I just found my way out of the mountain of dirty laundry. So I am back to blogging. I have been doing loads of laundry since we got back from our camping trip on Sunday. We went to Glamis (If you know me I HATE Glamis) but that's a whole other blog post I don't have time for. My husband and kids love it so I go along just to make sure no one gets hurt. This camping trip Farrah had the runs so it seemed like every 15 minutes I had to change her diaper along with her being fussy with a fever. Then Faith got the stomach flu and was throwing up all day and night. (In a trailer) ewwww! Again, I have a tough stomach, but not when pregnant. I opened up all the windows and tried to air the trailer out. I kept asking my husband, "Are we having fun yet?" I think by the 3rd day he was annoyed by that saying! Then after I thought it was all over Justin got sick on the last day. Did I mention that this trip cost about $1,400. After my husband flooded the trailer and we had to get it fixed. With all new flooring and whatever else it needed. Then just the cost of food and gas! I'd rather go somewhere tropical thank you!
I couldn't sleep while in the trailer I was waiting to catch the next kid to barf. Everyone else was sound a sleep. This is what I saw...

Poor Farrah fell asleep like this

Great! and Landen picks his nose in his sleep... I had no idea

This is my 2 year old taking off on a quad without asking...

This is his face when Justin is yelling at him to slow down. This kid is going to give me a heart attack!
Once again your blog, had me laughing out loud at my computer! That picture of Farrah is classic! And just so you know, I also hate Glamis and have had the excuse of being pregnant and having a baby and being pregnant again to get me out of those trips. But, now I think you have ruined all that! Next time Ricky is going to say, Bridget goes and she is pregnant and has four kids! Thanks for the laugh!
Bridget, I can't stand going to Glamis either, I try to go one or two times during the season, now that the kids are old enough to go without me. I am surprised that you aren't traumatized by the last trip!! I'm sorry we missed you, but I am sure you know what's going on, hope everyones feeling better!
Oh good, looks like I have 2 new members for my GAG (girls against glamis) club :)
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