I love this picture. Austin took it of us on a mini hike.
This is the day after I found out I was pregnant with Finley. Farrah was just 5 months old. (even though she looks a lot older with all that hair and chubs)

This carrier is the peanut shell (not the most comfortable) I'm thinking about ordering the Ergo baby sling. Another mom of many I met swears by it. I am all about baby wearing these days, it's the only way I can get things done. (Thank God Finley is still only 17lbs) Anyone else have a favorite baby sling/carrier? I know baby wearing has become very popular...please share!!!(I need both hands)
You cutie pie!
I almost always blog ahead. It's the only way. :)
google psling ny
i bought mine in new york, but their site ships anywhere. there are so many choices!!! not only are they extremely comfortable, but so stylish!!! baby madeline is 23 lbs, and i easily carry her around all day!
I love the wraps - had a shoulder sling for years until I found the one that distributes the weight on BOTH shoulders - way better!! I got mine from www.loveyduds.com!
I love my mom's Ergo for carrying Arianah it's really comfy, but takes a little longer to put on than the Maya. The Moby wrap is also very comfortable, but it gets hot to wear in SoCal ;)The one I use most, though is the Maya Wrap. It's really easy to put on, but it's not as comfy as the Ergo.
I ended up buying the metro wrap and so far I really like it (but got it at a wherehouse for $45, otherwise they are $110!!!). I still feel like it isn't as sturdy as I'd like it to be so I can have free hands though and nothing beats the good ol' Baby Bjorn. It just seems to be the most secure. The Ergo looks like it might be similar.
I could not be without my Moby Wrap for my newborn baby. It is so easy to go hands free while chasing my 3 year old around. I love my Ergo too, but prefer it once babies are at least 6 months old.
The Ergo is easier to use, but both are super comfy.
For bigger babies, I love my Hip Hammock. Not too expensive & you can get kids in & out pretty fast. Plus I'm used to having the weight on my hips not my back, so I love it.
I've had both the Ergo and the Beco (www.becobabycarrier.com) and I love both of them. They both put a majority of the baby's weight on your hips and not on your shoulders (like a bjorn would) which makes it much more comfortable to wear. The Ergo is cheaper, but some of the Beco prints are adorable! Some nights it is the only way I can get dinner on the table by putting the baby on my back in the beco as I move around the kitchen.
I have a peanut shell and can't stand it! It's not comfortable at all. Other than that I just use the baby bjorn. I would love to get a new sling for this next baby. I can't believe you still carry Finley around at 17 lbs. You must have one strong upper body. haha
Hmmm...I need one for my upcoming new arrival..and hopefully one of these will work. I want to look like the African mom working in the fields with the baby wrapped up all around her:) Of course I'm hoping for comfort too:) What is your favorite so far Bridget?
I second the Ergo! My baby is 22 lbs now and we're still using it nearly everyday (well, at least when she's too tired to toddle).
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