Before I forget...
Congrats to The Chatty Mommy!
You won the NYDS Giveaway! Please email me your address so we can get the tote full of goodies out to you!
Ok, what was I going to blog about??? Oh, yes....
I am reading a book called, "Walking With God" by John Eldredge.
It is really helping me in my walk with God.
I've struggled with some things in my walk. I seem to compare my walk with other people. Not Good! If I would hear someone say, God told me to do this or that. I often would wonder why God never speaks to me like that? Are they lying and just want to look cool or am I just not as holy as they are?......
I'm learning that we are all at different places in our walk with God.
Just a couple years ago, I look back at things I did and didn't even feel a bit convicted about doing. Now I'm like oh my gosh, I can't believe I did that or said that. It's because I've grown in my walk.
And thank God I'm growing....ha! I still got a lot of growing and learning to do!
I got an email a couple days ago from a young girl who just became a Christian that asked, "How do you know God's will for your life?" She said she prays and asks God for guidance but doesn't hear anything....
Yikes...why me?
It sure challenged me to have to write back to her...but reading this book helped me as well.( I'm only half way through)....
The Bible is our rule book of faith and practice.
If we know and understand the scriptures, we will be well on our way to having His guidance and will for our life.
We need to first examine our life. God never guides His people contrary to the clear principles of His written Word.
We need to know what pleases Him and what displeases Him.
We need to know what pleases Him and what displeases Him.
There is no substitute for walking with God, sharing with Him, and talking to Him daily (see Isaiah 58:11). When you do that, you will experience His direction and His correction. You will come to know what His desire is for your life (see Psalms 25:9, 32:8, Proverbs 11:3). This relationship develops over time, not instantaneously.
Spiritual maturity forms a basis for guidance.
Another key to know God's will for our life is found in the book of Proverbs, : "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding: In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths" (Proverbs 3:5).
This means that you are not only to know God, but to trust Him implicitly. Every aspect of your life is to reflect His sovereignty over you. "In all your ways acknowledge Him" means in your work, in your family, in your personal life, in your thought life, in your recreation, in everything you do, you acknowledge that God is in control of you. Then, lean not on your own understanding. If you think you know all the answers, if you have everything all figured out, then you are leaning on your own understanding. If you trust God, acknowledge Him in the way that you live, and do not lean on your overconfidence or past experience.
Let Him guide you.
There are many other ways that God can guide you. If your heart and life are centered on God and His Word you can rest assured that He will direct your path.
There are many other ways that God can guide you. If your heart and life are centered on God and His Word you can rest assured that He will direct your path.
But why can't I just ask God,"what's your will for my life?"
The ultimate is not merely to get direction from God, the ultimate is to know God. By spending time with God. Sometimes it's difficult for us to get into His presence, because maybe He wants to see if we truly will expend the spiritual energy and exercise necessary to do so. Will we stop certain sins? Will we get rid of things that hinder us? Will we truly seek Him with all of our hearts? Will we stop and just be still? Or are we too busy?
Some people only want a quick fix. "God, tell me how to make money on this business deal, please. See you next time!" Or God, "heal my Dad." And then that is the end of it. But God wants us, all of us! He wants to change us, not merely give us quick answers to difficult problems. We will never be changed unless we come into His presence, spend time with Him, and allow Him to purify us from our sinful nature.
He's working on me...I'm trying to be still and hear Him too:)
But before I go, I thought I'd share some pictures from our 1st day back in California....
9 of the 10 grand kids came to Grandma's to play....Don't I have the cutest nephews?!!!

Dog pile!!!!
Keep blabbing! I love to hear your thoughts and ponderings ...
Laurel :)
Just what I needed today--thanks!
If you only KNEW how much I needed to read you! Love the pictures....
I like what you shared. I am speaking at a women's conference next month and I am going to talk a little about "hearing from God". I would hear pastors talk about it and wanted to hear God that way. God spoke to me in other ways (through His Word, in messages, by putting people on my heart and by getting certain scriptures over and over again, and also through analogies) but I wanted to hear Him in the still small voice. I soon learned that the key was "being still" to hear that "still, small voice". Also, it took time to learn to hear Him this way. I spent many times just listening but not getting much. I think He was pleased with my obedience. Then one day, I had thoughts flooding in, scriptures I wrote down not realizing they were scripture until I searched in my Bible and found them! I was amazed!!! I now can't wait to get alone, by myself in my prayer closet and hear from the Lord in this intimate way. What I "hear" in my heart (thoughts I get) always line up with scripture. I praise God first and then ask to be cleansed and forgiven. I also ask God to bind the enemy and then I "wait upon the Lord". Sometimes I get a lot and others just a tiny bit. I am always blessed with this time sitting before the Lord. It is just me and God and that is what He desires most. In those moments, I realize that the spiritual realm is much more true than the physical realm. I always take my notebook and have a notebook full now. God had showed me not to desire to hear Him the way others do, but to hear Him the way He chooses to speak to us individually. He desires that intimate time with each of us and we will be blessed when we make that time. I also pray face down like many people in the Bible. Not that you have to, but just have found that it's a great position to take in the presence of our Almighty God and loving Father!
