He told me yesterday, "Mom, I don't want to go down in history as a nine year old that is just good at riding my bike, I want to go down in history as a nine year old who changed the world for Christ."
Isn't he cute??
And that is exactly why I go to this gross stinky recycle center for him:)

He has earned $214.06 so far.
Austin was able to talk to Ken Ham about a year ago and Ken told him, "you know Austin, I'm getting old we need youngin's like you to step up and study creation."
Austin hasn't forgotten that and that is why he is working SO hard to earn enough money to go.
I couldn't be more proud of him!
Oh. My. Goodness.
He is adorable! Wow, what a great kid :) What do you feed them?! :)
That is awesome! It's the opportunity to meet people like Ken Ham that can open our eyes and even the eyes of our children! What an awesome boy you have!
YAY way to go Austin!
Yeah and he is the only reason I packed my car full of rotten bottles and cans to bring to him. I wouldn't just do that for anyone. HA
Ken Ham is great! I am so excited for Austin! What a great kid!
WOW! What an amazing boy you have Bridget! You guys are doing an amazing job! I can almost see Jesus smiling from ear to ear at Austin! ;)
wow that is pretty amazing! He really is a great kid!
that is seriously awsome! :) I CAN'T WAIT for him to be in j.h. so he can get involved with Dave! :) Hopefully by then we'll have a creation tour on our way! ;)
Wow, we need more children in the world like your son! :) Congrats to him!
I really do know how to spell...Kentucky (see)
I may be the worst speller but God is still using me and my kids aren't suffering too bad:)
thank you for the emails for correction haha, I guess I better use my spell check from now on!!
Austin is a gift from the Lord. No doubt the Lord intends to use him. The eyes of the Lord do go to and fro throughout the world to see if there is anyone whose heart is seeking after Him, to be willing to be used by Him. He will use Austin for sure as is has been willing from early childhood to be a witness for Christ. May His hand be upon him in all He has called Austin to do. One proud grandma!
Austin, you are the man!
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