Let me hold you longer....
I always tell my kids this! (A favorite book I read to them by Karen Kingsbury) ...I cry every time I read it(and they just look at me like oh, no here she goes again)
The other day I was playing around with Austin and said this is how I use to rock you. I sat him on my lap and his feet almost the same size as mine hung off the rocker and his lanky body lay across me. I can't remember the last time I rocked him. When did he get so big that I made that day the last? This morning he came in my room and said, "I love you Mommy." He still calls me mommy:) but when will he stop? When will the last time that he says mommy? Soon it will be just the plain ol' Mom in a deep cool voice...
That's when it hit me...we spend our children's days celebrating their firsts. First steps, first tooth, first word etc...But somehow, along the way we miss their lasts. I am experiencing firsts and lasts with having one of my babies turning 10 and one turning 1. I don't want to miss either of them....
Our first family picture in the hospital after Finley was born!
Dear God,
Let me hold on longer to every precious last.
Ok, you did it! You got my tears flowing this morning. Now you know the feelings we, as Nana's, Grandma's, Gran's ect. have.... only multiplied....we have our kids and the precious grandkids too. It all happens to quickly! You've got it right DON'T BLINK, because you will surely miss something wonderful if you do!
Well said, Bridget. I remember the crying as I rocked our twins when there were about 11 months old. They were so sleepy and I could barely hold them both. I knew that it would be one of the last times that I would truly get to rock and hold them while they both snuggled against me.
Of course I've rocked and snuggled them each independently since then, but not together because they both won't fit in my arms at the same time.
Don't blink. Right?
OH MY!!!! What a beautiful post! Kind of bittersweet. I was just thinking about this the other day when looking at pictures of our eldest when he was 3!!! time just flies. I look back and wich I was the mom I am now to our first and second. The Lord taught me so much since then! I Pray for the Lord to help me see ever moment as special and worth celebrating! I would love to have one of each age group in the house all the time!!! I miss my newborns laying on me!!!
Okay, you are definitely the poster mom for looking wonderful right after having a baby!!
Beautiful post~
I love when they come and climb into bed with me in the morning, before my brain is awake. I'm glad my nine year old still likes to do that. If I'm not in bed, he asks to lay on the couch with me instead. I won't go any further or I'll start to cry.
Hey, BTW did you get your hair cut?
Ok super hormonal over here... but here I am all teary eyed. It's so bittersweet when our babies grow up.
I LOVE that book!! Every year for my kid's birthdays I do two things: write them a letter and buy them a book, that I dedicate to them and keep in a special birthday box. This is the first book I bought both my kids. . .and will be excited to buy for the third due in Dec.!
I've read your blog a couple of times but after this post I will no doubt be a regular...I am a mother of 4 married kids, and a grandmother to 8 (so far!) wonderous grand babies and you have said it all quite nicely. I have always been a celebrator of "lasts".. Last day of school, last day of being a certain age etc. My daughter married a year ago and we celebrated her last day as a single lady and last day under our roof with a special dinner just for "our" family and night of remembering...I will always have this memory because it is so true, blink, and you could miss something special. You have a beautiful family by the way...Debbie
Oh this post touched me! I guess it's me being pregnant. I got teary eyed the other day when I thought Rylee's bottom teeth were getting super crooked and it was only a loose tooth. It was just a moment we both enjoyed and will never forget. I can only imagine when she is 10 like Austin will be. You have such a beautiful family and I am so glad I have been able to keep in touch with you over the years. I will remember to celebrate the "lasts" just as much as the "firsts". Great post!!
Great post, Bridg! Love the pictures :)
Sahara will be one on Thursday, also. I am so not ready for her to be a big girl. Luckily for me she does not seem to be in a hurry either. You just never know when they are going to take off and be big kids, though.
When will be that last toothless day or that final nursing session? Yesterday was Sierra's (5) last day without holes in her precious ears... the week before that was the last day of having a full mouth of baby teeth. Last days are sooooo precious!... and the time passes way too fast!
You made me cry my precious daughter. When was the last time I held you in my lap and rocked you? Want to try? That could be fun. You can only imagine how you will feel as a grandma when the lasts become more as your children and grandbabies keep growing. I pray the Lord will always allow me to hold those precious memories in my heart of each child and grandchild He has blessed me with. No greater joy in life than being a mom, and I am proud to be your mom.
You put every emotion I feel about my babies into words, PERFECTLY! I love reading your blog... very inspirational! God bless you and your beautiful family! <3
Amen my friend!
Oh, I am so glad I found your blog! I have been feeling the same way lately. My oldest is 6 and he's just turning into this tall and skinny little kid and those baby days seem like a lifetime away now.
You have a beautiful family! I absolutely love to see other homeschooling families like ours. We don't sew our own clothes or bake our own bread either. But we love Jesus and we homeschool our kids!
Ok, I think you need to write a book to mom's with all your mommy sentiments about your children I'd buy it! Yes, my eyes welled with some tears and my body kind of melted as I read. Because it's so so so true:) Thank you for that one! PS: I'm going to read it to my husband now..because I feel like making him cry (hee hee)
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