Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Here's me nursing in the dental chair. I think now, I've nursed just about everywhere! ha! Even with the protective eye wear on. major drilling being done ha.

We shared a milk shake, played "our song" he even got up to dance for me. He opened the door and held my hand. I told him that if I wasn't married to Daddy I'd marry him. He looked at me and said, "I want to marry someone that looks like you, but with make-up always on." He made it very clear that he doesn't like me without make-up. ha!
My date with Austin. We actually didn't spend much time together on our date since he left me far behind! We ran the 5k Turkey Trot. Something we do every Thanksgiving. Only time I run. ha! Not really, but I need to run more! I can't just run a 5k all out when I'm not conditioned like I use to. I seriously couldn't walk for 3 days ha! He did very well finishing 69th out of 400.
My friend came over and did some newborn pictures for us. I had this great idea of hanging Fallon from a tree....

didn't work out so well.
She did a great job. Fallon 3weeks!

She had this idea of stacking mattresses but said only if we had enough and was ready to just do normal shots...but when I set my mind to something I will do whatever it takes to make it happen...even if that means hauling 5 kids, a newborn and a very sore Mommy to the store to buy 4 baby mattresses for a picture, I will! ha! THEN...haul 5 kids, a newborn and a sore Mommy back to the store to return them.
Fallon's 1st Thanksgiving...
We helped serve at a shelter for Thanksgiving...Here's Austin helping with the Turkey's....
Fallon's 1st time on a swing...
Me trying to run to prepare for the 5k
Funny thing is I locked my keys in the car (ok, not funny) but just as I called my roadside assistance to come unlock it the whistle blew. I was running while talking. The man on the phone said, "you should have a tow truck there in the next 20min to unlock your car, will you be there?" I said," if I can finish a 5k in 20 min I will." It made for good modivation anyway. Thank God Austin made good time!
Crafts to keep the little ones busy during school...We got a lot of our information on Thanksgiving from the Vision Forum blog. We also got the catalog and I want to order everything for the kids for Christmas in there! Amazing books etc...
Landen's job at the shelter was putting whipped cream on the pumpkin pie. He would smile proud as he helped serve.
I helped do the dishes with these two girls drying. Never too young to serve! Even Fallon played her part of serving by just laying in her carrier. So many lonely people that stopped to look at her. I walked around with her and talked to people as she slept in my arms. Just letting them love on her brought a smile to their face:)

So thankful for a hard working husband who loves me despite my craziness and these 6 amazing children we were blessed with! God is so good!
Then we went to my sisters to eat....

Please enjoy this picture at my expense:) and the one on my header:)

Fallon: Are these all my relatives?
More of the family serving...
We came home and Daddy read some Thanksgiving stories. We read about the Pilgrims and their journey to Scrooby etc. Faith sang a hymn by the fire and we enjoyed hot cider while I cried about being so sore. ha! (note to self: your not young anymore! Must be in shape to run 5k) We finished up the night watching Charlie Brown Thanksgiving!

Friday, December 9, 2011
I had a dream last night Fallon started walking. I was super sad because she was only 3 months old. I felt like I was getting cheated out of the baby stage. I want her to stay little forever! ha
I'm just loving this baby stage, I actually love all the different stages in this house:)
From newborn,toddler,pre-k,early elementary,upper elementary and jr. high!
They are all so different and learning so much.
It's busy but never boring.
Speaking of Halloween candy,while doing laundry, I found 2 Skittle and 3 snickers wrappers in Landen's pants pocket. I had to question him on if he had 2 skittles and 3 snickers(he must of found my secret stash) he just looked at me like, how does she know?
I said, "Nothing gets past Mom!"
That's when Farrah walks in with her hand on her hip and says, "oh yes it does!" Followed by a giggle and snort!
Those 2 middle children, Lord help me! They keep me on my toes!

Fallon's 1st Halloween. We were just moving in and wasn't sure we were even going to celebrate. Some of our own personal convictions. I should know myself better, I always say I will keep it low key then I get an idea and's like a disease. I can't stop! Pinterest isn't helping either. I'll see something and just build off of it. I don't have time for it, but I sure love being creative when it comes to things for my kids. The night before Halloween I put together costumes for the kids. A onesie , scrap material, yellow yarn and a late night with my glue gun!

Yes, my children are pretty good. But, they are normal kids! The have meltdowns in the store, they cry and beg for toys at checkout etc... I don't mean to pat myself on the back but I do want the credit for all the discipline and correcting I do day in and day out.ha! They are this way for a reason:)
I put a lot of energy into parenting these kids and I know this is why we can do all the things we do. I believe you need to train your kids to sit quiet through a movie, dinner and most important church!
Which we had the pleasure of trying out a new church. A small church, I think our family took up half the congergation. ha! If my kids even whispered, everyone would hear. I was very nervous as we sat in the back pew. I can say that the kids did a wonderful job and we were very blessed to worship together as a family. There is nothing more precious than worshipping together as a family. My heart just melts when I hear my little ones singing and constantly looking up at their Daddy to see if he's singing too. They get this look of fullfillment on their little faces when they see Mommy and Daddy singing too. I can't explain family worship, but for those of you who go to a church where you do this, you know what I'm talking about!

Farrah picking out Fallon's 1st pumpkin....
these two did the corn maze and for a minute I started to worry because it took them along time to come out. They just got a cell phone to "share" they don't use it much but for emergency type things....I called their cell phone!

Faith also uses it for taking tons of pictures of her new baby sister. She started a video diary on it as well called, "Good Luck Fallon." funny stuff!

we did a little boutique shopping, Faith took this pic of me with her cell phone. She said I was the best teacher! (with orange hands)

kissing my chef! Austin's last minute costume $6 total!

My favorite to make was the peacock princess. Farrah's got a thing for peacocks anyway so I asked if she wanted to be a peacock. She said no! Then I asked her if she wanted to be a peacock princess and she jumped up and down and said Yes!!!!! hehe

really mom?

When I was done,she LOVED her costume!
These boys are going to make great husbands some day! Look how much they enjoy doing dishes:) No, really these two have a system down and can get dishes done in no time!

what a good brother!
Every week we would shop at Fresh and Easy. This was our first trip with Fallon and our last trip to that store before moving. We are very well known there. haha! Maybe because my kids eat all the samples. They were sad to see us go, gave the kids suckers and me flowers. I am going to miss all the friends we made while living in Redlands.

Fallon Love 3 months! So happy!

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