We should be moving into our new (old) house in a few weeks!

We are staying in California! We got married in Redlands which is about 30-40 minutes from my hometown. That is where the house with the red door is. It is a little far from everything we normally do. Church,preschool, parkdays, co-ops, football practice etc. Will will be having to make some changes.
We love the house and the area it's in.
Above is the picture of where we got married 11 years ago. Edwards Mansion...
After living in an RV for almost a year, our house will feel like a mansion to us!
We are all so excited. The kids keep talking about how they want to decorate their rooms. We will be starting over. We basically have a few pieces of furniture in storage, some decor and a truck load of toys. It will feel like Christmas again for the kids not seeing their toys for about a year. Hey, maybe they will forget and I can just re-give them all again for Christmas this year. Now, there's an idea.
The boys will be sharing a room and the girls will be sharing a room.
They want too!
They are all use to sleeping close:)
We get a school room too!
I can't wait to start decorating.
A friend of mine gave me some CD's to listen to the other day.
Major confirmation for me and I know it will be for many of you who read this blog.
This CD will change your way of thinking for good!
I love what Lisa Anderson (the speaker on the cd) has to say about being a mother and the very important role we play. We are not wasting our time changing diapers and cleaning up spit up all day... our job at home is a world-changing place of dominion God has assigned us as women.
This message is desperately needed in a culture that disparages both motherhood and full-time homemaking. Listening to this CD you will receive encouragement and vision to strengthen you in your God-given calling as the keeper of your home.
She also touches on children. At a time when Planned Parenthood and zero-population-growth agendas are promoted on a worldwide basis, Lisa counters that philosophy with the truth that children are one of God’s greatest blessings. She shares revelation and truth that changed their lives and led them to be the blessed parents of eight children. She believes these truths will change how you view your own children, your role as parents, and the precious gift of fertility God has given you.
Well worth $7.00
If you do listen to it, come back and let me know what you think!
Last Sunday we met up with Lundy 5 again. It was so nice to see them and we can't wait till they come back!
We also met another fulltime
RVing family The Loecken family.
I emailed Beth (mom of Loecken family)almost 2 years ago picking her brain about full time RVing. So it was really neat to finally meet them in person.
We all met at a really neat church the Loecken's are working with right now in Rancho. After a great service we all went out to lunch.
Table for 18 crazy adventurous people please!
We enjoyed great conversations about our travels, plans, and passions.
Very inspiring lunch.
Now that we will have a stick house here in CA we will open up our house for FOTR families to park. Everyone was so nice to us as we traveled, now it's our turn to be hosts:)

Now that I cleared a big hurdle this week by ending the house hunt, I still had many more to hurdle .......
like how to do hair on picture day.
Farrah wanted her hair like Princess Leia and was mad I did the sponge roller look instead.
She said, "Fine, I won't smile then if my hair isn't like Princess Leia."

It will make for a classic picture don't you think. ha!
Not sure if she smiled or not.
The buns on the side of the head would of been pretty funny too!
Another pretty funny thing....

Read shirt...
For those of you who didn't catch what it says on Finley's Farrah's old Pj's.
After bath time the kids thought is was SO funny to dress Finley up in this and have her walk downstairs to show Grandpa.
Grandpa didn't think it was so funny! ha!
I'm not pregnant......I repeat I'm not pregnant:)
The kids wish I was though.
They keep hinting, and I think this was just another hint to me too.
Grandpa is principal most days around here.
He just told me the other day, he doesn't know how I stay sane at the end of the day.
I don't!
But, as hard as homeschooling all these monsters are....
I love my job, I really do!