God provides!
I'm not kidding even down to a laundry hose!
We moved into this house with a dining room table, an entertainment center and one set of bunk beds for the kids. I was feeling overwhelmed at how we were going to furnish this house. We got rid of almost everything when we hit the road.
We slept on the floor and sat on the ground for the first couple of days....
Just happy to have a roof over our heads.
God provides!
A friend of ours called us up and said, "you don't happen to need any furniture do you?" He had a house he was selling and it was a probate sale ,sooooo he gave us a house worth of furniture for very cheap.
Cute furniture too!
Guess what was in the garage????...bonus: a laundry hose.
We got everything crossed off our list. Down to light bulbs.
Not that we couldn't afford a laundry hose lol,
just the fact that God works out the little details ya' know!
A customer of ours was giving away outside furniture and he said we could have it.
Perfect for our sunroom!
God provides!
Another friend gave us bunk beds and a dresser for the boys.
Another customer of ours gave us two cute dressers as well.
We didn't ask for furniture, God just provided. Amazing!
We are so blown away at how the Lord provides.
He does care about the little details of our lives...down to light bulbs and a laundry hose.
Yes, some would say it's just a coincidence, but I know and saw how things worked out.
It was a God thing for sure!
And the fact that my sweet Jesus gave me a red door:)

I've always wanted a house with a red door.

and a big yard for the kids to roll around on...God provides!

a tree to put a tire swing on.....God provides!
(still looking for a tire to put on the swing)
I know God will provide that too. ha! For now the rope will do...
And tree's...I love all the tree's:)

Oh, thank you Jesus for providing this home for our family!
Here's to a new season!
We will miss living at all the different Walmarts (ha), but are excited to make new memories in this house!
Thanks for all your prayers, they were heard!
We are all moved in...We got a moving truck (another thing God provided!)
Thanks to my brother-in-law.
I'll post pictures soon.
I'm working on our school room and family closet.
Thanks to all you friends out there for the ideas on family closets and school rooms:)