Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Just popping in for an update! I can't believe summer is over and we are into another season! My babies are all another year older...
We celebrated Finley's 4th birthday!
She wanted a Snow White party....
Austin decorated the kitchen like an enchanted forest. We even had Snow White come visit!

 My football players with their cheerleaders...
 We attended a week long homeschool camp a couple weeks ago in northern california. We had an amazing time! I'll have to post more on that...
My oldest baby turned 13 and my youngest turned 1 in the same week...
Here's our teenager on his birthday!
 Austin and I spent the day snokerling, biking, hiking, whale watching and much more...just the two of us on Catalina Island! What a great day!

 My friend took some pictures of Austin at one of his flight lessons..here he is testing the fuel.
 getting ready for take off
 there he goes....
 watching my baby in the air...


 Austin's Creation Creature business is up and running. He now has a total of 12 reptiles. 11 of which are in the house! :0!!! He does preschool shows, birthday parties and school lessons teaching on creation.
 We have a new home church. A small little church that just started in Jan of 2012. Only about 30 families but we love it and have met some very neat people. Our pastor has become like a papa to our children. Here is Fallon being dedicated:)
 After Fallon's dedication we had family over for a her 1st bday party.
 Lemon Love!
 We are 2 weeks into the new school year! So far so good...we take one. day. at. a. time;)


Hope to be back on soon...thanks for following along:) much love, Bridget 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Just need to sit down, relax and unwind...

Thank the Lord it's Friday and my house is clean...for a minute! My bathtubs will soon have a heavy ring of brown around them again after the boys get home from football practice.  Football season is in full swing as we have both boys playing and the two older girls cheering. The boys just made it through hell week and the draft for the teams were yesterday.

I just found out that Austin's instructor at his flight school and a fellow student crashed this morning. They are both ok but thanking the Lord Austin didn't schedule his flight this morning after all. I'm still shaking as I type. Austin says I'm overreacting and went online to schedule his next flight for Monday. I'm not sure I like this but he said, "Mom, why are you so afraid if you really trust the Lord and know where your going anyway." Then he seriously quoted Stonewall Jackson to me...“My religious beliefs teach me to feel as safe in battle air as in bed. God has fixed the time of my death. I do not concern myself with that, but to be always ready whenever it may overtake me. That is the way all men should live, and all men would be equally brave.”  Stonewall Jackson. Ugh, he's right but still for this mama it's hard! Between football and flying, I'm a nervous wreck! I'm really trying to talk him into golf or tennis. I've been having him watch  swimming in the Olympics and trying to encourage him in that..nope not my child:( If he wasn't playing football or flying, I'm sure he would be street luging or bull riding. Actually, he's really into reptiles. He started his own business called, "Creation Creatures" he has many different reptiles and loves to do shows for preschools or birthday parties. In fact my sweet house cleaner Maria about freaked out today because his Iguana was loose and jumped at her. Poor thing, she hates cleaning the boys room as the tarantula and snake along with other creatures are in there. Poor Maria!

  It's been a busy 2 weeks since I last blogged. We celebrated Finley's 4th birthday. Austin turned the kitchen into an enchanted forest and Snow White even showed up. The cake that the birthday girl requested didn't turn out like I had planned but I tried and Finley was happy I  made her cake:) I'll post pictures of the party later.

I heard Farrah and Finley talking the other night about who their best friends are.
Finley said, "Fawah who's your best friend?" Farrah said, "Jesus, because he died for me." Then Finley said so sweet , "Oh, Grandma Arta is mine because she died for me." I couldn't help but just want to go in there and hug them both! Grandma Arta passed away a few months ago. It was hard on us but really hard on the kids as this was the first death in the family where they were old enough to remember.

My husband was able to get my sisters and I 2nd row tickets to see Wynonna. Growing up my sisters and I would sing the Judd's. Wynonna has been my favorite singer since I was a little girl. I love her deep masculine power in her voice, yet it's so feminine at the same time. Brought back great memories for us girls♥ and we're even more convinced she's Elvis' daughter;)My sisters and I don't always get along  but there is something that will always bring us together and that is some Wynonna and babies! My sister, Brianna announced she is having baby #3. I am so excited for her!
We had so much fun together! We really needed that!

I don't have much time tonight to post any pictures but I wanted to get on and just give a little update. Also to announce the winner for the Indoctrination movie. Congrats  JustSimplyLive please email me your info so I can have Jen over at Mommy Evangelism get that right out to you. It's a movie full of information that I would love everyone to at least check out. With all the back to school I must say I get a little mommy guilt. I have for the last 6 years then it goes away. I start thinking if I'm doing the right thing and if my kids are missing out. Farrah will be starting K this year and is my social one. She loves making friends. I was thinking the other day poor Farrah won't make her first day of Kinder like all her little friends but it didn't last long when she tells me she's glad I'm her teacher. This time is so short and I'm glad I can spend it with her. I know that I will do all I can to raise her the way the Lord would have me and to make sure she has the best childhood ever:) I will have no regrets and either will she. I decided to take the kids not  back to school shopping and throw a not back to school party. Why shouldn't we make it special too?!Celebrate the fact that we get to make our own schedules and sleep in if we choose:) I loved this post about back to school from one of my favorite blogs. Kelly over at Generation Cedar has ministered to me a lot over the last couple years. This post is convicting but  she writes with such love and an open heart. I hope you all have a great weekend!

