this post may contain too many pictures of the author herself. Too many "Ha!" may have been used in the making of this post and too much bragging on family members ... VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED
After a week away....
I'm "home" with the rest of my family. OH, how I missed them.
While I was gone...
The RV got clean and organized
the boys got haircuts
Maggie got groomed
potty training in full effect
meals (healthy even) were prepared
school work got done
laundry is clean
propane got filled
Valentine day made special for kids
and the list goes on......
What a guy!
Daddy even attempted to do the girls hair ha!
Not bad for a "Daddy Do"
He knows how important it is to me that the girls have their hair done and look half way decent before they go outside:)ha! We don't want to "look" like we live on the road now do we? ha!
and to top it off he even sent me flowers for Valentines Day to my moms house! Tulips too! I love tulips!
It's not like I just left my husband for a week, I left him for a week with 3 kids stuck in an RV park in the snow, while I went and enjoyed sunny weather out in CA!
What a guy!
Let me back up....
We left at 5:00am last Wednesday from Nashville (where it was snowing and still dark out)
Just as the plane was about to take off I got a text from my sister that she is headed to the hospital and she "thinks" she's in labor.
I text her back and tell her I will call her when I land in Dallas in a few hours. We saw the sunrise from our window. I love this shot Austin took...
You can see the moon, the sunrise and the beautiful!
This was Austin and Finley's 1st time on a plane. Austin enjoyed flying...
I wish I could say the same for Finley:( ha! She screamed most of the flight and wanted to run up and down the aisles.
The only thing that would make her happy was if I rocked her and sang, "Jesus Loves Me." I'm sure the other passengers would of rather kept hearing her scream than my singing ha!....but I enjoyed her sweet snuggle time.
Then we landed in Dallas and I called my sister. No answer! So I called my lil sis and she said," Brianna is at 4cm." I told her to tell Brianna to cross her legs and I'm on my way ha!...I figured she had a lazy uterus like me and she would maybe be at 6 or 7 by the time I arrived at the hospital.....
as soon as we landed in Ontario I called and all I heard was, "Waaaa, Waaaaaa"
My eyes teared up and I looked at the guy next to me and said, "she had her, can you believe it?!" He didn't seem to care or even know what I was talking about,but I was in shock! I missed it! But was so excited my sis had such an easy delivery and was already holding a beautiful healthy baby girl!
Brianna was actually suppose to pick me up from the airport...but I guess she was just a little busy and couldn't ha!..
We got a ride from my Dad and headed over to see little miss
Berlyn Marie
7lbs 2oz
(most pics taken with phone)
and just holding her was giving me baby fever all over again! ha!
Like my good friend Marsha would say when she holds a sweet smelling newborn, "I think I'm ovulating!" ha!
But because Walmart parking lots aren't too romantic ifyouknowwhatImean??? I think I'll get my baby fix from Berlyn for now:)ha!
Aut lovin' on baby Berlyn...Finley is in love with her new cousin too!
Austin had fun showing off his "road jacket"..........
we enjoyed eating at some of our fav restaurants back home and most of all enjoyed spending time with family and friends!
I stayed a couple nights at my Grandparents. My Grandpa slept on the couch and insisted I sleep with Grandma. It was a special time with my Grandma. What 30yr old married women gets to spend the night with her Granny? We spent some time with my in-laws and Great Grandparents as well. We laughed as we watched some of our road trip videos so far....
I spent a couple nights at my parents house.....
My mom surprised us with a Valentines Dinner! I missed my babies and husband (1st V-Day in 15yrs away from him) but had a nice sit down dinner with my parents. What a treat!
I booked a full day of hair appointments (payed for our trip out) and got to see some of my friends while we were down. I sure wish I had more time to see more of you while I was there....But between a new baby to love on, a big family to see, business stuff to take care of,an orthodontic appointment and pediatrician appointment was just too short of a visit! But too long away from my babies!
I'm sure you understand!
It sure feels good to be "home" wherever that is!

I love the name Beryln!!!! Beautiful! That table scape your mama did looks so sweet! Glad you got some family time in:)
Glad you had fun at "home", sorry you missed the delivery, happy you're back to blogging. :)
That's so wonderful you got to go home and although you might have missed the exact moment your beautiful neice entered the world, to be there right after is wonderful. I can tell you loved every moment!!
OH I loved this!!! My favorite part though was the comment "I think I'm ovulating" when you were holding the baby. I laughed so hard I almost........ ok well I don't need to say what I almost did, but it was funny!
congrats on being an aunt again! she's beautiful. is it possible to get baby fever when you're already 31wks pregnant?
what a sweet welcome home sign the kids made for you! ((hugs))
so sweet, bridget!!!
and congratulations to your sister. what a precious thing to hold a new baby. i just love it. i totally know that 'i'm ovulating' feeling :)
i love that your family had a welcome home sign up for you :) we always do that for my husband when he has been away on business trips and such. i wonder if i'll ever be the one to come home to such a thing... :)
love, susan
p.s. i'm having a baby!!! baby number 4, finally! i'm almost catching you. ha ha ha :)
The pics are so cute! Love your welcome back sign ;)
What a great hubby you've got there! I am so glad that you are back to blogging, I was going through withdrawals! Congrats on you new baby niece. Oh and I think you should post more pics of yourself with your family and brag about how great they are!
P.S. I tell Ricky all the time that if I was a tv producer, I'd pick your family up for a reality show. So many people would love to watch your adventure and I think you could have a huge positive affect on the world!
What a sweet, precious post! I smiled just reading it. :)
You are so blessed....
Love the name Berlyn.
Love the name Berlyn.
This post was a major tear jerker for me...between hearing your sweet niece over the phone, the good time you got to spend with your family, and missing the rest of your family halfway across the country. I can imagine your emotions! I'm glad you had a safe trip and you're back "home". :)
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