Don't we look tired?
I still can't believe it! Are we really doing this?
As we drive down the highway we both look at each other and just laugh!
I guess because it's something we never thought we would really do.
I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed all the emails and comments on the "YOU" post. I really love hearing from you. I must say I have a great group of readers. Did you read those??? If you haven't check out the comments you can read them here. Feel free to add yours. I feel really honored that you take the time to read and follow our journey. Thank you!
It's so nice to know I have so many of you who support us and pray for us. I really hope I get to know you all more.
It's starting to get really cold here again and I don't know how much more cold this California girl can take . Although I talked to my cousin in NY and he said they got 2 feet of snow in the last 2 days. So, it could be worse. It's been a crazy winter.....I am so looking forward to spring. I want to start enjoying the outdoors more. I mean really! Do you know how much extra laundry we have because everyone has to bundle up in layers!
But for now we're keeping busy with indoor stuff....
Here's the kids sitting on a bench.
Not just any bench....
We took a trip to the Tennessee State Museum. There we learned about the battle of Franklin and how it was the bloodiest of all the battles in the Civil War. We also learned a lot about Andrew Jackson. Things we have never heard before.... We are getting so much history on this trip!
Here is what they call a "war log" (a tree trunk) from the battle of Franklin. Still had cannons and shells in it. Faith lived out her dream of doing a recording in Nashville. They made their own cd. Move over Sugarland.... there's new kids in town. Really cute!
We ate lunch at the Aquarium in the Opry Mills mall. We sat around the 200,000 gallon aquarium. The kids ordered really expensive kids meals which they didn't even eat. They were too busy looking at all the different fish.
It was a really huge mall, and we needed to walk off our food. We visited the Gibson guitar showcase and more.
But what I've really enjoyed is lovin' on this little one. At the Safe Haven family shelter. The only shelter in Nashville that lets families stay together.
We brought crafts for the kids and Austin, Faith and Landen played with them while Daddy stayed home with the baby girls.
This is us on our tour of the house and learning how Safe Haven works. Their mission is to empower homeless families with children to live independently through social, financial, and faith-based guidance. That's Stephanie the volunteer coordinator. She's such a sweetheart and has the cutest Tennessee accent. (this picture was taken late at night after a lonnnnnnnng day!) ha!
We also visited the Rescue Mission where we saw a line of homeless people waiting to get in. The homeless rate has's sad! They said they could really use the blankets. They were happy, not only because they were warm but because they were new:) A really bad picture of me.....but here's me lovin' on the baby some more:)
We stayed at the shelter for 4 hours tonight, just playing with the kids, talking and helping out! I met some really neat families that just happen to be going through hard times. Their stories are heart breaking...... This is a friend Faith met while going to the post office. She hangs out there all the time. This week Faith was able to bring her a warm blanket.
Tonight when I was tucking the kids into "the couch bed" where they all sleep.....
they prayed and thanked God for a safe campsite to stay in and a warm RV to sleep in.
Before this trip, they took their beds and the roof over their heads for granted.
We feel really, really blessed!
Wow, what an amazing experience and I admire you for it! I love reading about your trip and being inspired. Just much longer will you be in Nashville and where's the next stop? I am so thankful for the blessings you have become to so many people!
Wow I can't believe it's been that long that all of you have been traveling. What a wonderful experience. Sure to share with family and friends for years to come. Take care and be safe. Sending prayers up for all of you. Love how you're all ministering "on the road". The Lord will bless you. Huggs.
You guys inspire me so much!
Praying, Summur
I LOVE what your children are experiencing and learning to appreciate. Life changing for you. Life lessons for them. WOW! Thank you for sharing.
Well, I could not help but cry through the end of that post. It is amazing how quickly we all take what we have for granted. You and your family are doing an amazing work for God! So proud of you. God bless.
This post just made me cry! Your family and your children are amazing! You are changing lives one state at a time. People forget there is a world outside of their little home sometimes your kids are learning more than any book could ever teach them!
What a neat experience! Your kids are going to be so well rounded! I love the picture of the kids on the bench! Praying for you all!
Hi! I'm visiting from MBC. Great blog.
The winter is what worried me the most for you, Justin and the kids. I know God will keep you safe and warm.....worse case scenario.....a hotel!!!!
Thinking of you every day!
I am all caught up now.I love even watching you minister and teaching your kids to minister even though you are in a "foreign" area :) Prayers for safe travels and more opportunities to serve him. Oh, if you are in Missouri hit me up, I would love to have you over for dinner!
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