Friday, July 27, 2012

I'm back...(with a GIVEAWAY)

Well hello! Is anyone still there?:)

 I'm back by popular demand;) Not really, but I did get some of your emails and I'm still working on responding to some. I have been wanting to jump back into blogging. So here I am!  What can I say, I miss you all! I'm excited for some new opportunities and to be able to offer some giveaways to you as well! I also miss documenting everything going on here in the Ryan household! I think last I left off was around Christmas time.
 I'll try and catch up with a quick post and highlight on a couple things.
This was 4th of July on the lawn of our new church. We are so blessed by our new church, more on that later...
Austin set up the camera and ran in the back, ok everyone, "smile" Gotta love our middle children! and Fallon's face...
Throughout this year I've written many blog posts in my mind but I never seem to have the time to get it all out on a post. Mostly deep posts that someday I pray I will have time and nerve to share.

This is all the cousins at the Cousin Christmas party we threw in our home. No new cousins (yet)
We are still known as the Dozen Couzin's. Actually, I just made that up! ha! Cute though, huh! My sister's boys are blocked out as we are not allowed to show their cute faces on the Internet just yet. Believe me they are A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!!

Here's an updated picture of Fallon! Can you believe she's 11months?! She is such a doll. Her hair went from jet black when she was born to blonde now. You can see in the cousin picture how dark it is...Here she is on 4th of July with blonde and some black tips. We did cut her mullet off but not all the black tips yet. The kids think the black tips look cool:) She's is so fun and full of personality!

Here's another updated family picture from Farrah and Finley's dance recital. Look how tall Austin is!!! We are neck and neck! He will be 13 next month and I'm sure by then he will have passed me up!

We have added to the family...Wait, I better be careful the way I say that...
We announced that we were adding to the family and actually got hung up on.

-Wait? Did they just hang up on you??-

We've had all different responses over the last 6 announcements we've made, but that was a first.
We laughed it off but it actually hit me,  what if we really were announcing another baby?..
How sad! That's all I'll say about that for now;)

We were actually announcing chickens!
Early one morning I got up before the kids, which I try to do most days. I heard chirps coming from Austin's homemade ice chest incubator. I really didn't think he would actually be able to hatch chickens from an old ice chest! I wasn't loosing my mind, there WAS chirping and shaking going on inside that ice box! After weeks of turning the eggs 3 times a day and watching the temperature and humanity closely it was actually really happening! I couldn't wait to go wake up the kids to tell them, "it's time!"
Here's the kids watching the chickens hatch! We learned so much and now have 4 little chickens in our coop outside. We lost a few and some turned out to be roosters so we had to give them away but we have 4 little omelet makers running around. So fun!
Did I mention that we are not zoned for chickens... so shhhh!
Our family is really praying for more land but for now we are blooming where we are planted and bribing the neighbors with organic eggs;) ha!

Wouldn't we look perfect on a farm?:)
I see anotherrrrrrrr move in our future...last one. Lord willing:) We are finally ready to buy and plant our roots after renting for the last couple of years.
This was from Farrah's 5th birthday party! She wanted a cowgirl party with her own pony. So we got her two ponies but told her she couldn't keep them...maybe one day.
I don't think the neighbors would like that, chickens are pushing it!

Since Fallon was asleep on my back here's a picture of her sporting her cowgirl boots!

Here's Faith's 11th birthday party! Duct tape fashion show...

Her friends came over and they designed their own outfits out of duct tape. They turned out so cute. They wore them out to eat so they could show off their creativity and then came home for a fashion show.
Fallon wanted a duct tape dress too!:)
Landen turned 7 and all this strange child wanted to do was have a "morph day."  He wore his morph suit around and just had a blast being silly. Yes, they are all unique and different! :) He really is so fun---ny!

And today's giveaway is sponsored by Mommy Evangelism
Indoctrination the movie
All you have to do is go like Mommy Evangelism and Indoctrination  Movie on Facebook and come back here and leave a comment telling me you did.
If you don't have a facebook then leave a comment on why you choose to send your children/child to public school or why you have chosen homeschool.

If you haven't seen this movie, I highly recommend it!
Giveaway ends Thursday, Aug 2nd.

It's nice to be back!:)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

6 months!

Hi friends!
Seems like we went from newborn pictures to 6 month pictures!!!!
How did that happen?!
Fallon is growing up before my very eyes....
actually, they all are!

Our whole world revolves around Fallon lately. We are all obsessed over her!
I know, I've been horrible about updating this blog. Just trying to find the time to do it seems impossible in this season of life. So, I guess I'll pop in when I get a minute.
Just a little of an update on the rest of the family:
Daddy: working hard on expanding the family business.
Me: busy doing a million things at one time:) always dreaming up something new:)
Austin: Started taking pilot lessons. eek!
Faith: Starting a blog called, "Good Luck Fallon" should be funny, full of family videos. She documents everything with her camera:) I'll share the link when it's up and running:)

Landen: Is reading very well and taking gymnastics to get rid of all that energy!

Farrah: Still dancing around 24-7!

Finley: Finally was able to join big sister Farrah's dance class and is a great student.
Fallon: Goes along for the ride and is such a happy baby! Enjoys all her attention! She loves being carried around in the Ergo by either Mommy or big brother Austin:)