really need a good cut and I'd be willing to travel! (I homeschool my son Jonathan so I have a pretty open schedule) Let me know.
Love, Susan
LOVE the bangs girlie!! you look awesome!!!
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