LOVE IT!!!!!
Bridget, Thanks for sharing what you're learning. What an inspiration. Blessings!:)
First of all, yes you do have darling nephews.
Secondly, what wonderful words you shared on your blog ...the Holy Spirit was truly speaking through you.
You are an amazing, spiritual and blessed woman.
I am enjoying your journey.
Love it!!! It was funny to me that as I was reading the first few paragraphs of your post, proverbs 3:5 and 6 were on my heart. And then you mentioned them:O)I sometimes think, Why Have I not heard His voice clearly and others have???? Nice to know I am not alone:O)Thank u!
Surprise Bridget! Getting to know YOU today! :) You have a beautiful family. You wrote a lovely "blab", and well... this is where God sent me tonight.
Enjoy your visitors!
Visiting from Lynnette' this and your insight!
Off to check out more of your blog.
God bless! Holly
Hello... I just stopped by from Lynette's to say Hi and congrats on being the feature blogger. I am really glad I stopped in. I have enjoyed browsing through your blog and think you are just amazing! I really loved what a read and what I saw. Good Job!
Hi Bridget,
I'm visiting from Lynnette Kraft's blog. You have a wonderful site here! This post was really encouraging. Just what I needed to read!
~ God Bless You,
Hi! I found your blog through Lynette's and I am very glad I did!
Whether you think that you are blabbing or not, I absolutely loved this post! What a wonderfully sweet way to challenge us all to examine what and who is really leading our lives!
Bridget - nice to meet you! Lynnette introduced you today!
Your blab is beautiful and I praise God you took the time to respond to that young believer. I pray the seeds you planted grow to a full harvest!
To hear Him - we must know Him - to know Him we must trust Him - and obey Him! He knows His sheep and they hear His voice...
Hebrews 3:7-8 is a favorite verse and warning to me. To hear Him I must remain close, humble and willing to do what He is asking - not listening for my way - only His!
Blessings and grace,
Great post! thanks for sharing your blab! :) lol stopping by from Lynnette's!
Have a GREAT day!
Great post! thanks for sharing your blab! :) lol stopping by from Lynnette's!
Have a GREAT day!
I am stopping by from Lynnette's "GEtting To Know You" to say Hi.
What a wonderful post and you have a beautiful family!
what a great post, you have a lovely blog I am off to totally check it all out I came over from Lynette's blog from her getting to know you post I am so glad she featured you, have a blessed day!!!
I came across your blog through Lynette's Walking Barefoot blog and I'm glad she featured you with getting to know you. I'm thinking I like the way you blab......
What a great post! Thanks for sharing!
PS. I came here from Lynette Kraft's blog. I'm really glad I did, too!
Visiting from Lynnette's getting to know you, just wanted to say Hi!
Hi Bridget! I came over from Dancing Barefoot and wanted to say I really appreciated this post! And your pictures are beautiful! I love the picture of the three littles holding hands... so sweet!
I struggle with trusting God implicitly, but I'm certainly moving my life in that direction. I ask for God's guidance and that He continues to draw me closer to Him in my faith journey. Slowly, but surely, I'm getting there. Thanks for the insight!
I love the dogpile picture, btw; reminds me of so many pictures from my youth!
Also, I'm visiting from Lynette Kraft's Getting to Know You. Thanks for letting us all get to know you!
Kat @ In Dylan's Memory
stoppying by from Lynnette's. Thank you for sharing what you are learning! :0)
I'm visiting from Lynnette's.
Thank you for sharing this, you have a lot of good thoughts. I just love the verse, Proverbs 3:5. It is so key to having a fully blessed life, don't you think?
Have a blessed day!
Here from Lynnette's! You wrote a great post!! And loved the pics!
I love the blabbers! Lynette sent me your way!
Love your blabs!
Your parents are very blessed! Look at all those grandchildren.
Is one of your siblings having a baby? I seen you said one on the way.....
I read that and then did a double take thinking is SHE? haha! Wishful thinking maybe.:)
Just stopping by from Lynnette's. So good to meet you! You have a beautiful family!
What a fun time I've had this evening checking out your cross-country adventures with your beautiful family. We took a trip in September 2008 across the country; hit 18 states and loved it. I would absolutely love to take a longer trip and live in an RV for the time. (Staying in motels each night added up quickly.) What an amazing time for your family.
Thanks for sharing, and I'm so glad Lynnette sent us your way this week.
Liz in CA
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