My sister, Brianna took our family pictures on Saturday, here's a sneak peek!
My other sister, Brenda finally got her 2 boys! After a long journey, she has finally become a Mommy to the cutest little boys. I now have 5 of the cutest nephews ever!
Here's a picture of Great Grandpa meeting the older one for the first time.
He just turned 2 and his brother is 11months.
Love at first sight!
My pictures are random and all out of order but sharing some of my favorites from the last 3 months.
This was when Fallon was 3 weeks and I was just laying down holding her waiting for kids to get out of the shower and bath. We usually do family prayer on our bed, so this is when all the kids were getting ready to say prayers.
Fallon at 9weeks. Already posing like her big sisters:)

Always a slumber party!

Here's Fallon at 8 weeks. I took the 3 little girls our for "Dirl Day" They both don't say their "g" sound, so we have given it the name dirl day. They like to dress up and bring their babies. We usually do something dirly. Like get our nails painted or go our for ice cream. Dirl day usually happens when the older ones are at sports practice.
The Dirls (I'm missing my crown)
Fallon took her first field trip when she was 8 weeks.
To the Palm Springs Air Museum.
Austin got to to a flight simulator and learn about flying. He plans to get his pilot license. His instructor was a Navy Vet and made him write a report on the theory of flight. I love how it has sparked his interest.
During his lesson, I was trying to keep these diva dirls quiet. So I bribed them with lip gloss...
His lesson, here he is flying from Palm Springs into the Redlands airport.

My brother got married! He married a sweet girl who is such a great step Mom to my 2 nephews. I've never seen my brother so happy!
Having the whole family in the wedding after just giving birth 5 weeks prior was a bit stressful. It was worth it though! I was emotional for many reasons. One, my brother and nephews getting a new start on life, two my Dad was there and I cried like a little girl that missed him, and three, I got my makeup done and looked like a drag queen. Yep, hormones and stress don't mix.

Our life is such an adventure. lol
Our new home is very comfortable and we are enjoying it. The only thing is that the house seems to echo. Not a good thing with 6 kids. ha! We have no carpet in the house. Just wood floors and tile. I'm needing some area rugs and earplugs;0
I will post pictures soon.

My handsome boys.
The happy couple.
Faith has been a flower girl many times. We use to rent her out. Not really, but she sure did her fair share of petal throwing. She has now been promoted to jr. bridesmaid.
These two did a wonderful job at being flower girls....

This is what Fallon did for most of the wedding..sweet baby!
Fallon has a ton of hair. The night before the wedding...we didn't want to leave her out.
Here's Fallon at 6weeks. My little mermaid.

I just love her face!!!!!!!
Here's Fallon at 3 weeks on our way to the bridal shower...

Finley wanted to wear the same shoes as her big brother...
9 weeks at her new home.
6 weeks at her old home. ha. Poor thing, welcome to your crazy family Fallon.
1 month old in this picture.

She worked hard and was such a good sport by standing up for whats right in certain situations this year in cheer. We were very proud parents of our little Faith!

Faith took 2nd in her cheer competition.
She constantly is cheering around the house.

She got 2 boys over night and has jumped into the Mother role like a pro!
I've trained her well:) She's had lots of practice!

She still needs lots of practice in them....
I have to make it interesting and fun...
Like throwing sock bags for math!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving !
Please excuse all my errors, blogging from my phone tonight.