A lot of change going on...
still in limbo.
moved out of big rolling turd RV
(kids never did come up with their own name for our house on wheels)
So we just called it the "Turd."
Not a name I like to hear them say,
but funny anyway
My Dad wasn't strict when I was growing up, but if we ever said "turd"....
watch out!
Now that I'm a big girl, I can say it. ha!:)
(cause I'm a rebel like that)
I do let my kids say it too!
But they can't say B-U-T-T...or any other bad word:)
Just turd.
Why am I rambling on about that word??
Where was I?
Oh yes, we moved out of what we called "home" for the last 10 months!
It's getting warranty work done and we sold it back to the place we bought it.
Time to close that chapter of our lives.
So we are officially homeless! nice!
Still house hunting...
Staying at in-laws.
They are very sweet to us...but shoot me now.
It's hard.
Still waiting on God's timing!
Excited to see what's in store for us next.
My kids are amazing through this all...
but they want a house bad!
In fact they now pray so specific, they cry out addresses of houses we like to him.
So cute!
They are learning in all of this too..
Even about the market and all.
Me:Kids, I think we found a house..
Faith: Is it a short or standard sale?
Austin: Does it qualify for historic tax incentives?
What kids know this?
Because we have moved so much!
We are done.
We want a house and NEVER want to move again.
That may not be the Lords will for us...
So we are trusting him and are open to his calling on our lives.
It's still hard.
I got an email asking...
If you could do the last year over again, would you?
Yes!!!!!! It was amazing..
a trip of a lifetime.
Many memories made!!!!!
Many lessons learned!!!!
And how long did it take you to get sick of it all and want a house and a yard again?
1 year!
We weren't ready a couple months ago to stop traveling...but now we all crave a home and
But for now life goes on....staying very busy.
We have football games to attend...
Austin #4
1st game of the seasons.
Team: Oregon Ducks
Here he is running the ball.
Go Austin!

I got the girls some pom poms and little megaphones...

But I think they each need this to go with them:)
Austin's QB for the 5th season.
There he is with the ball.
Calling plays...
Hut Hut!
Your such a sweet polite young man, but Mama gives you permission to get mean out there on that football field.
Lay someone out!!!
Getting tips from Dad.
Although we have been doing co-ops etc..
yesterday was "our " 1st official day of school.
I'm excited to be teaching my kids!
I pray God's kingdom will be affected by what they learn this year.
We are doing school at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
It's hard.
It use to be just them..... nice and quiet.
Now we took over the house!
Loud and crazy...
School stuff everywhere.
But not for long!!!
I even took over the kitchen and made the kids...
green eggs and ham
something fun for the 1st day
My big 6th grader giving me the, "I'm too old for green eggs, spiderman plates and holding up what grade I'm in" smile.
But if it makes you happy Mom...
Farrah holding up a number because everyone else was...
or maybe she just wanted some peace on our 1st day of school.
By the time I got around to take Finley's picture....
all her green eggs were gone!
I've color coded most things to help organize different lesson plans...
Austin's color this year is blue.

Landen: Lellow (we are working on saying Yell-ow)
I can't wait until we get a house so we can have a classroom.
We have tons of school stuff!
Most of it is still in storage.
I started my diet yesterday too...
School went very well.
Diet, not so much.
Trying to lose this road trip weight.
Vacation for 10 months =weight gain.
Darn you southern food.
I know I shouldn't be too worried about it.
I have other things to worry about right now....like finding a house..
and teaching this Kindergartner to chew with his mouth closed.

He said, "Mommy,I love you being my teacher."
Melts My Heart
The day went as planned.
Everyone stayed busy...
We all had a great 1st day!
Needless to say....
I was beat after the first day of school!
This year is going to kick my booty.
But I love my calling!