Life is just crazy right now. With moving, school starting next week, birthdays, weddings, and sick kids, and 4 days in the hospital....and to even think of blogging about it makes me dizzy.
So, I'm going to just sit down for a minute and not get too creative because my brain is not working and is on overload...
So just bare with me and my misspelled words, bad grammar and sorry excuse for a blog post.......thanks!
This poor girl had a ruff week......

but she is out of her ugly hospital gown and back into her fashionable clothes again!
What happened????
Well....let's go back to Monday
A very unprepared mommy took her kids to the beach. She tried to pay for parking but because of California budget cuts they had raised parking from $10.00 to $15.00.
The mommy didn't have that much cash on her and they didn't take plastic. Then the mommy didn't realize that you had to pay $1.00 to take the tram across the street to the beach. The mommy was a bit frustrated but kept cool. She met up with a friend and together made their way to the beach.

The mommy didn't even bring any of her kids bathing suits...DON'T ASK!
She just planned on showing them some tide pools, but it was high tide so they couldn't see anything.
The kids were sad!
The kids went in the ocean anyway and at this point the mom really didn't care!
She just stayed far away from them so nobody would know they were hers.

The mommy just watched as her kids played in the water in their clothes and saggy diaper. Not only did the mom not bring swimsuits but she didn't even bring swimmers.
Her poor children.

You could tell it really bothered them that they had to play in their saggy sz 3 too small of a diaper.

The mom was so busy taking pictures of her poor children from a far that they almost drowned...

Then the mom was going to let all her children burn because she left the sun block back in the car. She had to bum some off a friend and pretty much used all of it.

The mom about had it and was ready to go home. She was beyond tired. She told all the kids to rinse off all the sand and then just air dry. The mom didn't even bring towels for her poor children either.
So the kids went to rinse off and out came the little girl named Faith screaming her head off. The mom thought her daughter was being dramatic and told her to suck it up because she thought it was just a bee sting.
The mom then looked at her daughters leg and tried to pull the barb out. The mom was feeling really guilty at this point and just wanted to cry. The mom stopped and told herself to suck it up.
The mom soon realized her daughters leg was swelling up and she was in a lot of pain so the mom went to the visitor center to find out what she needed to do. (At this point the mom looked like a packed mule with a bunch of homeless half naked children following her.) There they informed the mom that the beach has been having trouble with sting rays. The mom wondered why they didn't have a sign posted warning people of this. From their the mom raced home with a screaming child and other complaining children because they were itchy and sandy. The mom called the doctor and the doctor said...... there is not much you can do. It's very painful and as long as she doesn't have a fever or trouble breathing your ok. Just soak it in hot water.
The mom did that and soon saw the daughter was running a high fever and was having trouble breathing.
The mom knew she must be having some reaction to the venom. The sting wound was turning red and was hot to the touch. It even spread. The mom took the little girl to ER and was rushed in and admitted right away.
The mommy and the little girl hung out together and had the most amazing bonding time ever. It was scary, and a rough week for the whole family. The youngest baby doesn't take a bottle and had never been away from her mommy overnight. She did fine the 3 nights she was away and took to the bottle. The mom on the other hand didn't take so well...The mom has nice friends who got things taken care of at home like buying crickets for a starving bearded dragon and taking care of things that were falling between the cracks while at the hospital. The mom also has family that helped watch the other kids.
Faith also got pneumonia too while in the hospital.
The mom got a lot of reading,thinking and praying done while the little girl slept.

The little girls daddy raced up to the hospital every night after work to be by his baby.
When the little girl was feeling better they watched movies, made necklaces,colored,ate chocolate covered edible arrangements,read and talked about girl stuff..It was like a slumber party!
The little girl also enjoyed getting waited on and loved driving the nurses nuts with the call button. After about a night in the hospital the little girl wanted to go home. She cried and missed her brothers and sisters. After 4 days she finally was able to go home.

The little girl wants to thank everyone for all their prayers and presents.

She also still thinks sting rays are cool and that her mommy is the best mommy in the world even though she is far from being perfect.