Don't forget to enter the giveaway for a bag of goodies. If you don't have twitter, you can still enter! Contest ends Friday!
I'm back to blogging after taking a week off. I felt a bit lost without t.v. or the computer. We didn't know anything that was going on in the news unless it was on the radio. I missed you all!!! I missed the daily posts of my friends. I signed on yesterday to play catch up and see if I missed anything while I was out. I did, lots going on...One of my friends is pregnant (congrats Tello family!)
My family did an awesome job of staying focused this week for the 40 days of life. The little ones didn't even watch movies or cartoons. We were able to go out again on Monday to the Planned Parenthood. After standing out with signs I then loaded up the kids and we just sat and prayed in the car in front of the building. We have been praying together as a family all week for these babies. Today is day 26 of 40 days...191 babies saved!!!!
I will continue to keep you posted. Join the campaign go to 40 days of Life and find a city near you and just go and pray! Simple as that! You can also visit the 40 days of life blog here.
I thought I'd try to squeeze one week into one post... Here's a little bit of what our week looked like... Enjoy!
We had fun celebrating St. Patrick's Day.
Meet Landen the Leprechaun

Green milk and pancakes....yum!


We stopped for a quick picture in front of our St. Patty's day craft wall before we ran out the door...Yes, I know we're really cheesy!

More green food!

Pretty in green!

There's no way Faith was getting pinched with an outfit and hat like that...

I must say the food coloring in the toilet tank was the best idea yet! Thanks Julie! The kids thought it was so cool how the water turned green when they flushed!

It was such a nice week we put on our spring clothes and enjoyed the weather.

I love this picture! I had to throw it in too:)

Austin took these pictures of Finley and I. He's getting really good using my camera. We were working in the yard and enjoying the first day of Spring. Finley loves to hold her feet:)
My beautiful bald baby!

look at her feet..haha

We had a busy week with school. Studying for SAT's, field trips and science projects...
One of our science projects was, how much weight can eggs hold?
The kids and I tried to crack the egg by squeezing it but couldn't. Can you?

We found out that 4 empty egg shells could hold up to 8lbs of books! There don't say you never learned anything from this blog.
We just finished reading Nate Saint from our(Christian Heroes: Then and Now) series.(Which I cried trough most of teaching this) My kids just looked at me like mom why are you crying??? I cry when reading history books too. My poor kids. I guess that's what happens when you start getting old!
Get your hands on a free copy of a Nate Saint book. Awesome story!The kids also wrote letters to the MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship.) They should be sending us more information. We finished our Aviation unit by visiting the Chino Airport.

Friday Fashion Show...
Farrah getting ready ....

putting on the first dress...look at that belly:)

Mingling in the dressing room, she is so social in her own language:)

getting ready to hit the stage... I made sure to pull her finger out of her nose first!

Faith watching Finley for me.

Towards the end of the night Farrah was getting cranky and I don't blame her it was a lot to ask of a (almost) 2 year old.
Faith even got to go up on stage. She helped with the little ones. She wasn't happy about wearing the tutu (she's a big girl now) but she was a good sport.

the blue lips you see were from the sucker we tried to bribe her with earlier. I didn't get too many cute pictures because I was working hard trying to have her dressed in time.

Soccer then off to Baseball.
First game of the season...Here's Austin pitching.

Aut stealing 2nd base.

We finished the weekend off with firsts....
Finley eating for the first time.
She will be 8 months on the 30th and has never had a bottle or food. (Just chocolate)
Those thighs you see are all natural:)

Landen riding his bike with NO TRAINING WHEELS!
and he's off.........

Proud big brother and daddy. Aunt Brianna happen to be at our house, she started taking pictures while I video taped.

he can't ride unless the tongue is out!

5 minutes after taking the training wheels off he was headed for the ramp..God Please Help Me!

It's hard to believe he's only 3!!!! My baby is getting so big!

That picture of your husband kissing Finley's head is just the cutest! Your whole family is gorgeous.
So cute! You are such a good mom!!!
We missed you! Glad your back :) Why did you have to put green in your toilets? Everytime I've seen them they are always green anyway. haha jk
Whew... what a busy week you guys had! I am glad you are back, and with great pictures as always!
Farrah's belly looks a lot like mine looks these days :o)
Missed your wonderful are such a great lady!
Have a great week!
You have such a beautiful family.
Thank you!! I may be a bit crazy, but I guess you are too :) I missed your updates! Glad you're back!! xoxo
man you keep busy! Missed reading all your post glad your back :) Oh and that picture of your husband and Finley is too precious! I love how she holds her feet
I love the craft wall and little Finley eating. Gavin is trying peas tonight for the first time - wish us luck!
Glad you enjoyed the cookies - I think I consumed a few dozen over the past week! (I'm not joking sadly). LOL
What precious pictures, and what a fun week!
I just requested a free Nate Saint book. Thank you for the info! He, and the other men who lost their lives in Ecuador, are such an inspiration. Beyond the Gates of Splendor and The End of the Spear are excellent movies about this story, although there are segments that are too intense for children.
so glad you're back, you know i missed you!!
It was a boring week without you! Please don't do that again! I missed you so much! xxoo
Glad you're back--what a busy week you had! Thanks for getting back to me about the bible study--much appreciated!
Yay you are back!
Way to many pics to comment on so I will sum it up by saying "I love them all!"
You guys had a busy week.
Welcome Back! Rachel didn't have any baby food ever! I tried to give her some at 8 months, but by then she didn't want anything to do with it, or a bottle. Even if it had breastmilk in it. She went straight to table food & sippy cups. Maybe it's the exclusive breastfeeding. But yes, Rachel's chunky thighs were all natural too!
I remember this post.....remember thinking " I never did that" Bridget is a "cool" mom"...heheheheh
Happy St. Paddies day my friend...enjoy Palm Springs!
Hey Ryan Family...
I went to high school with you guys and although I don't necessarily agree with home schooling, I think what you guys are doing as a family is amazing. The experiences that you and your kids are sharing and will share are immeasurable. So good for you for taking a risk and doing this. This is the kind of thing that people "say" they want to do, but never do it.
Enjoying following you through the great USA! Have a great week!
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