I just got back from an amazing time in Texas with some blog friends:)
I felt like I got back from a retreat, all pumped and encouraged....I'll post some pictures and talk about that later.
I just had to share about a phone call I got. I seem to always be the friend that gets called when one of my friends finds out their pregnant. It's funny, I have the privilege of knowing before the family most of the time. Maybe because my friends KNOW that I will be thrilled at the announcement of a new baby!
The mother tells me the great news that she is having another baby. She wants someone to rejoice with her, but she is too scared to tell her parents or in-laws etc. They are likely to either throw a fit or ask, "do you know what causes that?"
Why is there such an aversion to the prospect of life?
Of course, once the little baby comes, all the grandparents will love the baby. Who can resist a sweet baby? But why do they, all the other ill-wishers, (and believe me there are many) put up every opposition at the contemplation of the child being born? Why have we assimilated the anti-child philosophy of this world? Or the 1-2 child per family.... Are we so easily squeezed into the molds of this world?
I can expect this attitude from those who don't acknowledge God, but it causes my heart to ache when I find it is the attitude of those who own the name of the Lord.
So, if your pregnant and what someone to rejoice with you, just call me up! I will be sure to scream and holler with excitement!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
First of all, Happy Mother's Day to all my friends out there!
I am getting a little Mother's Day break and thought I'd pop in to say hi!
This blog is such an outlet amidst the lovely chaos that surrounds me:)
It's nice to visit with you and read your comments...
I know my posts are pretty irregular lately, I just desire to never neglect my husband or children in order for me to post. These days seem so busy it's hard to fit blogging time in too.
So thanks for still checking in with us once in awhile:)
I know it's Mother's Day and I'm still posting on Easter, oh well.....
Here's the kids on Easter Sunday. I always make sure to stop and get a quick picture of the kids because I know if I wait until after church I will forget and everyone will be a mess by then.
What a slacker Mom I was this year...
No matching outfits!!!!!
My older three were thanking God I didn't torture them in trying to make everyone matchy matchy..
I just made sure everyone had their hair combed, teeth brushed and some what well groomed:)

They each picked a flower from the backyard to decorate the cross at church...

So, I'm 6 months (already)...look about 16 months :0
Not a big surprise to me. I always gain more than the average 20-30lbs they say you should gain. I had my doctors appointment a couple days ago and everything with the baby is looking great! She's growing healthy and cooking up nice in there:)
My doctor seems more worried about me getting my tubes tied than anything else. It's almost ridiculous how much both the nurse practitioner and my doctor push it. I've told them over and over that my husband if anything will be the one to get a vasectomy. They insist I get my tubes tied so that they know for sure I don't get pregnant again. I am waiting to see how my scar tissue is on delivery day before making any decisions.
The nurse told me that she just treated a lady last week that is pregnant with triplet boys after her husband had a vasectomy, when they tried to encourage her to have her tubes tied with her last c-section. I just looked at the nurse with a smile and said, "wow, what a blessing!"
I mean really, God must have wanted that lady to have 3 more boys! ha!
She looked at me like I was crazy then changed the subject and had to remind me about how much weight I gained in the last month...
I so wanted to tell her it was because I just got back from this amazing cruise and ate all this wonderful food.
Really though I have no idea how I gain so much. I'm really trying not to focus on myself. Yes, take care of myself and have a healthy pregnancy but not worry so much. The enemy sure likes to attack me in this area and steal my joy by focusing on my "looks" and I'm not going to allow that!
Why do I have to be so vain?!
My husband still makes me feel beautiful...so that's all that matters, right?:)
My Mom and sisters took the kids for us for the night a couple weeks ago. We went out on a date and enjoyed some alone time.
We are still trying to decide on an "F" name for our new daughter.
Our problem is agreeing on a name.
So at dinner, The Macaroni Grill where you can write on table clothes we listed a few "F" names and then our waitress gave us her opinion. Then she told other waitresses and busboys to come by and give their vote too. It made for a fun date.
Our waitress thought it was so cute we were out to dinner trying to come up with our new baby daughters name. She went on and on about how neat it is to be a Mommy and how much fun girls are...you should of seen the look on her face when I said, "this will be my 4th little girl!" She said, "Wow, really!" Then I went on to tell her that I had two boys as well.
We love our bragging privileges:)
My sisters even watched the kids for me the next day.
I went shopping for the baby and got a few things. It was such a nice day and I was so amazed at how many things I can get done. I felt like I could conquer the world when I woke up. ha!
I'm glad my kids were
entertainment for them as well. Here's a video I was sent while out shopping. LOL!
a pic from our dinner

We are still undecided on her name. So, if you have any suggestions on cute "F" names let me know:)
I spent Mother's Day weekend down by the beach. My paradise. Carlsbad. with my loves.......

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